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#1  Edited By Rehjul
Member since 2014 • 31 Posts

@toast_burner said:
@mems_1224 said:
@rehjul said:

I think you have that reversed. In what world did Gone Home not spoonfeed you its story? The game's entirety is literally the player walking through a house being drip-fed, intravenous-style, some horribly crafted narrative.

lol exactly. what the **** game were they playing?

I don't know where to begin in responding to either of you. First of all, you're probably thinking there is only one storyline in the game: what happened to the main character's younger sister--That is 100% wrong.

Off the top of my head, I can count two storylines with the younger sister (one is the major storyline, and there is another storyline with a boy that tries to be friends the younger sister), a storyline for the mom, a storyline for the dad, a storyline of the releationship of both parents, and a storyline for how the family acquired the manor. Altogether, that's 7 storylines at least. I've heard of some people claiming there is more.


Only the sister's stories are revealed through narration. The other 5 are never revealed through dialogue, only through careful investigation and some major critical thinking on the part of the player to piece it all together.

To be blunt, you've either played 5 seconds of Gone Home and formed your opinion off of that, or you weren't paying attention at all when you were playing it. I've seen pages upon pages of discussion about possible hypotheses for material presented in the game on numerous websites.

These people clearly haven't even watched a playthrough of the game, let alone play a single second of it themselves.

I've completed the game, but thank you for your attempt to create some man of straw. It has 'seven storylines;' does that change the way the information is provided to the player? It doesn't. Or did my use of the word narrative confuse you? Taken from Google; a narrative is defined as "a spoken or written account of connected events; a story." The game's narrative is that of the family, and just because it blew your mind doesn't mean it's good.

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#2  Edited By Rehjul
Member since 2014 • 31 Posts

@toast_burner said:
@mems_1224 said:

I personally can't stand games where you don't do anything. This, Dear Esther, Journey, Gone Home, its all the same bullshit. Id rather spend my money on something I can play.

Gone Home is partly an adventure game. You go around a spooky house finding clues and search for keys and secret passages. Dear Esther is all story and no adventure. They're not in the same genre. Dear Esther doesn't even have a "use" key.

Also the fact that the writing and level design creates much more layers to the story. You aren't just spoon fed the story, you look around for clues and piece it together yourself. In a way it's a detective game.

Gone Home is brilliant, Dear Ester was shit.

I think you have that reversed. In what world did Gone Home not spoonfeed you its story? The game's entirety is literally the player walking through a house being drip-fed, intravenous-style, some horribly crafted narrative.

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#3 Rehjul
Member since 2014 • 31 Posts


Wait, what? I was still laughing at your previous post, where you tried to imply you weren't some child living in your mother's basement before proceeding to claim that you'd 'put down' the previous poster, had he spoken the words to your face. We all know you would have done nothing of the sort - its why you can afford to spend so much of your time online throwing a tantrum about a video game.

Your review was not only inaccurate, but terribly written - it, as do all of your reviews, come across as exactly what they are - the ramblings of a moron.

You really should consider stepping back and unplugging for a while, get a nice dose of reality.