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Edited By kosmosfreak2

@ Grovilis "It's a proven fact that the PS3 can't do everything the Xbox can." Your right man I just cant name the number of times I have been frustrated because I did not have an HD dvd player.

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Edited By kosmosfreak2

look at picture four. The xbox has slightly better detail on the wood. However the edge of the rug has no detail while on the ps3 the rug shows up clearly, The shadows on the chair are muuuch more jagged for the 360 and more smooth on the ps3 and the items in the distance are more blury on the 360 while more detailed on the ps3. The grain in the wood and some of the sharpness of the shading on the legs of the woman seem a tad better for the 360. Everything else seems much more in favor of the ps3. Im suprised cus like I said earlier I would of expected the 360 to have the clear advantage due to the fact that it was made first for the 360 then ported over. In all honesty... the only reason why I think anyone sees a difference is because during the port in our being anally retentive we are noticing minute differences the devs did not see.

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Edited By kosmosfreak2

Lowest common denominator. The ps3 can do ANYTHING the 360 can do but the same cannot be said in reverse. Multi platform games are designed for the 360 and then ported for the ps3. Any multi plat game "should" be better on the 360 because it was originally designed for the 360 and then ported over. I would love to see sony's exclusives heavy rain and uncharted 2 ported over to the 360 and then see side by sides. Oh wait.. The developers said they can't....

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Edited By kosmosfreak2

Here is what gets me. Why do they make comparisons for games when they are made for the 360 first and foremost and then ported to the ps3? They can't make a game for the ps3 then port it over to the 360 (see heavy rain) because the ps3 has better top end specs, you have to round down to the lowest common denominator so as far as cross platform games go the 360 will win every time. Not because the 360 is any better but because devs are too lazy to have two teams that optimize the full strengths of each console. Its like making a game like crysis and then trying to make it run on a laptop with 1gig of ram its going to suck. Its just like when they started with a side by side of bayonetta... How retarded (or biased) do you have to even make an official comparison with "THAT" game? Not trying to say that their biased or anything with this comparison sure yeah the ps3 is slightly hurting in ported games but porting anything from a lower end processor to the ps3's cell processors is a challenge for any developer and your going to see that. only in the games that the 360 can't actually handle are you going to be able to see the ps3 shine... then again.. you wont be seeing side by sides for those games. I believe ff13 is making two versions of the game instead of porting but I might be mistaken.