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#1 oreojones18
Member since 2009 • 112 Posts

while im not really into the idea of motion controls i think ps3's arc is going ot be better then natal. i mean the concept of natal is cool the whole facial recognition and all but its seems marketed to kids more, im sure they'll have some cool games but while it looks cool i dont see myself standing around trying to hit imaginary balls with my head

, but ps3's arc while surly going to have kids stuff too, it looks like it coo have alot cooler games and it seems to be a hybrid of natal and the wii which i think will work alot better. i think theresdefinatly some things u cant do with out having buttons or some sort of remote

which are ulooking forward too?

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#2 oreojones18
Member since 2009 • 112 Posts

first off why are ps3 fanboys called cows? thats just mean haha

ive noticed xbox is based off online play i has been since the first one came out, and if u look at their games 95% are all basically popular for the multiplayer. Halo 3arguably the best multiplayer game ever, had a horrible campiagn, Gears of war, i hate this game but same thing good multiplayer horrible comapign the only true single player experiences they have are masseffect (which is awsome) and halo 3 odst although short was an awsome story, and if u wanna count fable u can but that game sucked too.

ps3 has subpare multiplayer games if u compare the systems, but xbox can even come close to matchin the epic campaigns the ps3 has. uncharted 1 and 2, resistence 1 and 2, mgs4, ratchet and clank, and alot more coming this year,

so this ramdom pointless topis was simply to say if u like multiplayer games with a few ok campigns get an xbox if u like epic singler player experiences and good but not the best multiplar games get a ps3

ohh and someone please tell me why ps3 owners r cows

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#3 oreojones18
Member since 2009 • 112 Posts

no me mw2 had a horrible compaign and a forgetable multiplayer idky people love it so much

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#4 oreojones18
Member since 2009 • 112 Posts

the new uncharted 2 update is awsome i love all the new things they added, how do u guys like it so far?

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#5 oreojones18
Member since 2009 • 112 Posts

perfect game uncharted 2 perfect movie serenity, well maybe thats just for me haha

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#6 oreojones18
Member since 2009 • 112 Posts

dude u should be shot for putting the luge and twin tower thing up

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#7 oreojones18
Member since 2009 • 112 Posts

it depends on the type of game u like, i mean for shooter fans this game is amazing but its missing those rpg elements that made it so unique. and it has way to many loading screens, now that the elevator scenes are gone i actually miss them

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#8 oreojones18
Member since 2009 • 112 Posts

I no there are like 5 threads on this already and if ur mad about me posting another one, i think ull live haha,

in my opionion there are both equaly as good as each other. i mean both the sotry were awsome, both stories kinda had subpar endings as well. one thing that mad uncharted alittle more fun for me was the humor, nate always had interesting conversations throughout the whole game, even when hes by himself he said somthing that was just funny. the pasing was also perfect for the game, and it was really hard to stop playing. and having a really fun mp makes the game that much better

on the other hand mass effect was alot more serious, and basically had no humor, not anything memorable at least im sure there was some. fbest part of the game for me was actually having to get the no the characters, you can easily go through the whole game and not no anyone on ur ship, but if u take the time to talk to everyone, well except jack (worst character in a videogame ever), you get to know them and thats somthing that cant be done well in many games and this game does it perfect.

well anyway i guess the point of this thread is which did u prefer better?

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#9 oreojones18
Member since 2009 • 112 Posts

i was jw if anyone else had a problem with the playstation downloading things really slowy, i dont think its my connection because i never lag only but when i go to download somthing it takes like hours, any help?

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#10 oreojones18
Member since 2009 • 112 Posts

not quite sure what you mean but you cant custimize ur guns in uncharted everyone has the same guns to start with and in each map there are different guns, theres always two m4,s and either a rocket launcher or a greanade lanucher, i no alot of people werent to happy with the mp but im so addicted to it, it is some much fun, i mean i love kicking people off ledges or pulling people down, and the game is definatly more skill oriented then most mp game, it depends on u really, i mean i personally love it