fugas16's comments

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Edited By fugas16

I have a P4 3.0 motherboard gygabite with pci express 1 GB of ram kingstone(2x 512)video MSI NX7300GS 512MB DDR2 monitor LCD VIESONIC 19' inches, and i play this games great. I prefer this game on pc cause for me there is nothing better than a keyboard and mouse, but i like to play console games, but Prey looks better on PC than XBOX 360, actually i bought the xbx 360 just for play quale 4 and prey and i play it on a HDTV, then i bought prey and quake 4 for PC and there is a lot of difference. the same i notice on xbox and pc wiht Doom 3. But as i said the FPS are only for PC because you have more accuracy with a mouse and a keyboard than a gamepad. Thats the reason i prefer play FPS on PC.

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Edited By fugas16

1.- Chaos Legion (PC) 2.- Ultimate Doom (PC) 3.- Half Life (PC) 4.- Age Of Empires (PC) 5.- All Final Fantasy Games