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#1 lord_soultaker
Member since 2006 • 1030 Posts
I like Sheamus good wrestler I think he would be better as a heel though.
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#2 lord_soultaker
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Source: Wrestling 101

WWE Hall of Famer Joe "Road Warrior Animal" Laurinaitis spoke with the folks at Wrestling 101 this week. Here are some highlights:

The Road Warriors were involved in great eras of tag team wrestlingwith yourselves, The Fabulous Freebirds, The Midnight Express, The Outsiders, Harlem Heat, The Steiner's, The New Age Outlaws, The Nasty boys and Team 3D etc. What do you make of the state of tag team wrestling today in TNA and WWE

To be honest with you there are no tag team divisions. I say that with respect to the guys, it has nothing to do with new wrestlers coming up or anything else, its just that we're in a new business. With things like the Internet, Twitter and Facebook you have to be the guy now, you don't have time to learn and it's not the guys fault they just don't have the luxury of time on their side.

If I had anything to do with either WWE or TNA I would definitely put an emphasis on tag team wrestling. The Road Warriors proved in an era when the wrestling business was at it's lowest tag team wrestling can be the main event, we sold out venues in the NWA and we did the same for the WWF at the time.

It's proof tag team wrestling can headline and be the main event if it's done right. You can't just throw two people together, the fans like to believe in a family dynamic like the Road Warriors or The Steiners or Harlem Heat, they don't just want to see guy A and guy B thrown together to form a tag team.

Having worked for both Eric Bischoff and Vince McMahon, how would you compare the two in terms of similarities and differences?

They're both narcissist's and they both have huge egos, I think Vince was more straight up and Eric was more devious. That was the nature of the time back then and that is what the times called for and the business called for.

Vince impressed me by getting in the ring and dong all of those battles with Stone Cold Steve Austin, he put his body on the line and he became one of the guys as well as a boss.

I found it a lot smoother working for the WWF at the time than it was working for WCW.

What are you making of your brother John's current role in the WWE as GM of Raw and Executive Vice President of Talent Relations?

When you see John on TV that is him being his natural self, which is making that whole story-line as popular as it is, you may not agree with his methodology, but he is doing what he thinks is right, and he is going to do it despite of what anyone else thinks, but he's in a no win situation. As well as being on television he also has a company to run, he is an employee too and he has a hundred employees under him. I wouldn't want to have his job for anything in the world.

Could we see you return in one form or another to television with either WWE or TNA?

Earlier this year I was asked if I wanted to compete in this years Royal Rumble but I didn't do it because they just didn't give me enough notice, they called me like two days before and asked if I wanted to do the Royal Rumble and I said they could have at least given me a months notice.

I'm in good enough shape to do it and if wanted to wrestle I could but since Hawk passed away every year that goes by it gets harder and harder for me to even want to do it. I still do personal appearances and charity events around the country for my fans.

In the future I would love to do anything the WWE wanted me to do, they're doing this big deal with the SmackDown GM against the Raw GM and what a great angle it would be to have me come in as the SmackDown GM and go against my brother as the Raw GM and have a battle between the two companies.

The full interview can be read here.

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#3 lord_soultaker
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Source: PWinsider

The 2/27 edition of Raw did a hardly stellar 3.1 rating for the return of The Rock. The show did hours of 3.11 and 3.16 so the rating rose in hour two. Unfortunately, the show still lost viewers as hour one averaged 4.7 million of them while hour two averaged 4.6. Overall, the show averaged 4,650,000 viewers.

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#4 lord_soultaker
Member since 2006 • 1030 Posts

Source : Prowrestling 

Sheamus came out first cut a promo said Daniel Bryan was a changed man. He said he's now conceded just like Sheamus was when he won his first title two years ago. Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler came out and interrupted them. Dolph cut a promo saying he should've been in the main event at WrestleMania. Teddy Long came out to interrupt and booked Dolph vs. Sheamus as the first match.

