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Edited By gpm23

@michaelhuntiii @Ensabuhnur Excellent points and a good read. I get what you're saying about how it may seem like a boring system because it doesn't have the features the Xbox One has, and for me personally, I thought Microsoft's console reveal at E3 was more impressive than Sony's because I'm more a tech junky and the fact that Microsoft was focusing more on the OS rather than the obvious fact that it could play games really got my attention.

However, even though I am a huge tech nut, I also realize that sometimes simplicity, although it is the safe route, is sometimes what people want. Your comment about phones is funny, because ever since I got my smartphone, I've really wanted to go back to my old flip phone because although it is great to have all the extra features, I don't find myself using many of them. I actually can't wait to go back to my old tried and true flip phone mainly because it's easy to use, fits better in my pocket, and is reliable and more durable.

Maybe i'm in the minority here, but I think sometimes it's better to go the safe, reliable route, knowing you can rely on that piece of hardware you bought to just work. Microsoft has some lofty goals, and as much as I appreciate the effort, the more I start to learn about its short comings with voice controls, etc, the more I'm starting to think they are over reaching their boundaries. How well the software evolves over time and how much effort they put into supporting it will be the deciding factor, and I hope it is a huge success.

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Edited By gpm23

@zerouzaria Ya I agree. I mean if there was at least some kind of decent foundation to build off of I wouldn't be so disappointed, but I don't see any redeeming qualities here that could be carried over to next year. This is just sad.

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We need 989 Studios to come back and give 2K some competition. Their NFL Gameday football games were pretty good I thought. Heck even NBA Drive on the Xbox was better than what EA is putting out there. They had three years to get it right and this is what they bring to the table? Time to hand it over to a developer that can bring something new to the table.

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Well....that was actually a really good review. Nice job. Looks like a fun game.

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@spartanx169x I can tell you right now people are going to be disappointed. WiFi isn't going to cut it. They already stated their recommendation for Remote Play, and unless you have access to an absurdly fast connection, I think it's best to play at home.

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Ok, so the concrete walls play a factor here, but if you can only get 50 feet before losing connection on a T3 line, how is this going to work outside of your LAN? Not good, I suspect.

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Well, N64 might have only launched with two games, but Mario 64 was one of the best games of all time, so I think that makes up for the lack of launch titles.

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Edited By gpm23

@Hiliary I COMPLETELY agree with you here. It took me forever to get good flying the helo in BF3, and now I have that same feeling as you, basically thinking twice before I decide to fly. There's too many types of ground and air rockets to avoid and too much time between flares, which makes it pretty much impossible to stay alive for more than a couple of minutes, that is unless you are one of those morons that just likes to fly around out of bounds just for the sake of staying alive. These guys drive me nuts. I understand you want to stay alive, but you're not helping anybody camping out at the first spawn point. People need to stop hogging the heli's and just get in there, slay some vehicles and ground troops, and if you get shot down, that's life. Too much hogging of the helo.....and it takes too dang long for it to spawn back. They have pretty much completely nerfed the heli's in this game because between the long vehicle spawn times, deluge of missiles you have to avoid, lack of flares,ridiculously long reload times, and people hogging and misusing them, any beneficial unlocks that might keep you alive take FOREVER to unlock. I sincerely hope they fix some of these issues soon. There's been times where I was on a map for about 30 to 45 minutes and never even got to use the helo. Fix the spawn times dang it, that would be a good start.

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PS4 is already behind the PC and it hasn't even hit the shelves yet. Man, that's gotta suck.

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Edited By gpm23

@gonzzan @niknokseyer Haha like it matters, this game looks like trash on pretty much everything.