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#1 rustyshark
Member since 2006 • 85 Posts

360 is the way to go outside of the wii. ps3 shouldnt even be an option.

the 360 may have alot of hardware problems, but at least for me i am technical enough to repair it.

the wii is an awesome experience tho. i find myself wishing for wii controls while playing call of duty 4 and other fps. however id rather have the great graphics and physics of the 360 with normal controls compared to wii control with subpar graphics and whatever.

wii60 is the way to go but if you can only get one get the 360 by far. and this is coming from a hardcore nintendo fan.

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#3 rustyshark
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well actually i thought the same as all of you. ive had the wii since launch and have always had nintendo consoles. and yes i do own every top wii title, as well as a bunch of trash titles. but a few weeks ago i decided to get a 360 because i wanted to play bioshock, the orange box, gears of war, call of duty 4 and all the great games that get all the publicity and whatever and man i have to admit. this nintendo fan boy was blown away. now i love my wii, but the 360 is AWESOME. Gears of War has become my favorite game of all time. I havent even touched my Wii since I got the 360. And I dont see myself goin back to it for a lil while. But the wii is awesome in its own right controls wise, but 360 controls are not bad even tho its button mashing. best controller besides wii ever imo. but the graphics, and physics of the 360 surpass the wii and gameplay is just as awesome.

So if you are unhappy with your wii get a 360. u will be happy

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#4 rustyshark
Member since 2006 • 85 Posts

lol thanks for your opinion. i already have the wii, ive had it since launch. its a fun system, but i agree alot of the games are crap. there are about 20 or so games that id recommend however. but hell most consoles are like that. somethin about playing the next gen games with the HD graphics really strikes a tone with me. While I agree gameplay is very important graphics as they advance more and more will become more important as well. Take Gears of War for example, the graphics are amazing, and hell have been eclipsed by now, but the gameplay is by far one of the funnest experiences i have had. That and Guitar Hero which I have for my Wii.

I figured getting a 360 would be a good deal, then steadily build a new pc over the next year, or drop the bomb on it when I get my taxes back. I mean I believe a PC is a better thing because it not only plays games but can be used for all aspects of your life, but if I already have a pretty decent PC which can play games right now, maybe not DX10 Crysis, but pretty close. Then getting a 360 for my gaming would be a cheaper and more stable situation.

Ill prolly go for the 360. Thanks.

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#5 rustyshark
Member since 2006 • 85 Posts

yea i really enjoy the pc. but its not just a simple upgrade. i have a dated socket A motherboard so I have about the highest processor I can stick in it, upgraded ram to the max and max capability. my mobo has no PCIE, SATA, doesnt support Dual Core, ram is fast for this board but when upgrading to a new one with a higher FSB my current ram will be holding me back. And then of course getting a new video card.

So id have to buy a new mobo, a better graphics card which i would go with the 8600GT or 8800. new processor, better ram, a better Power Supply, and whatever. Im estimating id spend about 500on everything. And my main reason for doing all of this would be just for gaming because my current PC will work fine for general programs. Works fine for games right now as it is.

And I understand about the prices of software, 360 games are generally 10-20 dollars more. However I dont plan on getting every game out, maybe a handful of games I really find interesting. However I do not want to have to wait months and months for it to eventually make its way to the PC.

Im leaning more towards the 360 at current time, but I may get the 360 and a newer motherboard that will support all my PC components and allow for upgrading in the future and then upgrade as time goes by.

I keep going back and forth, one day i think 360 the next better PC.

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#6 rustyshark
Member since 2006 • 85 Posts

Hello Everyone

I would like some advice. Xmas is upon us again and I always get something cool for myself. Well anyways I have a Wii since launch and i love it, but I also have a PC. Now my PC has decent specs but not like a high end gaming rig. I actually just purchased it off Craigslist for 100 bucks and upgraded the ram and video card. I was running a laptop before and it died on me. I woulda just built a PC at the time but I just wanted something cheap and I couldnt pass it up. Ive only had this PC about a month or so. I can run Gears of War on all High settings with absolutely no problems. Same with Bioshock, The Orange Box, Call of Duty 4. No problems at all.

Specs of my PC are this

AMD 2Ghz overclocked to 2.4GHZ

2GB DDR PC3200

7600 GS 512MB AGP card OC'd

My stuff is dated as far as new computing goes, but it still runs everything out right now pretty decent or flawless. Im happy with it.

But I am thinking of either getting a new PC that supports like dual core or quad processors, sata, pcie and the newer technologies and a better graphics card, or getting a 360.

