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#1 illegalimigrant
Member since 2008 • 1402 Posts

[QUOTE="illegalimigrant"][QUOTE="GrilledCharlie"] If that is indeed the law, then I would agree with it. Now, would you agree that every illegal immigrant in America should be arrested and deported back to their country of origin? I mean, you agree with the law, right?GrilledCharlie

Nope there are such things as immoral laws just like there have been in our country and in other countries. I think there are better ways of dealing with illegal immigrants than the current ones that are not working.

You can't just decide which laws to follow and which ones not to follow. It doesn't work like that. If you want the law changed, then vote or contact your congressman. What should be done about illegal immigrants then?

You don't have to agree with current laws. I we did then we would still be in the 50s when black people would have been separated based on their race. However you seem to keep on bringing laws for justifications so I just made an argument which you would have to agree with based on your previous posts.
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#2 illegalimigrant
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[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"] Nope. The only way he gets in trouble is if he STEPS onto Mexican soil...he did not.Xx_Hopeless_xX

So its ok to shoot at Mexicans I had enough with you. You clearly need help. Reminds me of the mentality of Germany in WW2. Have a nice day.

Yes, we are deliberately eliminating a race of people in massive numbers..:roll:

Well you agree with one.
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#3 illegalimigrant
Member since 2008 • 1402 Posts

[QUOTE="illegalimigrant"][QUOTE="Snipes_2"] And you're trying to find any way to get a Border Patrol Officer prosecuted or make him look like he was in the wrong.


Ok so killing a 15 year old kid for throwing a rock is not wrong. He killed him in Mexico. He broke the law and should be tried in Mexico according to Mexican laws and let the court there decide..... right. Lets go by the law then.

A U.S. Border Patrol agent fatally shot a 15-year-old Mexican boy after a group trying to illegally enter Texas threw rocks at officers near downtown El Paso, U.S. authorities said Tuesday. The shooting, which happened Monday evening beneath a railroad bridge linking the two nations." "A U.S. official, meanwhile, said video shows the Border Patrol agent did not enter Mexico.""The official, who agreed to discuss the matter only if not quoted by name, said the video also shows what seem to be four Mexican law enforcement officers driving to the edge of the dry but muddy bed of the Rio Grande, walking across to the U.S. side, picking up an undetermined object and returning to Mexico near the area where the boy's body was. Like their U.S. counterparts, Mexican law officers are not authorized to cross the border without permission.""According to the FBI, Border Patrol agents were responding to a group of suspected illegal immigrants being smuggled into the U.S. near the Paso Del Norte bridge, across from Ciudad Juarez around 6:30 p.m. Monday.""One suspected illegal immigrant was detained on the levee on the U.S. side, the FBI said in a statement. Another Border Patrol agent arrived on the concrete bank where the now-dry, 33-feet wide Rio Grande is, and detained a second suspect. Other suspects ran back into Mexico and began throwing rocks, the FBI said.""At least one rock came from behind the agent, who was kneeling beside the suspected illegal immigrant who he had prone on the ground, FBI spokeswoman Andrea Simmons said.""Border Patrol Special Operations Supervisor Ramiro Cordero said preliminary reports showed Border Patrol agents on bicycle patrol "were assaulted with rocks by an unknown number of people.""T.J. Bonner, president of the union representing Border Patrol agents, said rock throwing aimed at Border Patrol agents are common and capable of causing serious injury."It is a deadly force encounter, one that justifies the use of deadly force," Bonner said.The violence in Mexico combined with assaults on Border Patrol agents in the U.S. has increased the level of apprehension agents have about their safety, Bonner said." According to your links the officer did not cross the border.

The murder was in the Mexican side as the kid was hit there. I posted the Fox version to show the bias. But take your pick. I'm dissappointed that so many people would agree with the killing of children.

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#4 illegalimigrant
Member since 2008 • 1402 Posts

[QUOTE="illegalimigrant"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"] Well we have an illegal immigration problem in this country. Many illegals come in from Mexico....I think we all know that. But please...enlighten us with your facts on illegal immigrants from the US pouring into Mexico....


