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#1 shady_825
Member since 2003 • 1000 Posts

The ps3 web brower would seem fine if you only used youtube and but seriously it would be awesome to be able to play hooking flash games and other funny flash videossamurai210

I'm with you on that one, but if the existing one just added support for that stuff, it'd be just as good.

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#2 shady_825
Member since 2003 • 1000 Posts
I picked disagree. I think having Firefox on PS3 would be decent, but the current browser works just fine for me. There are some plug-ins missing, but they could just add those...
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#3 shady_825
Member since 2003 • 1000 Posts

I read it. I agree with a lot of your post but I think you're over-looking one of the best things about Sony: they don't rely on past successes to survive. So you're right that there'll be sequels to games like Uncharted in the next few years and God of War 3 is coming, but Sony's main strength is its ability to come up with completely new IPs that still generate a lot of hype. LittleBigPlanet and Infamous are two great examples. LBP might be the most anticipated game scheduled for a release this year and it's not even a sequel.

What I'm getting at is about 80% of the stuff you said will probably happen. However, Sony will most likely whip out three or four non-sequel, but HUGE games each year just like they've done this year (MAG, Infamous, LBP, and the "mystery game for August 3") and last year (Motorstorm, Warhawk, Uncharted) and those games should be considered too. Who knows what new stuff they'll announce next year? I mean NO ONE predicted MAG from Zipper instead of a new SOCOM. Good post, though. It was interesting to see someone look that far ahead.

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#4 shady_825
Member since 2003 • 1000 Posts

I guess sleeper hit because Resistance, despite being the third biggest exclusive on PS3, never had the cultural impact a lot of other FPS have this generation. Take Halo and Call of Duty for example. I'm not saying they're better, but they're bigger games in the public consciousness of gamers. Hopefully Resistance 2 will change that.

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#5 shady_825
Member since 2003 • 1000 Posts
I haven't heard that it exists, but if it ever comes out, it'll be PS3 exclusive. If I'm not mistaken, the Dark Cloud guys are the team behind the game White Knight Chronicles, which is a PS3 exclusive RPG that actually does exist lol.
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#6 shady_825
Member since 2003 • 1000 Posts
A winner for sure
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#7 shady_825
Member since 2003 • 1000 Posts

Yea my initial take was that I could care less, but when I bought Stardust, I found myself trying new things for trophies.

With that said, trophies or achievements...when they're done to get you to do things you wouldnt ever try, they do add replay value so I voted don't care. With that said, I would not purchase a $60 game just to get some trophies.


I agree. and I wouldn't let a lack there of stop me from buying or playing a game either

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#8 shady_825
Member since 2003 • 1000 Posts

Okay here's the end of this discussion right here. The reason Trophies are better than Achievements (slightly!) is simple: Trophies show skill. See Achievements are just points that you rack up for doing whatever the game requires. The difference between completing an easy goal and a hard one is that the hard ones will give you more points. BUT a person can be an achievement whore and just play a lot of crappy games or do a lot of the easier tasks and still get a lot of points right? That's not a show of skill.

Trophies on the other hand come in levels. A silver is worth a lot more than a bronze, a gold is worth more get it. That means a person with a few golds (or a platinum) in just a few games will have a higher level than a person with dozens of bronzes across a lot of different games. Your number (level) is still just as pointless as the one on XBL since you don't win anything, but at least this number shows not just that you played a lot of games, but also that you worked hard on those games.

One more thing: Home. First of all, trophies are viewable from the XMB, so you don't even need home to see and compare. Second, Home will have 3D representations of the more prestigious trophies (most likely the golds and platinums). So yes the reward is still pointless but it at least does more than just give you a number, plus it takes your skil at specific games into account. That makes it slightly better.

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#9 shady_825
Member since 2003 • 1000 Posts
I'll amend what I said earlier. MGS4 does have instances of somewhat muddy textures but it also has at least a dozen photorealistic environments. GTA IV has none. You're absolutely 100% sure at all times looking at GTA IV that it's a video game. That simply can't be said about some scenes in MGS 4. If we're nitpicking muddy textures, MGS4 still has less. And Uncharted is extremely close to perfect visually as well. The people don't look as human as they do in MGS4, but we're talking Crysis-level environments in that game.
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#10 shady_825
Member since 2003 • 1000 Posts
MGS4 and Uncharted are in the top two. People keep saying GTA IV because they haven't played a lot of some of the other graphics competitors in high def, but honestly, it's nowhere near the level of MGS4 or Uncharted. Assassin's Creed is a very close third. And I'm talking HD here because SD can look pretty darn good sometimes in some games but then HD will reveal the game looks a lot worse. Think Rainbow Six Vegas one or Resistance. You wouldn't notice how bad those games are graphically without HD (compared to, say...Oblivion, Heavenly Sword, etc). SD shouldn't be considered.