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Hopefully we'll see Koz in The Late David Letterman Show. It would be cool anyway to see the Gamespot AU crew in that show. If it ever happens.

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One question: Are we going to see more of Jess? I wonder how organized the Gamespot AU schedules fit in this week?

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I still don't know which game the standby music is coming from. Hopefully someone can answer this riddle.

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If you heard, this is the last time with Koz. I have a message for you. See you in the next life.

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Edited By johnnyauau

Out of the three parties, The Greens stands out. No gimmicks, no trickery, it's totally straight forward. The Greens better put the R18+ for games issue on the table with Labor and Liberal Party.

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Edited By johnnyauau

I might be a game addict but I do manage my symptons well. The most addictive to me is Age of Empires 2 The Conquerors but I also preoccupy at the same time with my own music and ... think of it as doing multiple things at the same time. I guess if I just play games to the extreme, I might end up claustrophobic. Anyway, if people are smart about their addiction, they should be able to pace their time well to keep themselves occupied and keep themselves out of trouble. I guess besides Jack Thompson and Michael Atkinson, this is another side to the game world. Besides, don't they also have the time to go shopping to buy new games? It would be interesting to just play games at home and realize that sooner or later the games and maybe the console is getting out of date. Same with how high-tech our world is when it comes to TV and DVDs. If you want some relief, watch Seinfeld "The Frogger" in which George tries to move the Frogger arcade machine across the street. I like that moment and thank god this sitcom rarely goes to gameworld.

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Edited By johnnyauau

Well as funny as it is, the only real way of stopping piracy is a bit like Seinfeld where the main characters storyline clashes with each other. If R18+ had been introduced instead of relying on Michael Atkinson's "philosophy" of protecting children, than piracy would be easily solved. It would save the developers and publishers lots of effort instead of cutting down R18+ games to MA15+ for the sake that no-one would act out crime unless the game was banned because of red tape and the need to cut down on violence and drug use (and nudity I might add). Unforunately for piracy, there's no one simple solution using exaggerated manners to stop people playing copied games and mod chip consoles so it would be convenient to at least keep a demo of games. I do agree with Rattlesnake because in Canberra, Australia, the standard price is up to $100, more for Guitar Hero and Rock Band games I might add (Guitar Hero 3 onwards) and there's hardly any differentiation between newly released games and pre-owned games. So might need to think twice about selling games during a recession. To sum it up, had Australia cut down on red tape, reduce price for games and Michael Atkinson stop abusing his powers to protect children, none of this would happen but it's inevitable. It will take a miracle to change this perception and stop this double standard plaging our community.

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One thing, What about the Wii? I'm sure there just doing it because all but the Wii has high end graphics. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do at this end. It's just hard to believe but I guess now's not the time. Maybe somewhere in the future they might consider adding it.

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Edited By johnnyauau

It's funny that Manhunt 2 for the Wii is not there, I do believe there will be a double standard. Nintendo is the rarest company that provides adults the entertainment they need. The only foul mouthed game on Nintendo is Scarface. Well, Michael Atkinson should really go out and ask the public instead of being old fashion and not going into the world of video games. Having adult rated games will save them the heart ache of knowing how much violence, gore, drugs and sex is really needed in a game. As a metaphor, the same could be said about the difference between American action movies and the Hong Kong action movies. Those who think Jackie Chan's action is too fast in Police Story can think again. Having macho guys fighting like slugs is total rubbish. Having high impact martial arts and stunt is what intices people into movies. Well if Michael Atkinson is gay its a different story but if anyone thinks I'm gay my response is "Not that there's anything wrong with that" (I'm a Seinfeld lover). If you want the best transition of comedy, watch Seinfeld. Who says watching Seinfeld is for kids?

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Edited By johnnyauau

I'd say this is the most interesting case I have ever heard. It seems like stars and musicians are treading into the gaming world with the rise of not just dancing rhythm games but guitar and rock games and a singing game. All these categories (maybe it's fair that action heroes and celebrities have their fair share in video game world) opened to allow their uniqueness to come into play and allow the players a chance to try it out. Anyway, if The Beatles don't want to be remembered as an old-fashion rock band, the digital world will definitely show their true colours.