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#1 sonicmj1
Member since 2003 • 9130 Posts

[QUOTE="SilentHawk21T"]Zelda/Metroid games have good stories. OMG THEY DONT HAVE "MATURE" STORIES LIKE DRUGS VIOLENCE BLOOD SEX ETC. so what? they still have good stories and excellent gameplay DarkPhoenix64

Zelda and Metroid games have weak storylines. Do they reference scientific theories like memes (MGS)? Sure, Zelda wouldn't, but Metroid doesn't even have a single scientific theory within its sci-fi storyline. I mean, if you find one, consider it digging for proof.

It's quite clear that the creator of MGS has a good understanding of evolution in terms of biological systems and social systems. OMG, Nintendo doesn't reference books that are above the grade school level! That is what I say about nintendo. Sony has MGS; The Selfish Gene is not a immature book or for preschoolers. MGS has references to genes, and their pheotypes. Are these terms you find in a nintendo game or a high school biology? Sony games can require at least high school education to truly understand the story line; nintendo requires blind faith, and after two great generations of nintendo (nes and snes), I have found that other systems have offered myself with more mature games that have challenged me to recall high school. If I wanted to forget about school, I'll play gc or xbox - I wouldn't learn much there that I hadn't already known. People may also bring up a series like Xenosaga to describe the profound storylines of truly mature video game. But, overall, the whole market is lost in an overflow of crappy storylines that aren't profound at all. But, Zelda and Metroid having good stories? Prehaps suitable for video games, but MGS is literature.

Have you played metroid? DO you actually know the amount of things you can acutally scan. The game has so much detail its unbelievable. And of course science is involved. I've never played a game which involved as much science as metroid. I'm too tired to bring you the evidence, but you have not shown me any evidence either so its touche i guess. Ask people who have actually played metroid thoroughly and scanned just about everything that is scannable. The amount of scientific info is mindblowing.

I'm really gettig sick of people saying zelda has a weak storyline, its really disrespectful but oh well that is your opinion. What do you actually want from zelda? was it not the most cinematic, exhilerating, deep, breathtaking, legendary story you've ever witnessed in a video game. When a story becomes a legend then theres no way you can call it weak. Does MGS have a story? if so it certainly isnt legendary becuase nobody talks about it. If anything is that game that has a weak story.

Oh btw i could#ve sworn you said sony games require a high level of education? hahahaha. yeah right. Sony games have no story's. apart from MGS and final fantasy and a few others, the majority of sony games require no eductaion at all. They have no story and they have no gameplay.

I think The_Streets would like Metroid Prime. Have you played it? It seems up your alley of immersive adventure games.

Zelda is a great game, but it's not a legend because of its story. Its story is decent, but it's nothing to write home about, far from "the most cinematic, exhilirating, deep, breathtaking, legendary story you've ever witnessed in a videogame." And people do talk about Metal Gear Solid's storyline, at least more than Zelda's.

And I don't think that cornelle123 was referring to the PS2 games with no story and no gameplay when he said Sony games have a high level of education. Who cares about those?
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#2 sonicmj1
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Nintendo makes great games. They are not the only company that makes great games. Deal with it.

???No one has ever made that claim.

Nobody has directly made that claim. But sheep seem to be heavily implying it. He says, "I wish Nintendo games had deeper stories and more mature themes." Sheep say, "LMAO, casual n00blet! 1 b37 j00 R 12 + ur mom buys all ur games. ROFL."

Nobody's saying Nintendo makes bad games. The topic creator even says that Nintendo games have good gameplay. He just wants something different. And sheep jump on him and decry his tastes as casual, and his attitude as immature.

Rockstar isn't Nintendo. Ubisoft isn't Nintendo. Hell, EA isn't Nintendo. But you know what? They still can make great games with gameplay that is just as engaging as anything Nintendo makes, just with different themes. Nintendo, and for that matter, the Gamecube, don't have the only great games this generation. Why are sheep so defensive?
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#3 sonicmj1
Member since 2003 • 9130 Posts

Nintendo makes great games. They are not the only company that makes great games. Deal with it.
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#4 sonicmj1
Member since 2003 • 9130 Posts
[QUOTE="yodariquo"]If you can say that you hate what you refer to as "cutesy" and why can't you have both good gameplay and "mature themes", then I can ask you this. Why can't game be fun without gore? Without dark storylines? Why should gaming be exclusive to adult audiences? Oh no, someone younger than I am may also be PLAYING THE SAME GAME! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

KOTOR has gore? News to me.

Anyways, it's not necessarily that games need to be dark, gory, and mature. But people like different things. Is there something wrong with liking something dark over something that is bright and cutsey?
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#5 sonicmj1
Member since 2003 • 9130 Posts
As annoying as it is that some people write off Nintendo's games because they're kiddy, it's just as annoying when people write off GTA because you can shoot hookers.