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#3 cesarblue
Member since 2006 • 51 Posts

I;m not going to update yet,,, theres still so much fun to be had on the orginal... you might not be in the here and now as far as graphics but there are tons of story you have yet to imbark on... here are some reason to stay put

jade empire, kotr, spliter cell series, godfather,dues ex, demon stone, psi-ops, suffering, manhunt, the thing, bulder gate series, fable series, far cry instinct,,, ninja gaden, nfl 2k5 ,,,, getting up... I just now dedicating like a week to get these games finish and under my belt,, but it's so fun to be in one game with no distraction... I would say stick with your xbox but if you got to go to the 360 games like oblivion,,, gears of war,,, mass effect.,.. those might challenge to spend the money and the price drop doesnt hurt.

but i think old is better graphics arent everything just look at some of the old reviews for that time which wasn't that long ago they were raving over this stuff,,, but if you think about it pc graphics have been there 6yrs before why do you think people have to keep upgrading there computer for games cause now 360 has computer graphics of old without the hard drive.....I just think they need to put out quality games.

funny thing is ps2 games still are over priced cause the ps3 i mean neo-geo is horrible i mean for a game to cost 600 plus dollars and your best game is a port of xbox should say alot (oblivion) but the ps2 has awsome games like rygar2 and rygar 3

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#4 cesarblue
Member since 2006 • 51 Posts

It's plain and simple man tell your parents thatthere is way more dangerous things you could be doing beside playing a video game with a little blood, i mean your 16 that means your a sophmore in high school getting ready to be a jr, That alone should have u like come on, I guess they got you listening to edit rap and rock music too, don't forget that were in a war, man tell them to wake up you know the difference between right and wrong plus your killing aliens,

Last thing is man your 16 you should be thinking about getting some trim, forget the video game get a girl and tell her to come with it your life will never be the same.

Mass Effect is going to be the Game of the Year come check me out on my blog www.myspace.com/prophetschasinpaper leave a comment let me know what you think

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#5 cesarblue
Member since 2006 • 51 Posts

yea man i would say go with bioshock and support something fresh and new, but if your a football fan just pick up 2k it's still the best football game ever, don't forget that you have two worlds out there and Mass Effect which will be the best game in the world this game is going to set the bar very hard for games to come. check out my new blog myspace.com/prophetschasinpaper "race in video games" does it matter" tell me what you think
