Calypso88's comments

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I have been playing Gears since the first one came out back in 2006 so I know what to pretty much expect of the game. I have nothing bad to say about the campaign, as always. Beautiful graphics, great storyline and above all the gameplay itself was smooth (Xbox One).

Oh man, those graphics... I already said beautiful graphics but I have to repeat myself because that's how great they were. The facial animations, the weapons, even the voice acting was perfect. Music to my ears. I won't lie, I died, A LOT, but granted I played on insane as always, since I'm a bit insane myself. The game itself has a long campaign, which I love, took me about 31 hours. Who doesn't love a game with a long storyline? Spoiler alert, the ending was phenomenal. It's pretty much all of Gears in a nutshell. I was sitting like a moron in front of my screen with my jaw hanging to the floor. Just an amazing experience.

Even though I have mostly positive things to say about GOW 5, of course it comes with its negatives. I can't say there's any game, at least for me that doesn't come with SOME downfalls. The biggest nuisance in this game for me was the crashing. The game froze up, a lot. I would have to resort to dropping a grenade on myself so I can pretty much die and restart from my last save in order to correct the issue.

Let's talk multiplayer: Horde (YAY), versus mode or escape. Horde is even more badass then it's ever been. Since each player brings something different to the table, it just makes wave after wave more enjoyable and more intense. I'm ashamed to say I only reached save 38. As a veteran of the game, how dare I! But just comes to show how much they amped up the difficulty. Loved it!

Now, when it comes to the matchmaking, it's 50/50 here. I don't believe the system always made the best matchmaking setups, due to the fact it was rarely balanced, at least in my experience. Given that though, it's by far the best multiplayer they've achieved yet. Entering the Escape maps which seemed to be highly unpredictable was a rush and the new Arcade versus was just beautiful chaos. I was constantly experiencing tachycardia while playing Arcade in the most amazing way ever. Kept me constantly on my tippy toes.

Piece of advice to my fellow female gamer, don't play this in heels like I did at one point. Yes, I was playing in heels, and yes I stood up often due to my adrenaline and YES, I did fall once, maybe twice? Okay... maybe more than twice.

Long story short, if you're a Gears fan from the beginning or you're just starting out the series for the first time, you will 100% enjoy about every aspect of the game. Everything from the amazing graphics, great storyline and smooth gameplay to the multiplayer modes and even those annoying little campers that hide in one spot during matchmaking that makes you want to pull your hair out or in my case use words I didn't know existed or throw a controller or two against the wall (and maybe one of my heels too, maybe...)