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#1 sacredtext62
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts
don't ever prank the suicide hotline, trust me, i don't know why, but it's just not funny in the least bit, i have personal experience....
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#2 sacredtext62
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

last pic didnt work, thats me in the middle

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#3 sacredtext62
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

w/ buds

me with a few of my buds clubbing a few nights ago,

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#4 sacredtext62
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

Yep, EA and Microsoft officially have corrupted Valve, goodbye my precious developer which I admired so much in the past, goodbye.....

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#5 sacredtext62
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

[QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"] Uh, yes Al Qaeda did attack us because we are a non-Muslim state that is not operating under Sharia law. Al Qaeda is not a rational organization that has attainable goals that can be met, they are insane, transnationalistic Sunni fundamentalists. Now, you are absolutely right that we are not innocent when it comes to oppression in the middle east, but Al Qaeda isn't as concerned about that as it is about "reviving" the world from Jahiliyyah.GettingTired

Then why the U.S? There are certainly far more secular countries in Europe. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland... I doubt Osama attacked the U.S on grounds that it is not a Muslim nation and because they have too much "freedom". And hypothetically speaking if Osama did attack the U.S because it isn't a Muslim nation, why wouldn't he make his intentions clear? Certainly a devoted and fanatical Muslim would have no problem professes his true purpose and dedication to his faith.

Exactly. I'll admit that Islam is endowed with underlying violent themes throughout the Qur'an (as is any religion...yes even Christianity, but that's another debate); however, if one was to interpret the Qur'an literally, it calls for the annihilation of ALL infidels, as in all non extremist muslims, which is pretty much every non middle-eastern country in the world. Why did they choose the U.S. as their main target in their holy war, we provoked them by setting up bases in Saudi Arabia, bombing a plethora of their countries, aiding Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war and then turning on them after their invasion of Kuwait because they didn't sell us oil for the price our corporate lobbyists saw fit, economically oppressing many of their countries as well. You must accept the fact that we don't invade middle eastern countries or any countries at all in order to "liberate" their people, the government could give a sh!t about their people, it's all in the interests of the government and the lobbyists that run it. One example of a country we never helped was Cambodia during Pol Pot in the 70s, we knew full well what was going on, nothing to gain from invasion of Cambodia again, so we let them die. America isn't the world liberator, sorry.
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#6 sacredtext62
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts


You gotta admit it: Osama's stated pretexts for hostility against the US are more credible than Bush's pretexts for the Iraq invasion.

Osama's claims are demonstrably true.

Bush's proved demonstrably false.


Are you kidding? The main reason Osama attacked the U.S. is because we are not a radical, fundamentalist Sunni nation operating under Sharia law.

I would have to disagree with you, the terrorists didn't attack us due to the fact that we aren't muslim and we are a highly successful capitalist nation...contrary to poopular neo con belief. They attacked us due to the amount of oppression he induced in their lands during the Afghan War of the 80s and the Gulf War of the 90s. Most Americans think that they are all completely innocent and that teh evil terrorizers came and wanted to kill us becuase they are meanies! No. We killed countless amounts of their people over the course of the 20 years preceding 9/11. If you think I am lying just listen to Ron Paul crush Guiliani (sp?) in the republican debates about a year and a half ago.
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#7 sacredtext62
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

There are many people dying and suffering in Iraq now so I thought that if we could make the gov try and help out the iraqi people instead of killing them, that would probably fix the problem faster b/c before when we aid countrys they like us more usually so then if we aid iraq with people from church or even the muslim relogion house then the iraqs will be happy and no more war

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#8 sacredtext62
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

Sorry I couldn't get every single game into there, I tried to get a game from each system, but if your game is not on the list, just pick "other" and post which it is.

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#9 sacredtext62
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts
[QUOTE="MassEfectivator"][QUOTE="sacredtext62"]Lol. this is really pathetic on TC I love how everyone just dismisses Fox News because they are super biased!! ... guess what, so are you favorite channels too such as msnbc and cnn, just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them stupid, in fact, it makes you more stupid due to your own bigotry. Barack Obama, full knowing how Jay Z raps and what his lyrical content is like, gave him a rpivate seat during the inauguration speech. Black people are supposed to move past this pathetic squander of excessively using racial slurs describing themselves and other races, justifying their use of it towards other races due to the fact that they are "black" and that gives them the permanent get out of jail free card when it comes to racist allegation. And yet with all this, Barack Obama essentially encourages it by glorifying this pathetic culture by giving their head honcho and front row seat. Obama should be discouraging this type of infantile behavior and time and time again he's proven that he's OK with it. The double standard in American society is truly a testament to the hypocraty of it's people. Blacks can use racial references all they want, it's cool, its their "culture" and should be accepted. A white person uses any type of racial slur and hes of course, brazenly labeled a racist. Get over yourselves, your culture isn't a special unique flower, its degrading and disgraceful not only to yourselves, but to the country you live in.

Obama didn't put him there because he's a rapper, but because he's a successful African-American multi-millionaire who grew from nothing to something, similar to Obama. And white people accuse other white people of being racist. Sure you see a black guy going up saying he called me the N word, but it's really the white people that go ham. And why is it so hard for you not to say the n word? If a white person calls me N word (ending with A) as a term of endearment I won't be angry. For instance, "can you pass a n word a remote?" But if it sounds forced, like they're saying it just to get a reaction I'm going to be mad.

Sure, he came from nothing to something, by how? Is this music really a reflection of our current culture? Sadly, it is. Blacks don't just say the n word in their songs, they often use racial slurs liberally for all kinds of races from whites to hispanics to asians and beyond, and that's not the only problem. Their infatuation with "makin' money and gettin' hoes" isn't exactly inspiring too. Just because someone rose from nothing to something doesn't make someone a good person. You not getting offended due to other races using the n word around you is an isolated example, if you examine blacks collectively, you will see the majority of them dispise any form of the n word used to or around them by any other races besides themselves. Ironically enough, Obama discouraged children from pursuing a career in raping or basketball during his speech to the schools earlyer this week saying that chances are it will take you nowhere.
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#10 sacredtext62
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts
Lol. this is really pathetic on TC I love how everyone just dismisses Fox News because they are super biased!! ... guess what, so are you favorite channels too such as msnbc and cnn, just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them stupid, in fact, it makes you more stupid due to your own bigotry. Barack Obama, full knowing how Jay Z raps and what his lyrical content is like, gave him a rpivate seat during the inauguration speech. Black people are supposed to move past this pathetic squander of excessively using racial slurs describing themselves and other races, justifying their use of it towards other races due to the fact that they are "black" and that gives them the permanent get out of jail free card when it comes to racist allegation. And yet with all this, Barack Obama essentially encourages it by glorifying this pathetic culture by giving their head honcho and front row seat. Obama should be discouraging this type of infantile behavior and time and time again he's proven that he's OK with it. The double standard in American society is truly a testament to the hypocraty of it's people. Blacks can use racial references all they want, it's cool, its their "culture" and should be accepted. A white person uses any type of racial slur and hes of course, brazenly labeled a racist. Get over yourselves, your culture isn't a special unique flower, its degrading and disgraceful not only to yourselves, but to the country you live in.