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#1 dustin0284
Member since 2012 • 25 Posts
I can't say XIII and XIII-2 were my favorites in the series, but i'm ready for something new.. Even though it is going to be XIII-3, I'm looking forward to it coming out this year... I've only one Ceith Stone mission to complete in XIII (final mission) and I currently have 158/160 fragments in XIII-2 (Monster Hunter/Defeat Yomi left to complete)... Both XIII and XIII-2 were good in their own ways.. nothing compared to IV, VI, VII and X.. but they were still a lot of fun to play and explore.. My only knock on XIII-2 would be the whole paradox scope element, closing/opening gates, replaying areas for different endings..
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#2 dustin0284
Member since 2012 • 25 Posts
Yeah, Academia 500 is really tough.. The maze portion of it is just time consuming, but the bosses afterwards are rough if you're not a high enough level.. First thing, make sure you have all the items (potions, phoenix down, etc) you want before you even start the first battle with Bahamut.. I'd suggest having atleast 30 potions, and some wound potions wouldn't be a bad idea either...Once you beat him and move on to Caius #1 and #2, you have to start over @ Bahamut if you want to purchase more items.. So make sure you have plenty of items before starting the Bahamut fight... Gil is easy to get in XIII-2 (unlike XIII), so i wouldn't worry about that.. Make sure you have a powerful SEN as one of your monsters.. I think I used the Pulsework Soldier (one that is gold colored).. If you can't beat Bahamut or Caius #1 and #2, then def see below and do some farming.. If you've made it to Jet Bahamut, then here's the paradigms I used to finally beat him... It took me a couple hours (going back to beginning to buy items hurt).. COM/RAV/SEN RAV/RAV/SEN COM/COM/SEN SYN/SAB/SEN MED/MED/SEN SEN/SEN/SEN Try to damage both Amber/Garnet equally.. Meaning, don't just focus on Amber or Garnet and take one out while the other has full health... You want to be able to get rid of both of them at about the same time, giving you as much time possible where it is just you and Jet fighting.. I'd recommend getting both of them down to around 25% health remaining.. then take both of them out... Really, anytime they or Jet are starting an attack, I would switch to SEN/SEN/SEN and just absorb the damage.. Especially when they do their move where they all fly in the air and attack from above w/ a cutscene.. If you're not in SEN/SEN/SEN paradigm when they use that move, you're screwed! MED/MED/SEN can be used to quickly restore your parties health (the Grimore accessory helps a lot here).. If you've taken enough wound damage where your HP is cut by 25% or more, use some Wound potions whenever needed.. You can add a RAV/RAV/RAV or COM/COM/COM pardigm to replace one I listed above, but if this fight is hard for you, then it's risky.. I found it was better to sacrifice a monster (SEN) and just focus on attacking with Sereh/Noel.. It makes the fight last a bit longer, but in the end, you will beat it sooner than if you try to go offensive with a weaker team.. It probably took me 10 times of killing both Amber/Garnet before I finally finished Jet off... I think the battle was 43:00... I could be wrong, but it definetely was not a quick fight that's for sure... Don't be too agressive, if your health is down.. forget about attacking, switch to SEN/SEN/SEN (+use potions and mediguard) or MED/MED/SEN if you are in desperate need of healing quickly.. Take advantage of the recharge on the pardaigm shift.. ALWAYS FOR THIS BOSS!!! *****As for farming, if you're not high enough level... The best place to farm is Raspatil (oerba 400), but if you're having trouble with Bahamut/Caius/Jet, then it will prolly be tough for you to beat him.. I find the Archylte Steppe and Bresha Ruins 100 are the best places to farm for CP.. The 4 bosses on the Steppe can be fought numerous times and reward decent ammount of CP.. Farming in Bresha 100 gives you some decent CP as well as a lot of gil for each battle.. great for saving up for the Serendepity fragments that must be bought with casino coints..
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#3 dustin0284
Member since 2012 • 25 Posts
Trying to get a LVL 50 elemental conference call.. i've farmed Warrior plenty and have only got 2 standard CC's.. I have plenty of orange weapons/shields/mods i'd be willing to trade/dupe.. Here's some of the weapons/shields i have.. i also have alot of orange grenade mods as well.. LVL 50 Hellfire LVL 49 Baby Maker LVL 50 Veruc (corrosive) LVL 50 Infinity LVL 50 Flakker LVL 50 Volcano LVL 50 Badaboom LVL 50 Bone Shredder (purple, 4700x2 dmg, corrosive) LVL 50 Teeth of Terramorphus (blue weapon) LVL 50 Legendary Gunzerker Mod LVL 50 Bee Shield (25,000 capacity) LVL 50 The Sham Shield LVL 50 Hide of Terramorphus Shield LVL 50 Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Shield xbox GT: TheDifferenceX Send me a friend request and whenever we're both online we can talk..