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@TheAgingGamer I was thinking more like the old dreamcast lcd screen and not a million pixel eye color apple screen. Big enough to change and control functions on the controller itself, maybe even to show weird stats in a game (not something you would hold up to your face during a race).

Yes there are some pc controllers out with more enhanced vibration I think would be nice. Not jump off the table vibration, but able to tell you if you were hit by a pebble not a bullet.

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@AlmostHaslem @grove12345

Yes 16 would be nice, but without having to run legacy software, or an OS like a pc, I think 8 can be stretched pretty far. The graphics engine will probably the first bottle neck as it ages.

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I would actually like to see a new controller.

Do not get me wrong I think the XBOX 360 is about as perfect a controller you can get.

But that is 7 yrs old tech and for 40-50$ per controller I think we should see some improvements.

Screw gimmicks- like motion or tablets or whatever marketers are getting companies to add.

- I would like to see blue tooth added- I think it is more sensitive and uses less power.

- I personally would like to see the controller slightly bigger or contoured better to accommodate adult sized hands.

- A small touch LCD screen added in the middle, not to use with some gimmicky game crap like the wii u, but to allow increased sensitivity settings for all buttons and controls, outside of the game.

- More silicon used in buttons, points, thumbsticks, etc.

- No true gamer cares about glowy controllers, but some mild external lighting adding non critical information like battery, setups, or guidance,

- Im sorry I still love vibration, that has to be added also. Maybe even advanced.

Oh AND as long as you bring the games, new IPs, and great content/functionality.

The consumer will never care about the look, size, and color of the console.

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Nintendo is launching a new system? when?

Oh wait never mind I almost forgot I don't care.

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None of this is really that big of news.

What the question should be is :

-Will this be on the new systems only?

-Will it be made for both old and next gen systems?

-Details baby, details.... ?

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Edited By jenovaschilld

Oh one great thing SciFi channel did do for me was play an all day marathon of Firefly on a monday starting around 9am after i got off work from along 12hrs. I never heard of the show - to many reality tv shows on fox - i don't even remember seeing a commercial for it.

Needless to say after watching just a little bit i was unable to go to sleep that whole day watching Firefly. A very good day.

yeah firefly was fox- they cancelled it after the 6th episode - one of the greatest losses to tv medium.

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One thing about the SyFy app is it is very hard to browse around in and get anything to play. It will show alot of content but much of it clips - it took me a while just to find a full episode to watch.

If the SyFy app on XBL had alot of its shows, mini series, etc available for streaming (even with some commercials, for free) i know alot of us would watch it more. As it is now SciFi channel has alot of its shows on at confusing times and I cannot keep up with it. Hell alot of the shows on the channel have nothing to do with scifi and just don't interest me.

As babyboomers and gen x gets older they will watch the same old shit on tv - this internet literate generation will require alot more effort on syfy's channel then a flashy new logo (stupid ass spelling of sci fi - like something you see on xbl gamer tags) and a half ass attempt to bring its shows to the 16-46 male dominant audience then they will have to remake the syfy app to work alot more smoothly with alot better content.

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Edited By jenovaschilld

I have been gaming since for close to 25yrs now on many consoles, pc's, and playgrounds. As time and gaming moves on you start to see a pattern- at least i have- new consoles come out - cries of pc gaming is gonna die! Consoles get old and cries of consoles are gonna die - pc gaming rules all.

It is the same old thing just different media to put your games on. 5 1/4 floppy with Karataka is alot different then downloading Dust onto my ps3. But the gaming is still the same.

Minecraft is one of my favorite new games and i have enjoyed it alot on pc and xbox live- xbl a little more just because how easy it is for a few people to play it in the same room. Anyways its playing fine on Win8 but it will be a while before I can give my finale eval of win8. There seems to be alot of panicking in the below posts which all seem to be without any reason. My advice; give it a try - play as often as you can- DO NOT watch reality tv, and everything will be fine. No company can successfully make a closed gaming system - it will always find a way to slip out.

Oh yeah, windows vista really was a horrible system for gaming do to all the hidden resources it used in the background- a RAM hog. Win 7 was alot better. And i can say the same about alot of consoles.

I would love to see google chrome release a free or cheap OS that was as clean and low resource as chrome browser is. We gamers don't need resource hogs running in the background.

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I would have to agree with the EA guy, the market is saturated with poor quality games and or dominate franchises with yearly releases. A new fresh IP would sale, and even get noticed but it would have such a hard time trying to gain market penetration to get it money back, heck I think it would have a hard time just getting its ads noticed.

I would also hold back a new IP - esp if new next gen engines, graphics, controls would make it better. Right now this console gen is long in the tooth, its easier to develop for, its cheaper to push out a game, which you would think means alot of awesome games - but instead it means alot of crappy games pushed out the door based on the disney channel flavor of the weak.

Publishers are spending more money on advertising then the game themselves. At least when new consoles are out, each new game will get its own press just because the market is not so crowded.

What alot of people dont seem to realize if your setting on a great IP your hoping to have 3-5 big games out keeping a ton of talent working for you for many years. To bring out part one on this gen and the rest next gen will be alot harder. New skills to learn, new teams to create, etc.

While current consoles will have games made for many more years do you really think it would be wise planning a 5 game IP for this gen.

So basically I would hold that new IP back, and have the next gen Assassin's Creed, Gears of War, Uncharted, Bioshock- I mean really if a Bioshock came out right now do you think it would gain enough traction for a sequels.