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#1 das_beck
Member since 2004 • 1204 Posts
Competition is always good for any industry but is there anyone else who'd like to see MS and Sony combine efforts 50/50 with Sony designing hardware and MS doing the OS, online and dev kits? I always like choice but I'm sick of buying multiple consoles that are essentially the same. It's not just the price of the consoles but then you add 1-3 extra controllers, better cables (HDMI) and whatnot and all of the sudden it's just not worth it. I don't think Sony can ever be defeated and I know MS will never quit, I'd like to them combine efforts. Let's end this war and breed some Lemmows!
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#2 das_beck
Member since 2004 • 1204 Posts
so basically they dont care about the people who ahve supported them from the begining... SELL OUTS!ramulux
I'm one of the people who supported them from the beginning and I play casual games more than anything now, I think Nintendo's strategy is brilliant. Once you have a real job, a wife and you've busted out some kids you don't get to play games all day. I remember playing Zelda all weekend on the NES when I was a kid but that's just not going to happen now, I'll take 20 minute bursts of fun on the DS though. Hell, I've had Bioshock sitting there by my 360 since it came out and I haven't had time to even check it out yet. I understand hardcore gamers, I was one when I was a kid. But if you're ~30 and have the time to play games all day you're not "hardcore" you're a loser. Nintendo has it right.
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#3 das_beck
Member since 2004 • 1204 Posts
It's funny that some people STILL try to argue that the PS3 is as powerful as the 360, oh well. Some people probably still think that the Soviets are our enemy.
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#4 das_beck
Member since 2004 • 1204 Posts
My wife is going to Vegas this Thursday for a bachelorette party and she'll be gone until Sunday afternoon. I had out-of-town training for work last week and next week so they gave us this week off! It's the perfect storm. I haven't had this much free time since college! I picked up Halo 3, Bioshock and Zelda TP for this weekend and I plan on never leaving the couch. I've got a stock of Red Bull and vodka, a phone to order pizza (duh) and I'm thinking about buying some Depends to eliminate bathroom breaks (ok, not really). My wife and I play puzzle (blah) and classic 2-player games together but I never get to play single-player games. I'm playing single-player on normal difficulty. How many games do you think I'll finish? Remember, I don't get to play games much anymore and I'm out of gaming-shape. Bonus question: Should I dare pickup the Orange Box? It looks awesome but it's almost too much! Any other married guys have this problem?
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#5 das_beck
Member since 2004 • 1204 Posts
You've actually created a great scenario with some interesting points but I don't see MS selling the Xbox division. Xbox was never about taking on Sony and Nintendo on their turf but rather protecting their own. MS was worried that, as consoles keep getting more powerful and offer more PC-like functionality, people would someday possibly buy fewer PCs and more consoles. It's a valid concern. I know many people who only use their PCs for games, email and web surfing; it's not far-fetched to see more of those types turning to other gadgets besides PCs to do the job. I for one need a PC for work but it's provided for me by my company and most companies are so concerned about security they don't let you do anything with it besides run their proprietary software and MS Office and no surfing on the 'good' sites if you know what I mean. It probably won't be long for people like me to realize I can play games on my consoles, surf the web on my TV and check my personal email on everything but the toaster, all better than what I can do with my laptop. When my laptop dies MS just wants to be sure that if I don't buy another Windows box I'm at least buying something from them. It explains why Windows Mobile, the Zune and the Xbox and other MS products are never left to die, even though they're often either losing money or just plain unsuccessful. It's all about protecting their turf (Windows) even if their turf is changing.
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#6 das_beck
Member since 2004 • 1204 Posts
EA has already kind of made a console, the 3DO in the early 90s. It wasn't exactly an EA console but it was the creation of EA's founder Trip Hawkins who, if I remember correctly was still on the board of EA while starting 3DO. Also, although 3DO was a separate company, I'm pretty sure EA may have owned a part 3DO. EA did support the 3DO during it's short life. Long/short of it is that EA kind of already tried their hand at hardware for whatever it's worth.
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#8 das_beck
Member since 2004 • 1204 Posts
The way Sony keeps dropping the price I may not have to wait too long until my $200 buy-point is reached. Wii60 is more than enough for me now. There aren't really any compelling reasons to own PS3 now.
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#9 das_beck
Member since 2004 • 1204 Posts
We're called Manticores.
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#10 das_beck
Member since 2004 • 1204 Posts
OK, assuming Ninty sticks with the ~2year upgrade plan with the DS Lite, we ought to be seeing a new/revised version of the DS soon. Any rumors or guesses? I'd like to see the next version incorporate motion control, a "DS Shake" if you will. A usable web browser would be nice too.