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#1 polarguy2000
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

Ok lets get this outta of the way right now. I beleive the PS2 has sold not to much more over 20million in Japan. Well everyone seems to keep saying you need Japan to win well this is BS. Because it's VERY CLEAR the PS2 won is because it sold over 100million world wide. Which tells you very clearly that USA and other countries NOT JAPAN was the reason.

Well ladies and Gentlemen the PS3 has STRUGGLED to sell in the major countries USA and now it's very clear that accross the ocean it is STRUGGLEING just as bad. And there is reports all over how much fewer sales then expected occured last week. And the outlook is not looking good.

So for anyone who really still thinks PS3 will win is just not looking at the logical picture and what's happening now and with sales numbers.

Now the only way it seems that the PS3 can win again is if Sony really does run this PS3 for 10 YEARS. Lets be honest that's not winning that called grasping for sales. We all know THIS WAR for the real KING is for 5-7 years anything after that is GARBAGE POINTS.


What you forget to acknowledge is that although the PS2 only sold 20 million in Japan the Xbox and Gamecubes worldwide sales were not much higher then the PS2s Japan sales. As for the PS3 "struggling" to sell, its sales are just fine and in NA which is the 360s major home base. When you compare the 360 and PS3 at the 5 month life span the PS3 is selling just as fast, it just needs more games to boost its sales just like the 360, PS2, GC, and every other gaming console in history needed. What you fail to see is the 360 only sells well in NA, in Japan it is nonexistant and in Europe its sales are ok at best. The PS3 sells well in NA, Japan, and looking at the PS3s preorders it sells well in Europe. Selling well in THREE regions is more beneificial then selling well in one region, then poor in another region and Ok in the thrid.

You by no means can compare the first 5 months of 360 and PS3 sales. Why you ask. 360 had HUGE supply issues in the first 6 months the PS3 has not. So the PS3 is only selling as good and the 360 could only sell what they had and that was VERY FEW.


The 360 also had NO competition.  The PS3 has the 360 and the Wii, and is still selling as well as the 360 did, apparently, in its first few months.

I dont get why everyone gets so up-in-arms about the "console wars".  Why isnt it possible to just enjoy your system, and let someone else enjoy theirs? 

I bought a PS3 for a few reasons, one of which was the Blue-ray dvd player, another was upgradability.  Does that mean that I hate the 360?  Uh, no.  I had a PS2 and an Xbox, and I enjoyed them both.  I will probably buy a 360 at some point if there are any games that appeal to me that I cant get on the PS3 (and if I can do it without my wife killing me in my sleep).  But for now the PS3 seems to offer me more of what I want.

This doesnt mean that I think people who feel that the 360 is better are stupid.  People are entitle to their opinions....why try to force yours on them?

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#2 polarguy2000
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts
Last I heard, Blu-ray has exclusive support from Columbia Pictures, MGM, Disney, Lionsgate, and 20th Century Fox. HD-DVD has exclusive support from Universal and Weinstien. I would say that it is too early to say who is winning, but Blu-ray looks to have a leg up.
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#3 polarguy2000
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

LOL!!..... haaah,... that was a good laught JimmyT2.  I needed that for today.  Anyways, the game will look the same, have all the same qualities, and probably the same box art, the only difference will be what we've seen in these games that have gone multiplatform so far - different lighting effects.

"It's too bright on the 360" or "It's too dark on the PS3" or vice versa. 

Let's look at multiplatform games to date with little or no change in graphics that's evident.
-Armored Core 4
-Virtua Fighter 5
-Fight Night Round 3
-Virtua Tennis 3
-Def Jam Icon
-Tony Hawk P8

We haven't seen anything from GTA IV yet, I'm pretty sure that it will look the same on both, and the last thing that I read from EGM about Metal Gear 4 had to do with Konami trying to make Kojima put the game on both consoles, and he kept saying no.  Sony fans said it was becaue the game was "too big" for a DVD.  Officials said it's because Kojima is being loyal.  I don't believe either of the stories because there's no proof.  Untill Konami or Kojima come out and say it, it's a friggin' rumor.

Look, the point I'm trying to make is that it doesn't friggin' matter.   So what if a Blu-Ray disc has more space, that doesn't make the game Mass Effect any smaller for the 360?  Or how about Oblivion.  Bethesda said they actually had to start doubling up on data that was on the disc for the PS3 version so that it would load fast enough.  What did they mean by that I wonder?  Who knows, but the game is huge and fits on the 360 just fine.  Games look just as good as they do on the PS3, so when people stop saying BS like "the PS3 version will look teh better" then I'll stopping posting FACTS about why it is not true.

If you use FACTS people actually believe you more.  I have nothing against Sony or their Consoles. just the fans they cater to.



I dont really want to get involved in console wars....but how can you say you are a source of FACTS when you say that there is no noticable difference in graphics between the PS3 and XBOX versions of Oblivion?  Everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE, that i have read a review on the PS3 oblivion has said that the graphics have improved NOTICABLY (as well as load times, and other things).  The only bad thing I have read about the PS3 version is the lack of downloadable content.

I am not supporting either console here, I am just calling out some BS that you are spouting.  Dont claim to be using facts, when you are obviously just as biased as the people you are arguing with.

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#4 polarguy2000
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

I just read the review for this.  It was a real positive review.  But, I am not too sure about going out to purchase an Xbox.  I guess what I am saying is that Im not looking to purchase another last-gen console.  As great as the review was, it won't influence me much.  I may rent it.  I appreciate your recommendation...  Add me to your friend's list.


[QUOTE="polarguy2000"]I am a big playstation fan, but if you want the best non-turnbased current gen RPG, go out and buy Morrowind GOTY and an Xbox. I bought an Xbox just for Morrowind, and I never regretted it.mrvic87


I cant stress enough how enjoyable Morrowind was to me.  I was sick of the typical RPG (as it seems that you are), but I read about this one and decided to try it out. 

The leveling system is very unique, the open-ended storyline is fantastic (since you arent in a linear storyline, you can pretty much do what ever you want....but there are consequences), the graphics were great, and it is a LOOOOOONG game so you wont have to get another one for a while.

...long story short, I had never played an RPG like it.  It is a unique game, and (IMO) the best RPG ever made for the current gen.   My copy of Oblivion (the next game in the series) for the PS3 in on it's way and I cant wait.

I understand not wanting to buy an xbox just for this game, but if it is a price thing, I bet you could get one dirt cheap on Ebay ( i just looked, and there are several under $100).  If not, someone else suggested that you could get in for PC....and that is a good alternative too.

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#5 polarguy2000
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts
I am a big playstation fan, but if you want the best non-turnbased current gen RPG, go out and buy Morrowind GOTY and an Xbox. I bought an Xbox just for Morrowind, and I never regretted it.