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#1 lmaginaryNumber
Member since 2013 • 67 Posts



Perhaps I'm wrong, but I think he has.  That being said, I think that was a false analogy.  If one is mature enough to make the decision of whether or not to go to war then one should be mature enough to decide whether or not to drink.  Truth is eighteen year old Americans probably aren't mature enough to do either, but at least when they go to war they're only taking their own lives in their hands.


Truth is, 18 year olds are probably the most immature of them all.  All those raging hormones, legally being an adult, ready to go out and face the world etc...But from what I have experienced, most 18 year olds that enlist really don't have much going for themselves.  About 90% of the ones I talked to right out of high school couldn't get into college and used it as a "plan b" if they weren't able to do anything else with their lives.  To the rest who actually wanted to, I tip my hat to you. Doesn't sound like the type of person I want drinking around me.

If 18 year olds are the most immature, then why do they legally become an adult at 18, and have the ability to vote, take out loans,etc?

Gotta start somewhere, I guess.  They probably timed it so you are just getting out of high school (well, a majority of 18 year olds are), and you are just so effin awe-struck at all the possibilities the world has to offer. Gee wilikers, I'm gonna be somebody, watch out world here I come.

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#2 lmaginaryNumber
Member since 2013 • 67 Posts

[QUOTE="dave123321"][QUOTE="ad1x2"] Except that enlisting is 100% voluntary and less than one percent of the US population is currently serving in the military. Now, if the draft was currently in force then I could see people using the rationale that they can die in war but since it isn't it is a moot point with the vast majority of people using that line having no intention to enlist.theone86

Have you ever enlisted?

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I think he has.  That being said, I think that was a false analogy.  If one is mature enough to make the decision of whether or not to go to war then one should be mature enough to decide whether or not to drink.  Truth is eighteen year old Americans probably aren't mature enough to do either, but at least when they go to war they're only taking their own lives in their hands.

Truth is, 18 year olds are probably the most immature of them all.  All those raging hormones, legally being an adult, ready to go out and face the world etc...But from what I have experienced, most 18 year olds that enlist really don't have much going for themselves.  About 90% of the ones I talked to right out of high school couldn't get into college and used it as a "plan b" if they weren't able to do anything else with their lives.  To the rest who actually wanted to, I tip my hat to you. Doesn't sound like the type of person I want drinking around me.

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#3 lmaginaryNumber
Member since 2013 • 67 Posts


Has somebody already made a Chris Angel joke yet?  If not, can I be the first?  Ok, if Jesus were here today, he'd be just like Chris Angel, but he would have to step up his magic tricks.  People were fooled much easier back then.


Don't quit your day job.

C'mon, guy.  You gotta wonder if all of that water into wine was just a mere case of the old switcheroo when he told everyone to "look over there".  He was just an early day magician

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#4 lmaginaryNumber
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haaa yeah, I remember those days.  Looking back, I kind of agree now and glad they pulled it.  We always had this one kid we would love to peg because...well, he was the wimpy, skinny kid with glasses and we were cruel school kids.  That's how it goes.  It was pretty hilarious at the time smacking the glasses off his face....not so funny anymore though.  His parents actually came up one day and talked with all the kids in the class about how we shouldn't beat the piss out of him.  Then, dodge ball was banned and replaced by a similar game which the objective was to knock down bowling pins on the opposite teams side.  Needless to say, we still chucked the balls at the kid.

Bottom line, you can learn the world is a cruel place without a game that singles out victims.  

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#5 lmaginaryNumber
Member since 2013 • 67 Posts

"Seven", "8mm", and "Lucky Number Sleven" are awesome movies that come to mind. 

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#6 lmaginaryNumber
Member since 2013 • 67 Posts

Has somebody already made a Chris Angel joke yet?  If not, can I be the first?  Ok, if Jesus were here today, he'd be just like Chris Angel, but he would have to step up his magic tricks.  People were fooled much easier back then.

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#7 lmaginaryNumber
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that's a fat man if I ever saw one.  

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#8 lmaginaryNumber
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 I avoided the water at all costs...and don't even get me started with Half-life.  If I ever fell into the water, I would literally pause the game and restart.  


How did you ever manager to beat Half Life 2? Some of the physics puzzles required swimming in water.


Never played half-life 2.  In the original, there were some parts you had to swim in...like when you first get the harpoon gun.  But I pretty much white-knuckled it and pushed through.

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#9 lmaginaryNumber
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That's unusual. I enjoy the tension when jumping into hostile waters. Like in Far Cry 3, I loved that nervous feeling of risking my life to get that certain relic at the bottom of the ocean, even if I did panic when I surfaced and couldn't find my jet ski :P


lol, man, I don't even worry about the relics at the bottom of the ocean...they are gonna stay there for a loooong time.  I instantly tense up when I jump into the deeper parts of the ocean, it's really strange.  I can play all sorts of "horror" games, like the old silent hills, resident evil etc...But I think this problem stems from those ****ing monster fish in Half-life.  Those were scary as hell

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#10 lmaginaryNumber
Member since 2013 • 67 Posts

All water sport jokes aside, does anybody have a problem playing games with large bodies of water in them?  I know I was pretty afraid of the waters in Far Cry 3...can't tell you how long it took me to get the balls to get the awesome arrow quiver.  I literally had to make sure each of those mother effin sharks were dead before I jumped in in a frenzy to get the skin.  Something about jumping in to a vast, dark area and knowing a scary ass shark could get you from any direction, turning around to see those teeth right in your face...my god, nearly pissed my pants right there.  Even when I know for sure there isn't anything too nasty, like in Skyrim, I avoided the water at all costs...and don't even get me started with Half-life.  If I ever fell into the water, I would literally pause the game and restart.  

I'm not afraid of the water in any way in real life, nor have I had any traumatic experiences in the water.  I love swimming and other shennanigans at the lake and ocean.  Does anybody else have this issue?