Im not much of a computer gamer in the classic way to be honest. In fact I just really now got into PC gaming. I do not like playing with a Mouse and a Keyboard at all. I configure all my games to use my 360 wireless controller and run it to my HDTV. I dont care about the accuracy of a mouse setup. I like sitting on my couch and playing on my big screen.

I am thinking about going the PC route and upgrading to a much high spec pc. If I do that then I will have this perfectly good PC that I just built up to go to waste really. So I am really thinking of getting a 360. One because its more my style being that I am a lifelong console gamer. Two because it seems like all the games I want to play are on 360 anyways. and Three because some game I wanna play come out on 360 before they come out on PC. Ex Gears of War, Halo and so on.

I also dont like how some PC games have issues like Gears of Wars had until they decide to release patches to fix them. I wouldnt really have this problem with a 360. I have also fallen in Love with GOW and I would hate to not have a 360 when GOW2 comes out and have to wait a year on PC to get it.

Basically it may seem like everything points to me getting a 360, but I really like gaming on a PC, as long as I set it up like the console with controls. The games have better graphics from what I hear anyways, there is usually a community dedicated to modding. ex half life2. And I like that I can map the controls how I like them.

So here are my options that I am thinking.

Build a higher end PC and end up having a good PC go to waste but be able to run anything I throw at it in the future.

Buy a 360 have a great gaming machine and still have my PC for my school, work and everything else I do with it. And my PC can still run games fine.

It will also cost less to get a 360 than to build a new PC.

Are the graphics really that much better on a PC compared to a 360? I havent played the 360 version of GOW but the computer version on High is awesome. From videos I have seen the 360 version looks the same to me, but they were youtube videos so you know they arent the best resolution. Or is just that the 360 has a little bit less graphical ability and you wont really notice to much.

Games I wanna be able to play in the future. GOW2, Halo 3, Ghostbusters, Soul Calibur IV, Resident Evil 5, GTAiV, and so on. I dont care about RPG's, Strategy Games, World of Warcraft type stuff or any of that.

So what do you all think I should do. I really wanna go another route than just my Wii because the main games I wanna play, arent able to be put on Wii. So Wii60FTW? PCWii? or Wii60pc?

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#7 rustyshark
Member since 2006 • 85 Posts

i have both, but it only took me about 3 or 4 days to get through mario galaxy. its not that long a game. mario 64 seemed like it took forever to finish. and even when i was playing it i yearned for more guitar hero time.

mario galaxy is the best game for wii no question.

but i suggest guitar hero.

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#8 rustyshark
Member since 2006 • 85 Posts
some games are like that, maybe try a different copy of pokemon. your wii sounds like its fine. some games will cause the drive to read differently creating different noises and clicks and stuff.
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#9 rustyshark
Member since 2006 • 85 Posts

i hate it when people try and argue over this, because these people who think its wrong are the same ones who think its perfectly fine to download mp3s off the net or record tv shows. i will agree that if a game is good you should buy it, mario galaxy is amazing so i will buy it when it releases. but to me its just like renting games. when you rent games who gets the money, the video stores, not the developers. or its like letting a friend borrow a game. whats more of a crime is letting these developers you say we should support put out trash and shovelware and charge 50 bucks for it. i think its more that alot of people are jealous that we have been playing galaxy for two weeks already. and most of us will have beaten it before the game comes out to the public.

i mean really look in the mirror and dont be a hypocrite. if you download mp3s off p2p programs or burn cds or whatever, you have no reason to talk. at all. period.

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#10 rustyshark
Member since 2006 • 85 Posts

i have the game, and ill be honest its not really that great anyways. i played a few levels and i like the whole atmosphere of the game and the graphics and sound are nice, but i didnt really have any desire to continue through it. now bare in mind this is prolly because it was taking up my guitar hero 3 time lol. but even with mario galaxy sitting here with me i play gh3 more. that game just rocks hard. but mario galaxy is the best game for wii hands down.

but anyways if you are worried about them not producing violent games on nintendo due to this manhunt 2 situation i wouldnt worry about that. this isnt just a nintendo thing. to be honest the main version in question about all this is the psp version because u can hack it to unleash the uncut content. you can most likely do this with the wii version but we dont have a way yet to view inside the wii files to tinker with the coding to do so. so dont worry violent games will still come.

manhunt 2 is a decent game but its not my cup of tea. and i love horror movies and death and all that. i never played the original but i guess i expected much more, maybe more death lol in all reality its not that bad as far as gore and killing goes. i think ive played much more gruesome

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