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#1 oddjob2148
Member since 2004 • 80 Posts

Ok so got gta 4 today as ive already said, and the damn xbox already scratched it, thing is i didnt move it at all, just out of nowhere said disc is unplayable :( :(, so is there anything i can do or do i have to buy a replacment copy? :(

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#2 oddjob2148
Member since 2004 • 80 Posts

Well id have to say today has been a great day for myself so far, I just got a brand new gaming pc last week and this was my first shopping day out to get all the amazing games ive missed over the last year or two.

I picked up Stalker Soc, The Witcher, UT3, WIC, The Orange Box and finally managed to quit wow :P. So all in all a awsome day so far though I havent gotten around to playing a few of the games, im hooked on TF2 now !

Anyone else have some decent days to share, perhaps purchasing a new rig and a crap load of games?

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#3 oddjob2148
Member since 2004 • 80 Posts
I really enjoyed the demo, same old hack and slash but still enjoyable, hopefully ths story is good as it has a lot of potential :).
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#4 oddjob2148
Member since 2004 • 80 Posts

To me you seem like more of a person that likes RPG 's and long games, like me. I like games like Final Fantasy 12, Oblivion or WOW as you mentioned. However, others dont have the time to dedicate much of their lives to these games. So they look for a fast action game that has a short but satisfying story and gameplay. Nothing like level ups etc. etc.gamfaqs2gamfaqs

Yup Rpg s are my pref :D as I am mostly into char development, I like to see the time(and choices) I put in reflected in my chars strengths and even weaknesses :). Thankfully atm I am a slackzor/student :D so can afford some time to play games, although in May that damn real world thingy will come a knocking :( :P

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#5 oddjob2148
Member since 2004 • 80 Posts

This all kind of hinges on how much you value the imerssiveness of the SP experience. The hours of play you get out of something like Team Fortress 2 are pretty much always going to eclipse those you get out of SP games. What dedicated single player games do well is put a microscope on the players experience for the time they're playing. A good dedicated single player experience has a good story and characters who develop contained within. Because this is (hopefully) the focus of the game the audio visual aspects of the game are dedicated to helping tell that story. Gameplay can ALSO revolve around the player characer in single player and this can even lead to branching of the plot based on character decisions. Many games are worth replaying so you can experience becoming that/those character/characters again.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that as games hedge further and further into the realm of art there's a lot more to consider than purely gameplay and length.


Yea good point, I guess over my years of gaming the feeling I get from beating a sp game and even its imerssiveness has lessoned for me. Well in the vast majority of cases where as if a game has a truely good story I still find myself sucked in no matter what, which is great. But with the prices of games these days I much prefer to rent a mainly sp game, even for a week or so, then keep the money for something which will grab my attention for longer. Well basically Rpg s, esp J-Rpgs :D which thankfully I still like a lot after all these years, although im tireing of the battle systems in most. ES was a step in the right direction imo.

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#6 oddjob2148
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aye, the reason i mentioned wow was because it, along with tOB, are the only games that havent left me feeling short changed in some way even in spite of the monthly fee, so to me it was definately worth a purchase. Also im looking forward to finally being able to afford a WII this month :D zack and wiki ftw! along with mg, pm and maybe metroid if i can afford it :D.
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#7 oddjob2148
Member since 2004 • 80 Posts

yea good call, I havent enjoyed a game as much as COD4 in some time, I wasnt expecting so good of a multiplayer componant in it and the stoey in the single player was very good. The next big game im looking forward to in that regard is the new GTA, looks like another awsome single player, hopefully they ll so somthing good with the multiplayer part of it.

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#8 oddjob2148
Member since 2004 • 80 Posts

Hello all and im not talking about washing the dishes and ironing the socks! :P, the reason I made this thread is because I was looking at the demo impressions in the 360 forums of DMC4. Some people in there feel as with assasins creed that the game is repetitive and not different enough from previous versions of the series. Now to an extent i agree with this but for me games are all about evolution not revolution and DMC4 has the best hack and slash controls, great graphics and a good storyline(or so ive heard but the jurys still out on this) however in spite of this im only going to rent the game.

Now games like WOW allow you to do a lot more than the average game, level solo(singleplayer) group, instance, pvp, raid etc. and while it s all very repetitive it does allow for a lot of ways to 'play' the game and it kept me interested a lot longer than any other(even multiplayer) games. Now games these days generally take a genre and run with it with exceptions like GTA which allow for a multitude of different genre s to be incorporated into the game, driving, shooting, rpg elements etc. I just find myself these days not taking the risk of buying a game unless I know I will be getting a LOT for my money. Take for example Orange Box, I just recently got it. Great game with so much to do, oh and I would most definately pay for a full priced portal :D but thats mainly down to sheer awsomeness on its part :D. But before that I have rented most of the good 360 games MAss Effect, Bioshock and Eternal Sonata for instance, where as I bought Virtua Fighter 5, GH3, COD4 and Halo3 as I knew they d last me quite a while online and to get the achievements(im looking at you MHC and expert TTFATF :P).

I guess in a way i am asking in your opinion is single player worth buying for these days without a good multiplayer componant? Games in Ireland are in or around 70 euro, which is quite steep compared to previous era s of gaming, megadrive, ps1/2 etc.

And in addition to the question above do you actually want your games to do more these days in relation to additional genres? Such as shooting with driving parts etc. Pretty much any game in any genre can get repetitive such as racing and even(gasp!) Virtua Fighter :o. So what dya think people? :)

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#9 oddjob2148
Member since 2004 • 80 Posts

A nice collection of answers here, Im getting cod 4, crysisand the witcher for xmas so ill put my views of them up wed/thurs, glad to see people are liking them. Especially cod4,looking for a good multiplayergame to replace wow, just recentlyescaped its clutches:P.

Keep the answers coming :Dand also:

OOta letdown??! Blasphemer!!!!!!!!!!! :P :D

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#10 oddjob2148
Member since 2004 • 80 Posts

Hey all, im a long time lurker but haven't posted much on these forums, basically I have been thinking about this on the run up to the new year. This year has been a great one for gaming, one of the best since the golden oot/halflife 1one of '98 :D. So on to my choices for this year.

Game that met:Mass Effect, OK so it does have some graphical and slowdown glitches but overall its a great game, it truly feels like yourwatching a Hollywood move at some points, sure the combat could have been a little more in depth but for the type and length of the game it suits perfectly. I am a huge fan of sw: kotor and jade empire and this game is just as good. Well developed characters and a in depth rpg elements make it my goty.

Game that didn't meet: Halo 3, ok so thehype for thisgame was incredible, people expected agod like fpsgame and ended up getting a merely very good one. So the reason it didn't meet my expectations is the simple fact no matter how good it was it couldn't. I feel it is the same for a lot of gamers for a lot of games. Take oblivion for example, up to its release people we heralding it as the second coming and when it was released people were inevitably disappointed. Halo 3 is however one of my favourite games of the year, especially online.

Game that exceeded: The Orange Box, for one reason, portal. This game was imho the best of the year :D. It is original and very fun, we NEED to see a longer stand alone sequel for this valve!! Of course episode 2 was great and I haven't as of yet got into tf2, waiting on my new pc :(, grr hurry up dell!!. But I have heard good things.

Ok so these are my choices, Id like to hear from some of you guys and gals regarding your own choices, please give reasons if possible :P.

Bonus question: What game do you wish you could wake up to on Christmas that doesn't exist yetor is still in development, for me GIEF MOARSHENMUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! :D. I need closure and to kick Lan Di's ass.