I knew it you are racist. As you described illegal immigrants pouring in the the US. Only the most racist people would justify killing of illegals for crossing the border. Have fun in hell.

Am laughing my ass off.. Please define racism for me.

Look it up in wikipedia. Race is based on color. The stereotipical view of Mexicans is brown in color that is why so many racist are up in arms. Look at Canada. There is no outraged at Illegal Immigration there why? Because they are white. That is why I believe it has to do with racism. I have seen it first hand since I have white and brown relatives. Guess which ones get stopped and harrassed?
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#5 illegalimigrant
Member since 2008 • 1402 Posts

[QUOTE="GrilledCharlie"] You're the racist. You wont accept that a Mexican broke the law, assaulted an officer, and died as a result of his illegal actions. Besides, how did you get that staring at someone the wrong way poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury? You're just letting your racism blind your common sense now.GrilledCharlie

Ok lets go by the law. The agent shot the kid on Mexican soil. He should be tried in Mexico. I hope you agree with the law right?

If that is indeed the law, then I would agree with it. Now, would you agree that every illegal immigrant in America should be arrested and deported back to their country of origin? I mean, you agree with the law, right?

Nope there are such things as immoral laws just like there have been in our country and in other countries. I think there are better ways of dealing with illegal immigrants than the current ones that are not working.
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#6 illegalimigrant
Member since 2008 • 1402 Posts

[QUOTE="illegalimigrant"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"] You're the racist. You wont accept that a Mexican broke the law, assaulted an officer, and died as a result of his illegal actions. Besides, how did you get that staring at someone the wrong way poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury? You're just letting your racism blind your common sense now.LJS9502_basic
Ok lets go by the law. The agent shot the kid on Mexican soil. He should be tried in Mexico. I hope you agree with the law right?

Nope. The only way he gets in trouble is if he STEPS onto Mexican soil...he did not.

So its ok to shoot at Mexicans I had enough with you. You clearly need help. Reminds me of the mentality of Germany in WW2. Have a nice day.

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#7 illegalimigrant
Member since 2008 • 1402 Posts

[QUOTE="illegalimigrant"][QUOTE="Snipes_2"] And you're trying to find any way to get a Border Patrol Officer prosecuted or make him look like he was in the wrong.


Ok so killing a 15 year old kid for throwing a rock is not wrong. He killed him in Mexico. He broke the law and should be tried in Mexico according to Mexican laws and let the court there decide..... right. Lets go by the law then.

Why are you and every other mexican getting so butthurt over one of yours getting killed by one of ours? Need I tell you of all the deaths caused by illegal immigrants? Not to mention the LEGAL ones. Look at California's jails. Filled with over 50% mexicans.

Hmm. California has close to 40% Mexicans and the state was part of Mexico first so Mexicans have always lived here. And I don't care how kills they should always be held accountable.

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#9 illegalimigrant
Member since 2008 • 1402 Posts

[QUOTE="illegalimigrant"][QUOTE="GrilledCharlie"] Here you go...from deadly force law that is on the books..."Use of deadly force" is granted to police forces when an officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.


Even staring at you the wrong way could justify deadly force by that definition. Yep I think you are racist. You try and find any way to justify the murdering of a Mexican kid.

You're the racist. You wont accept that a Mexican broke the law, assaulted an officer, and died as a result of his illegal actions. Besides, how did you get that staring at someone the wrong way poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury? You're just letting your racism blind your common sense now.

Ok lets go by the law. The agent shot the kid on Mexican soil. He should be tried in Mexico. I hope you agree with the law right?

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#10 illegalimigrant
Member since 2008 • 1402 Posts

[QUOTE="illegalimigrant"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]How sure are you that the land was actually Mexican and not US? Fencing isn't always up at the edge of a border.LJS9502_basic

Watch the video. No excuses. Stop trying to defend this murderer.

I watched it. Why are you defending someone that would not have been harmed if he'd not been throwing rocks....:|

Why are you defending a child murderer?