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@gfantini: Same, loving RDR2 and a nice reminder that a game can be full on single player, but throw an online component on too later for people who want it. If GTA Online pays for GTA6 to be better for single player, I'm all for it, despite never wanting to play online myself :)

I'm over 40 so I definitely prefer my experiences to be well defined. I'm happy to play Overwatch, because it's a specifically multiplayer game, and I can go there knowing I'm getting a focused MP experience but I'm not gonna invest 10hrs a day like I used to with Quake/2. Personally I do still prefer my single player games, as they're fully immersive and nothing can pull me out of them - I've been hearing for a decade+ about the death of single player games, but they're still there, maybe fewer in number but better in quality. These crossover games are always gonna be jack of all trades, master of none. I can see them getting more popular though sadly.

I still have a way to go in Horizon Zero Dawn and I have GOW waiting for me for the Xmas break. Kinda feel like Sony killed it with the exclusives this gen. (Spiderman was real good too) I love my PC but I'll go where the games are always :)

And if you want real single player immersion - RE7 on PSVR. It's what I dreamed of as a kid :D

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Posting how-to articles about a game you haven't even bothered to put a review score on yet because it sucks but you don't wanna say so... classy.

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Bet they have a whole 5 in stock or something ridiculous just to get traffic.

Switch came out at £249 here, and it's still 249 now even in Amazon's "sale".

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@Herrick: Original full price if you buy from a "proper" store was £40-45 but places like cdkeys had it up for £30 straight away. I can see it being less than £25 real soon where I'll probably bite just cos I love to wander and kill and survive. Bit sad they got rid of the "no fast travel" from F4 survival mode though, kinda defeats the purpose of their CAMP if I can fast travel across the map to safety even if I'm dying of thirst. Anyway, I'll be the pacifist who just jumps up and down when people shoot at me and hopes they go away (And probably die from a clipping bug on some scenery) :)

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@gfantini: Sorry I meant people wanting a Fallout that had MP (especially PvP which no one seemed to want) were the minority. The only demand I ever saw was for co-op, and we don't need their servers and microtransactioned costumes for that. As you say they need to stick to what they're good at.

Bethesda pushed out ESO too remember, so they're definitely trying to get away from being single player only but that was a travesty when I tried it (although allegedly better now) Nothing ruins games for me like other people, I wish nearly everything was single player only and they used my hideously expensive cpu for decent AI, but alas, not the world we live in :(

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@gfantini: It's what happens when they listen to all the vocal minority "hey bra you totally need to make Fallout MP" but also want to cash in on microtransactions instead of just making a Fallout game with peer to peer co-op like people wanted.

10 quid says the first DLC for this mess is "Battle Royale" mode.

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@Herrick: I don't rely on the score as it's usually pretty obvious from gameplay videos if the game is any good (as you said), I am just worried about the lack of a score on major sites and the reasons why.

Fallout 76 has already dropped to £26.99 but even as a massive Fallout fan who is happy just wandering alone, shooting stuff and surviving it really does look like a chore right now sadly. I'll see how desperate I get over Xmas, but with Just Cause 4 around the corner... ;)

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Like anything is really "created" now anyway, it's all plagiarised and bastardised from something else and it's only going to get worse. Claiming dibs on anything like a dance is almost laughable, what next, the way someone cuts their hair? Picks their nose? Diddles their wife?

Sorry sir I believe I invented that position and you owe me royalties every time you give her one like that.

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@Herrick: Yeah if there's an online component not available earlier or a feature not available until launch day. Even if they get a game on launch day I'd expect a "blue circle" preliminary score up pretty sharpish, especially for a game like this that may take dozens of hours to get through, otherwise by the time the review is up the game will be weeks old and no one will care. (kinda what they want in this case) Reviews usually get a site more hits after all, but in the world we live today the advertising money from the publishers outweigh that.

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@doorselfin: I have 533hrs in Fallout4 and haven't "completed" it yet. I still could've given it a preliminary "blue circle" rating within +/- 1 after a day's play though, especially with such a 1-10 granular review scale such as Gamespot's. I know you have to tow the company line, but we all know it sucks.