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@alien-hell: Why? Because they can. Most people would, given the choice, do as little effort for as much possible money. And the fact is that when it comes to sports that are as popular as F1 and FIFA they have so many fans that they can get away with it.

In fact, many of the fans I know particularly of FIFA will buy the new version for full price even if there are no technical updates. Many of them are casual gamers so they wouldnt even know what raytracing or 60fps means. No they buy the new versions for full price not for improvements but just for the updates on the rosters. They want to play with this years Chelsea or Ajax Amsterdam, not with last year's.

F1 fan want to see a reflection of current season, with Verstappen be the strongest driver, not Hamilton. They don't care about technical upgrades.

And so companies like EA and codemasters give it to them. If gamers would be satisfied to play the full price of a game just for a new box art cover they would sell that too.

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@hal_jordan121: What I really loved about the first one was the puzzles and the atmosphere. The game is often compared to souls games, which I disagree with. It felt to me much more like a sequel of the classic Tomb Raider games.

There aren't that many games made that offer a good combination between good puzzles and action adventure wrapped in good atmosphere. Tomb Raider used to be like that, Zelda obviously, but aside from that most games just go for all out action nowadays.

It wasn't a perfect game but of a style that I have sorely missed. The Mithrull and Eilram tombs where truly amazing experiences. If they can combine that in the sequal with a little more open world it would be amazing.

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@ezio899: I kind of agree with him on this though. I mean not because it's a girl, cause I'm not woke and couldn't care less, but because she is a nightsister. I've fallen in love with the Nightsisters ever since that episode from the clone wars, they are an amazing part of Star Wars lore.

The Daughters of Dathomir are pure win, and even better then Merrin, I would truly give my left arm for a game where I could play as Ventress.

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Edited By LordOmnius

@lonesamurai00: Most people really don't care about graphics that much. Usually the most powerful system doesn't win the console war. Wii sold tons more then both the PS3 and the Xbox360. Despite the Xbox One X being the most powerful system of the last gen, it doesn't come close in popularity compared to the Switch.

If you think Steam Deck is going to make even a small dent in Nintendo's portable hegemony you are in for a rude awakening. Nintendo's original black and white screen Gameboy was running circles around Sega's full color Game Gear and Sony's amazing powerful portables never really were a real thread to Nintendo's variations of DS portables.

But yeah, if graphics is your highest priority and you don't care about portability then a Switch is not your best choice.

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@lonesamurai00: I actually disagree on that. The Switch third party titles are actually quite good, especially compared to Nintendo's past, but it does depend on what type of games you like. The Switch is becoming the platform of choice for RPG's for example and it has a range of excellent third party titles like dragon quest 11, Monster Hunter Rise, Okami HD, Skyrim runs amazingly good especially in portable mode, same for Diablo 3. Then it has some great third party exclusives like SMT 5 and Astral Chain.

The great thing is, you can play them anywhere, the portability is great and during a time where I was an Expat I only played Switch because of it. Of course, one on one compared to PS5 or XSX on a big screen they can't compare graphically. But for many people graphics aren't the most important thing and strangely when you play the games on portable the bad graphics aren't that noticable.

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@lonesamurai00: Not that strange, people underestimate Nintendo but when it comes to units sold, the Nintendo DS, 3DS, the Nintento Wii and the Switch are all recordbreaking and dominant in their times.

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Edited By LordOmnius

@jenovaschilld: Yes it was. He made a few jokes about transgenders, but went much further joking everyone else including whites, blacks, women, men, jews, asians, liberals, trump supporters, you name it.

Then he mentioned his friendship with a transgender comedian, who was terrorized by the transgender community until she commited suicide just because she supported Dave. He put money in this womans trust fund for her child as a sign of respect.

He also goes out of his way to defend Transgenders rights to go to a bathroom of their choosing. Here is a man who in front of a mixed audience of left and right wing people and who for some reason has earned the respect of so many republicans looks these republicans in the eyes as he clearly states that a transgender woman who is born as a man should not need to go to a male bathroom!

And this is the guy that the woke radicals want to see beheaded. This is the guy who makes these so called trans radicals so angry that they harrass a transgender friend of dave who defended him to suicide. A complete disgrace.

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@thecupidstunts: Someone who wants to completely silence and censure someone else speech even if that someone is a comedian making fun of you. Someone who is part of a group that goes so far in wanting to silence other people, that they go and harrass Dave's transgender friend who defended him, to the point where she commited suicide.

Someone who supports all this, as comedians are forced to be silent on one group and drive people to death. That to me is fascism, and if you support that, you are a fascist.

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I was very angry after watching Daves show on Netflix last weekend. Not with Dave but his disgusting attackers, who actually literally bullied a trans woman who defended Dave to the point where she commited suicide. Meanwhile Dave clearly shows every decency and respect to the community while indeed also making fun of them just as he also makes fun of gays, whites, blacks, jews, liberals, conservatives, women and Trump supporters.

He is a genius and someone who thinks he is offensive either didn't see his show or is a fascist.

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@alex33x: So you basically you wonder how this game will appeal to anyone when it's basically a medieval version of one of the top 10 best selling game series of all time, a game that sold more then 200 million copies on PC alone? How can this appeal to anyone?

I think you just answered the question yourself.