pancreasjuice's comments

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Edited By pancreasjuice

lets see, with all this digital porn its hard to choose, but here goes, Mass Effect 2 Modern warfare 2 borderlands (oooooh, borderlands) Bioshock 2 God of war 3 dragonage origins assassin's creed 2 all i want for xmas is my 2 front teeth, and everything listed above,...........pleeeeeease!

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Edited By pancreasjuice

Im actually all for copy protection software, although its a hassle, its the only thing at the moment standing in the way of the death of my beloved pc gaming. If developers decided (as Epic did for GoW2) to not even release on pc for the complete infeasibility of producing a game, only to have half the world download a pirated version there goes my hobby, we need something to let developers rest easy and push their fears away with. People always complain about the hassle and the inconvenience, but you know what, it isn't the developers or the or the protection, that's the problem , its the thieves stealing someone else's work. screw it, i fear the day when my only gaming comes in the form of my xbox.