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#1 ps3-nikita
Member since 2005 • 2945 Posts
Wii isnt really cheap. It does seems cheap compared to the Prem 360 and Ps3. They picked the reg launch entry price for launch console. Ps3 is only expensive because of blu-ray and 360 because of hdd and wireless controler, headset and hd cables.
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#2 ps3-nikita
Member since 2005 • 2945 Posts
Wonders how gta will feel without rumble. Looks back at the xbox versions of GTA, yeap best versions. Looks at the best sandbox game for shooting and driving mechanics. Yeap a 360 game. Then looks at the best sandbox co-op online game. Yeap another 360 game, So wat u talking about.
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#3 ps3-nikita
Member since 2005 • 2945 Posts
They dont for 1 simple reason. Nintendo told them so. Otherwise they are lying out of their butts. Yes Ds helped with teh social conditioning needed for teh Wiis success. Wii was never really a gamble when you can count on a high percent of ds owners buying a Wii. Bad grpahics are one thing on a handheld, there and has been no excuse up until now for the home console.
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#4 ps3-nikita
Member since 2005 • 2945 Posts

So we should immediately respect Nintendo for no reason other than the fact that they now don't suck?  I'm sorry, but blindly following a manufacturer for no reason is a degree of fanboyism which I don't suscribe to.a_ratchet_fan

They still suck, they have just got better at getting the publics money.Social conditioning ftw

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#5 ps3-nikita
Member since 2005 • 2945 Posts
I love how sheep use reasons why the Wii is next gen. Yet they were quick to jump on the xbox 1.5 and its not next gen enough, when hiding behind the cows. How fast things change.
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#6 ps3-nikita
Member since 2005 • 2945 Posts
I have no respect for Nintendo and my issue with them, stems from the nes/sners era.
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#7 ps3-nikita
Member since 2005 • 2945 Posts


Wii is outselling all next gen platforms in all important regions in the world ,despite the shortages and no games for the hardcore ,the waggle control is here to stay .


The only thing that Nintendo was right about is that consumers are NOT willing to fork over huge amounts of cash for a new console. Just look at the massive failure the PS3 is becoming.

Starting some revolution, LOL, I don't think so.  But making their controller mainstream was taken from an older idea and centering it on the console.  This was a great idea along with a cheap console.

All in all, Nintendo had a very solid business plan.

Your right. Nintendo proved you can sell an repackaged old console for a new price, if people think its cheap enough. They bring new meaning to the saying, "Style over substance". I dont think its stylish, but i guess it has been marketed as the new kewl thing.

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#8 ps3-nikita
Member since 2005 • 2945 Posts

If the Wii had some quailty titles or you could look and see thats why it popular. Then it wouldnt be a fad. Nintendo also wouldnt be trying to fan this flame by holding up the supplies. They know if the flooded the market too quick, it would loose its appeal real fast.

The again the general public is pretty dumb. They buy into the Wii because it was marketed well to a whole bunch of non-gaming and life style mags. Ps3 cures cancer, but who cares when the Wii can make you thin. Yet the media doesnt call out Nintendo on not delivering, on what they said they will do.


PS3 cures cancer? :lol:

Nintendo holds up supply? :lol:

Wii has no quality titles? :lol:

And you call the general public dumb. 

Not really, but cows think so. I notice you didnt laugh at the Wii making you thin.

Yes, Microsoft was accused of this, yet you find its hard to imagine Nintendo doing this. Open up your eyes fanboi.

Learn to read, I said had some. Some is more then 1, more then a couple and more then a few. Then again take away the ports and 0 might be right.

This is well known, look at films, tv and music. Hell ask anyone on here, if they think the non gaming public are dumb when it comes to games. Damn more than half of the business on the planet think people are dumb. How else do you think they make their profits. If you really think about it, their are a higher percent of dumb people then there are smart people. Ask yourself this the next a good sho gets canned and a crap one goes on for 8 seasons.

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#9 ps3-nikita
Member since 2005 • 2945 Posts

If the Wii had some quailty titles or you could look and see thats why it popular. Then it wouldnt be a fad. Nintendo also wouldnt be trying to fan this flame by holding up the supplies. They know if the flooded the market too quick, it would loose its appeal real fast.

The again the general public is pretty dumb. They buy into the Wii because it was marketed well to a whole bunch of non-gaming and life style mags. Ps3 cures cancer, but who cares when the Wii can make you thin. Yet the media doesnt call out Nintendo on not delivering, on what they said they will do.

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#10 ps3-nikita
Member since 2005 • 2945 Posts
Looks at the games for the console. Yeap fad written all over it. Most the games shep talk about pushing sales, wont appeal to the non-gamers that had no interest in it when it was on the GC.