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@Mogan: that is exactly it for me! The story is the most important concept in any game it is what runs the game and sets the tone and the mood. If you can't come up with a good story which is believable and consistent than the rest of your game will suffer as a result.ME 1,2,3 were not perfect but there story was not bad Andromeda on the other hand.

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@lion2447: Well your comment makes a perfect sense if we were living in a world where companies care about stuff like morals and reputation but we do not we live in a world where they will **** you and everyone else living on this planet including their own mother/father if it will earn them a few more $$. That is why there has been an outcry in the last 3+ years for people to stop preordering and stop buying seasonal passes not because it will make you lose money but because companies tend to take your money and show you the middle finger because they can get away with it.

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i loved the GL movie apparently i was in the minority >.>

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Edited By frika153

@mboettcher: i can't speak for him but i share his opinion of the game. From where i am standing i can say that in d3's case i fucking hated the game for a long period of time not because i wanted to but because it was a scam on the same level and in order to forgive blizzard they had to make the experience more pleasant which they did in time after a lot of patches. Only time will tell if no man sky is going to be the same case or not and thats hardly up to any of us the players.

Repairing a badly damaged reputation is something that can be pulled very hard but its not something that a player has to worry about its a problem for the developers since it was caused by them not by us players! :)

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A developer is saying that his game is awesome??!??!?! O_O NO!FUCKING! WAY!!!! This has never happen before!!!!

Seriously... a developer`s word about a quality of his own game is worth jack shit at this point! -.-

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@imajinn: Jesus fucking Christ bro! Don`t make him slip his wrists we need ppl like him in here so they make the rest of us schmucks look intelligent! :D :D :D

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@kazeswen: Oi mate! Some of the people who invented and made gaming happen are nerds its not something to be ashamed of or something that has to be hidden! And you want to hide those creators in the corner because what?they are not charming enough or/and beautiful enough to fill some retarded standard ? GTFO! I don`t need more shitheads who think they are the king of the world just because they look better than most ppl we get more than enough of that from all the movie `stars` singers producers etc. if u want a piece of that action than go and enjoy the yellow magazines! A true gaming environment was never about that and hopefully never will be because that is not what gaming is about. Anyone could be a gamer from the guy that scrubs the floor to this so called miss ``universe`` the beauty of it is that u dont have to fit some type of retarded standerts. Besides i wouldn`t buy a game just because some movie start jumps on my tv during commercials and tells me how he thinks that XXXX is rly good and i should play it chances are he has no fucking idea what he is on about and besides we all ready have a media of our own where we can go see reviews for a game or/and gameplays and decide what we want.

In shot this idea of yours is really really bad!

PS. Don`t watch the oscars and really don`t care about them mainly because almost all if not all ppl over there are nothing like me and live in another world why the **** would i want to watch some self righteous self absorbed egoist geting an award for something when i can spend my time watching a video of the latest preview of a game from Angry Joe for example a person who you can actually meet touch without the fear of him treating you like the plague.... just my 2 cents.

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You know it never seizes to amaze me how greedy and fucking arrogant people can be in general I mean really get a fucking grip on reality! So here is my problem when a game developer decides to start making a game for example and 1 yeah in development for example they decide to remake the whole story which causes them to pressure workers to work overtime and treat them(the programmers) like shit thats ok right they have no complains then... ok cool. Than the fucking game comes out the story is shit and has a lot of bugs because the game developers didn`t get the promised time than instead of working on resolving their newest shit of a product`s problems they are using 2/3 of their resources for their newest dlc and 1/3 to resolve whatever issues the game has... ok nice one! Than the gamers are being told there will be 10 dlcs each costing 10-20 $ and that they will be awesome and whatever when the game itself isn`t working properly again no fucking complains from the developers and companies there are complains that ppl are complaining but thats about it... ok nice nice... and then u start hearing about servers going down because of whatever reason micro transactions extended maintenance if its an mmo and god knows what else which is u know whatever at this point because you as a gamer are so fed up with this shit!

You want ppl to dont act shitty toward you and your product??!?THAN STOP DOING IT YOUR SELVES! You are the fucking scumbag u blame other ppl to be and you want to live in a fucking world where everyone is nice toward you but u are ling/misleading everyone else and treating them like a bunch of brain dead retarded freakins!Yeah! THAT``S OBVIOUSLY GONNA WORK!!!!!

I will tell you what you are living on the same planet i do and ones upon a time i saw in a movie/read in a book/ learned from life/ heared the line from a friend LIFE ISN`T FAIR! Now can you please stop moaning and crying and dramatizing because u think that the world u live in is not fair but i have breaking news for you `SPOILER ALERT` You live in the same world I do and YOU are part of the problem! So excuse me when i react with nothing more but a loud laugh when i see your retarded observations and concerns!

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@alaannn: you are both right and both suggestions seem logical to me.

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@ecurl143: what he said... it looks kind of retarded for you to jump on enemies 5+ levels higher than u and have a shoot out out on the open when 2-3 of their bullets are enough to take u down :\

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