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#1 darkhadou
Member since 2003 • 649 Posts


[QUOTE="PurpleMan5000"]Well, to be fair, Nintendo only showed games that are far enough that we could actually see some gameplay. That was not the case for the vast majority of games on the Xbox and PS4. Nintendo is kind of weird about how they choose to announce games. Sometimes they announce a game years in advance, like Twilight Princess, and others they announce a game just a few months before it is going to launch, like the new DKC game. I'm sure they have some games in development that they chose not to reveal at E3 for some bizarre reason.NathanDrakeSwag

After Brawl they changed their policy to only announce games launching within the next year or two.

Also here is a list of all the first party titles launching this year and the dates for Europe and North America.

New Super Luigi U (June 20th DLC/July and August retail)
Game & Wario (June 23rd/June 28th)
Pikmin 3 (July 26th/August 4th)
The Wonderful 101 (August 23rd/September 15th)
Wind Waker HD (October)
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (November)
Super Mario 3D World (December)

After a year on the market this is the best they can offer. That is a sad list.

Completely agree with you brother....and I own a Wii-U! Sheesh!!!!
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#2 darkhadou
Member since 2003 • 649 Posts

[QUOTE="PurpleMan5000"]Well, to be fair, Nintendo only showed games that are far enough that we could actually see some gameplay. That was not the case for the vast majority of games on the Xbox and PS4. Nintendo is kind of weird about how they choose to announce games. Sometimes they announce a game years in advance, like Twilight Princess, and others they announce a game just a few months before it is going to launch, like the new DKC game. I'm sure they have some games in development that they chose not to reveal at E3 for some bizarre reason.Nintendo_Ownes7

After Brawl they changed their policy to only announce games launching within the next year or two.

Also here is a list of all the first party titles launching this year and the dates for Europe and North America.

New Super Luigi U (June 20th DLC/July and August retail)
Game & Wario (June 23rd/June 28th)
Pikmin 3 (July 26th/August 4th)
The Wonderful 101 (August 23rd/September 15th)
Wind Waker HD (October)
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (November)
Super Mario 3D World (December)

Looking at that game list, with release dates so far in between, doesn't justify the purchase of any new console. Buy the console and the only thing I can look forward to for the month of June is a DLC? Then I have to wait till the end of July for another game I'm not interested in? You see my point right? After all this time on the market, they can do a whole lot better than that. If third parties are not going to support, then Nintendo needs to be pumping out more first party titles (and new original IPs too)
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#3 darkhadou
Member since 2003 • 649 Posts

Now before you get your panties in a bunch, I love to play games across all the platforms, and I am a huge Nintendo fan.  Always have and always will be, but that never stopped me from critisizing what I think may be ill-planned or wrong.

Now, Nintendo announced the Wii-U two years ago and revealed pretty much only the controller and some demos ala Wii Sports.  E3 2012, they show third party support for games already on the PS3 and X360, with very few original games built for the Wii-U.  One would think with the Wii-U's third E3 appearance, they would at least feature a huge plethora of games in a playable state.  Maybe even some trailers to really wet our appetites, but what is revealed is what we all knew was coming.  Its hard to get excited over Wind Waker when I still own the original and it plays just fine.  Are we buying "new consoles" to play 8-10 year old games?

Seriously, what is wrong with Nintendo?  They must have known Sony and MS were coming out with big guns blazing, but they show a seemingly lack of interest for the game market as a whole.  What do you guys think?

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#4 darkhadou
Member since 2003 • 649 Posts

Here's an update from the official website:

Our financial goal is a flexible one.  All contributions will go directly towards the development of this game and making it a reality.  We are committed to making this game, however, if it becomes apparent that we cannot raise enough to develop this project then we will refund all pledges.


While I loved the original, I don't know about this one. The level demoed is the same as the 3rd chapter in the original. Down to the level design, the placement of the monks, and even the music. Difference of course are the updated graphics. I'll wait and see.
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#5 darkhadou
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I think Ninty dropped the ball by calling it "Wii-U". All people will hear is "Wii" and think "I already have a Wii". Also, they had crap marketing.
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#6 darkhadou
Member since 2003 • 649 Posts

One of the main complaints about the Wii U is that it's graphical capability isn't enough of a step up from the previous generation.

We know that overall, the graphical horsepower of the Wii U is 1.5-2.0x as good as the Xbox 360. However, due to the unique architecture, it will be atleast a year before we start seeing such noticable improvements. Would it have made a difference if graphics were more noticably better? Not talking the jump to PS4, but perhaps 3x as good. This could have:

  • Made Developers more likely to adopt next-gen engines for it
  • Gotten consumers can see the benefit of purchasing one over a PS3/360
  • Mad it more expensive to produce 

Clearly all this has had a knock-on effect for the games produced for the system. But would Nintendo still be in the same situation they're in now?

Better marketing would have helped the Wii U
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#7 darkhadou
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But when you think about it, this is "Big Boss". Yes, David played his voice in MGS3, but Big boss voice (just like in MGS4 ending) should be different from solid Snakes voice. They are two different characters.
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#8 darkhadou
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Quite honestly, the graphics leap between last gen (Wii U, PS3, X360) and (X360, PS4) is nothing to brag/scream about. I'm actually quite unimpressed, especially with games like MGS5 looking as crisp as it does.
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#9 darkhadou
Member since 2003 • 649 Posts

[QUOTE="ohgeez"]Seems like a solid game. I loved GOW 3 but I let my brother borrow it. Someone broke into his house and stole it. So, instead of re-buying a game I already beat, I might as well play this one to get my fix. However, I can see how the series is starting to get stale. Hopefully GOW 4 has no kratos or blades of chaosseanmcloughlin

If they DO do another GOW game I agree, Kratos should be nowhere in sight. He's cool and all and he has served the series well, but 6 games of him are WAY too much. He's played out and needs to be let go of. 

Then again I would like them to just do another IP instead of GOW

I understand what you're saying, but I don't agree. Kratos IS the God of War. There are ways the series could evolve, with Kratos still being the main character. He is done with revenge. Athens still lives in some other plane, and Kratos is no where to be found....for now. I think the next one, if done right, has the potential to blow our socks off.
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#10 darkhadou
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After reading numerous reviews, I wonder if these reviewers are slow or conditional with their opinions.  Now, I love the GOW series, but all the issues they expressed in their current reviews have plagued God of War since every game after GOW 2 (minus multiplayer of course).  Even while playing GOW3, I felt it didn't have the "impact" the reviewers were claiming it had.  So, it surprises me that they decide to attack Ascension for the same problems.  

  P.S. I think Ascension is a pretty good game.