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#1 okthenbye1
Member since 2007 • 150 Posts

* Pokemon Red/Blue



* Final Fantasy X-2

* The Sims

* Tetris

* Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life

* Kidlo: Kombat Evolved

* Singstar 

* Digimon  

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#2 okthenbye1
Member since 2007 • 150 Posts
Metroid Prime has gameplay designed for adults. But being the 13 year old lemkid you are, all you care about is adult presentation not adult gameplay. Nevermind.
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#3 okthenbye1
Member since 2007 • 150 Posts

Metroid Prime was overrated IMO, and it seems the general public agrees.



The general public who has never played it and thinks its overrated. Oh my. Here I was seeing all of these amazing reviews, GOTY awards, #3 at Gamerankings and here I was thinking it was a good game. But now you've shown me its overrated because people who haven't played it called it so :roll:

If i'm wrong, and Metroid Prime was such an amazing game, then why did less than half of the people who bought the first one purchase Echoes? Halo 2 outsold Halo:CE. San Andreas outsold Vice City.

Apparently the greatness of Prime faded fast.

Prime 2 sold far less because of the image Gamecube had, at the beginning of the generation GC was far less of a kiddy console but by the end it was a very kiddy console. Therefore adults lost interest in the GC and the GC's main market became children, hence an adult game like Prime 2 Echoes suffered in sales because it did not appeal to children who amde up the majority of GC's fanbase by the end of the generation.

You can't be serious. The Gamecube was, and has always been considered a "kiddy" console. Luigi's mansion sold better than Prime. Pikmin and Animal Crossing sold almost as much. Nintendo has never made a console that wasn't considered "kiddy," including the Wii.

The difference is, at the beginning of the generation the kiddy image wasn't as bad because GC had games like Resident Evil, Eternal Darkness etc. But towards the end of the generation it had very few adult games, therefore any adult fanbase the GC had disappeared quickly as the kiddy image was really bad then/

You've been owned kiddo. Try not to cry too hard over it. 

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#4 okthenbye1
Member since 2007 • 150 Posts

[QUOTE="okthenbye1"]Sorry lemkids but GS is what matters. Running to other sites in your tears doesn't change this.re-tart356

gamespot is going to flop this hard this game cant even get an AAA from easy reviers who rates games high

Keep the dream alive kiddo. I'm sure if you are right, mommy will give you chocolate milk. ;) SHame that you are going to be wrong though.
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#5 okthenbye1
Member since 2007 • 150 Posts
Sorry lemkids but GS is what matters. Running to other sites in your tears doesn't change this.
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#6 okthenbye1
Member since 2007 • 150 Posts

Metroid Prime was overrated IMO, and it seems the general public agrees.



The general public who has never played it and thinks its overrated. Oh my. Here I was seeing all of these amazing reviews, GOTY awards, #3 at Gamerankings and here I was thinking it was a good game. But now you've shown me its overrated because people who haven't played it called it so :roll:

If i'm wrong, and Metroid Prime was such an amazing game, then why did less than half of the people who bought the first one purchase Echoes? Halo 2 outsold Halo:CE. San Andreas outsold Vice City.

Apparently the greatness of Prime faded fast.

Prime 2 sold far less because of the image Gamecube had, at the beginning of the generation GC was far less of a kiddy console but by the end it was a very kiddy console. Therefore adults lost interest in the GC and the GC's main market became children, hence an adult game like Prime 2 Echoes suffered in sales because it did not appeal to children who amde up the majority of GC's fanbase by the end of the generation.
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#7 okthenbye1
Member since 2007 • 150 Posts
Lol here come his lemkid pals to try and save him. :lol: Anyway you've all been owned, Prime 3 will kill every 360 game this year. End of discussion.
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#8 okthenbye1
Member since 2007 • 150 Posts

[QUOTE="okthenbye1"]Lol 13 year old lemkids pretending they are over 20. Lol. Just play Metroid Prime, then we'll talk kiddo because we both know you haven't.SpruceCaboose

Uh, I am a 22 year old with an AA degree. Click the damn siggy if you want to check my MySpace page.

Uh sure you are. Linking to other people'#s myspaces and pretending they are yourself isn't very nice.
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#10 okthenbye1
Member since 2007 • 150 Posts

[QUOTE="okthenbye1"] You can have your sales kiddo while us real gamers have the superior gameplay.SpruceCaboose

Well, since sales are a concrete and "gameplay" is a personal opinion, I'll take sales.

Before you bash all the 360 games as being casual trash, you might want to try playing them. Excelling in Halo 2 on Live is a lot more challenging than most people think. Most people assume that Halo 2 is simple because they have seen people (or played themselves) on an easy difficulty and breezed through it.

While I am in no way saying Halo 2 is the most challenging of games, it is a superb game, and you should be less quick to judge.

You haven't even played Metroid Prime lemkid, or else you'd know it kills all the casual trash on Xbox. I guess you are too young to understand why it is better.