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#1 inuyashagalo
Member since 2004 • 104 Posts

Hi All,


Well i just finished the last of us and im not sure what to make of it. I think im some what disappointed in the ending. But i think that's because i thought i had spoiled the ending as every one was saying it was sad. and with how things looked in the hospital i really believed Ellie was going to die and that's how i though it was going to end and why it was a sad ending. dont get me wrong im glad she lived, i would have saved her if i where joel but i would have tolder her the truth she had no idea getting the cure would kill her and there is always the chance the cure my have not worked as at the beginning they said on the tv the vacince had failed. So i think the reasion im a little dissapointed in the end is because it was not as emotional as i was expecting the ending to be and because i feel  the actual point where it ended was in mid conversation i feel as if it cut them off before they had finished talking. But over all i love the game it is by far my favorite game on the playstation, it nearly had me in tears in 4 parts and how it ended i feel there could be a sequal wich i think would be good. I hope the story dlc part contines from the end.


What did you make of the ending?

I felt the same thing, and I agree 100% with your words.
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#2 inuyashagalo
Member since 2004 • 104 Posts

[QUOTE="zezezemolskee9"]Yeah i'd like another resi game like the past, i had a lot of respect for what code veronica did on the ps2. What people don't understand even if they could make a game like cvx, they can't. You can say "5 never happened in the resi series" as much as you want, but it did happen, and sadly capcom put themselves in a bad position. Horror and Action, 2 completly different genres, that Capcom has earned the attention of. You favor one side in gaming, the other will feel betrayed like we were in 5. And technology wise, they can't descend in technological advancements. Imo, until game developers understand how to use the technology they're given, we're not going to see horror anymore. However, i think resi 6 made a legit chance at going back to horror, it didn't reach that design, but it felt closer than 4 or 5 ever did. Maybe the resi series will come back, maybe the resi series will finish up it's cycle, with one final game. Imo that would be best. Finish up with one final bad guy. The only potential villian that hasn't been killed in the resi series yet, or I guess technically he was lol, and i don't mean wesker, he got **** up by rockets, lava, and dicks.Seifer-fx


What a mess,

Where do I start? You say you can't mix action and horror? ehhhh ever hear of Aliens?, the critically acclaimed legendary movie which was great action, suspence and horror all rolled into one...or do you remember RE 4? Action + Horror. Of course it can be done, Resident 6 just does it very badly, resulting in unfortunitly the worst RE i've experienced.

The issue long time fans have about RE 5/6 is that they lack substance, tactics, survival elements and most importantly, fear. In my experience RE 5/6 are just action games. RE5 was actually a good action game which i enjoyed but not RE and RE6 is just a bad action game.

And that nonsense on developers not understanding how to use technology, where do you gleem that from? If you know anything about technical hardware you should know that this generation of consoles are woefully underpowered to todays standards, in technology terms they are ancient, my Galaxy S3 is almost as powerful as an original Xbox 360 and double the ram.

Developers get a huge amount out of the current generation of consoles, MGS4 pushed the PS3 to its absolute limit in terms of graphics, they have well and truly mastered developing software for these machines . And just to close off this point, better technology does not equal good games, if i were to name my top 10 games, i'd say at least 6 would be 2D. You can go back as far as Metroid for the NES in 1986 to see a perfect example of Horror and Action.

So yeah...your "arguments" don't make any sense but i do hope they go back to their roots for a final game and get Action and Horror together again for an epic swansong. I just want to see RE go away now, its a shadow of its former self.

I guess what he wanted to say is that technology had great influence back then, and now it's hard or no practical to use it to make horror games, like those clunky controls and isometric camera. Doing a game with this nowadays would suck. However, this should not be an excuse. Many other elements of horror still could be used it. But, knowing that Capcom did this game to new players as well, they did bring back some elements of horror (but no survival...) I kinda agree with zezezemolskee9. People easily say that past formulas would work these days, but I think that's a difficult task. There are almost no games that are pure adventure or horror these days, but their elements can be found in other genres.
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#3 inuyashagalo
Member since 2004 • 104 Posts

Resident Evil 6 has many flaws, but people complaints doesn't make much sense.

Simple controls would be a mess in games these days. Maybe it would fit in PS Vita or 3DS. Actually, simple controls takes a lot of liberty in gameplay, something that a lot of people are complaining.

I don't understand the problems with QTEs. They've been there in past games. Some are boring, other are frustating. R4 had these and it was still awesome.

Cutscenes too long? Really, people? I thought they were too short, like always...
And you can skip cutscenes, what's the problem?

The biggest problem with this Resident Evil in my opinion, not considering the action genre, it's that this game had so much potential and Capcom couldn't use it. I think that with a simple patch, they could correct many things and gameplay experience would be even better.


To TC, if you would like to play survival horror, then no, don't buy this game.
If you want a play a fun game, or you do like Resident Evil story and characters, then this should be a good game.
If you like playing with friends (online or offline), this would be awesome.