1. Sheamus defeated Dolph Ziggler. Swagger came out to distract Sheamus. Ziggler and hit the Zig Zag, but Shemaus kicked out and then finished off Dolph for the win.

Big Show vs. Mark Henry was advertised for later in the show. 

2. Santino Marella defeated Heath Slater. Slater went for a move off the top rope. Santino knocked him off and as Slater was still sitting on the top rope, he hit him with The Cobra. 

3. Eve defeated Natalya. 

Cody Rhodes came out and then so did Big Show. Cody started up in the crowd and Big Show said he was going to come after him. Teddy Long came out and booked Show vs. Rhodes in a title match at WrestleMania. Then Long introduced Mark Henry, who came out for his match with Big Show.

4. Big Show defeated Mark Henry. Henry dominated most of the match. He missed hitting Show with the steel ring steps. Show kicked out of the World's Strongest Slam, then Show hit the WMD for the win. 

They had a Johnny Ace and Teddy Long segment in the back. David Otunga said they wouldn't seek criminal charges for Teddy striking Ace on Raw, but they might take civil action. Long booked Otunga vs. Big Show for Raw. Next up is Drew Mcintyre vs Justin Gabriel. Long said that McIntyre is fired if he loses. 

5. Justin Gabriel defeated Drew McIntyre. Teddy Long appeared on the big screen and fired McIntyre, who sold it by crying in the ring before he left. 

6. Daniel Bryan fought Randy Orton to an apparent no-contest.Good back and forth. Orton was about to hit his DDT when Kane's pyro hit and he came out. Kane and Orton brawled outside for a while and it was back and forth. They both got in the ring and Kane got control and chokeslammed Orton and stood over him. Then he asked for a mic. He stood over Orton, who was out, and said, "Welcome back." Kane dropped the mic and left. Bryan got a big cheer all night because he's from Washington. There were loud chants for him all night. 

Dark Match

1. Big Show defeated Daniel Bryan by DQ. The crowd chanted "yes" during every one of Bryan's moves very loudy. Bryan dominated until Show speared him. Cody Rhodes ran out for the DQ and joined Bryan in double teaming Show. Sheamus came out and chased Bryan to the back. Show chokeslammed Rhodes to end the night.

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#5 lord_soultaker
Member since 2006 • 1030 Posts

Source: PWinsider

Thanks to Blizzard for the following list of what was cribbed on Dwayne Johnson's wrist tonight, as pointed out by John Cena:

Innovator - Camo
2 reasons
Call out

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#6 lord_soultaker
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Source: Wrestlezone

As previously reported, TNA X-Division star Brian Kendrick's name was recently removed from the roster section of TNA's official website. PWInsider.com is now reporting that Kendrick has indeed parted ways with the company. 

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#7 lord_soultaker
Member since 2006 • 1030 Posts
This Union needs Officers that actually post on a regular basis which some of the officers do not.
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#8 lord_soultaker
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Source: Wrestlinginc & F4WOnline

As noted before, WWE did not hire Antonio Cesaro (Claudio Castagnoli) and Kassius Ohno (Chris Hero) with the intent to put them back together as a tag team. With that said, a WWE creative source reports that the two former ROH stars teaming together is still possible depending on what happens with the tag team division.

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#9 lord_soultaker
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It Depends Kharma vs Phoenix Yes, Trish vs Phoenix Yes anything else No.
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#10 lord_soultaker
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Source: PWTorch

Injured WWE star Rey Mysterio says he is aiming to make WrestleMania, but he's still in therapy after going through knee reconstruction surgery. "I'm trying to see if I can make it back by WrestleMania," Mysterio told WDFN radio in Detroit said with slight hesitation in his voice. "That's my main goal right now - make it back by WrestleMania." Asked who he would like to face, Rey said "No one in particular," but he if he does make Mania, he would like to be in the Money in the Bank match (assuming there is a MITB match). Asked about a potential match against Sin Cara, Mysterio said, "I'm all up for it. As soon as my knee is ready and I can move the way I know I can move, I'm down."