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#1 booyakasha128
Member since 2006 • 135 Posts

My thoughts exactly.. although my analogy GMG is House.. The non-emotional, quirky, weird, and always has sumthing smart-ash to say type leader... *sigh*AuthltalynGyrl

LAWL, GMG does fit the House archetype pretty well.

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#2 booyakasha128
Member since 2006 • 135 Posts

Well lets hope that they are both back with us Soon and as I have had no real contact with Eternal I wish him the best and a safe return soon and GMG to come back sooner and I was wondering why he hasnt been around and I dont wish to sound rude here but he was on most of the time and I didnt even notice he was gone :(

Another thing, if he has been banned from the site what will happen to this union as Eternal is the leader will this union just get another leader ?


GMG said he had a new leader in mind, though he mentioned no names. I'm unsure how you would switch leadership off of a banned account, but hey, he's done it before.

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#3 booyakasha128
Member since 2006 • 135 Posts

Ok guys,

Now I'm stuck. I got to the part with the cerberus breeders, and I just spent 3 hours trying to do it and with or without magic.. I get screwed.

How the hell do you keep track of which puppies are fresh, and which ones need to be killed asap. Anyone got any strats for this part?




This is a pretty tricky spot during NUR, but using Medusa's Gaze on the Breeder can cut the difficulty here big time. Stone him, then use throws on the pups. You have limited control over where you throw them, so try to aim them at one another for collision damage. If things get out of hand and a pup grows, restart.

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#4 booyakasha128
Member since 2006 • 135 Posts

I'm not sure whether my primary focus on SoD in my GK:TM:NUR was the right choice or not. I'm proud that I beat a difficult run while basically learning to use a weapon, but I may have caused myself undue frustration at times...

Half Life 2 was quite good when I played it on Xbox, and Portal looks great, so i'll definitely have to pick up Orange Box when I get the chance. Ravenholm is definitely a pretty creepy level, though it seemed to drag on and got boring IMO. Not sure how far you are now, but you'll be able to control Ant Lions at one point, which is massive win. Not sure when i'll be able to pick it up though, since I have GH2, GH3, and Mass Effect ready for when I get my 360 fixed.

Oh, and I suck at Ninja Gaiden. I bought Black and beat it on Normal, but anything above that was just nuts. I've never seen Master Ninja firsthand,and I don't really think I want to as brutal as the lower difficulties are. The camera really does suck sometimes too, especially during boss fights. I was going to get better at the game, but I flat out lost interest after so long. It's awesome at first, but it just doesn't have that X factor that keeps me coming back for more.

/random catchup post

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#5 booyakasha128
Member since 2006 • 135 Posts

I toyed with NUR AotF and CotT briefly earlier. I tried Challenge 6 a couple of times and got owned pretty hard. Those Cerberi are tough with those Wraiths of Asphodel running around. I can probably do it, but I prefer taking my time, as opposed to the time restriction in that challenge.

I also gave the old 9 Wraiths of Asphodel a try with Lvl. 1 Hammer. I actually beat it first try with but a sliver of Health left. The repeat attempts were tough, though, and it took me a bit to do it again. I leveled up the Hammer for lulz after beating it the second time, and it seems a good deal easier. Potshots with the Hammer are devastating at Lvl 3.

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#6 booyakasha128
Member since 2006 • 135 Posts
I hadn't thought about toying with AotF and CotT with my NUR stats yet. Hell, I haven't played CotT since I unlocked and then beat it. I might give some of that a spin tonight.
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#7 booyakasha128
Member since 2006 • 135 Posts
Congrats on beating the GK:TM:NUR, drifter. Have fun with the GM:NUR, and remember that you DON'T have to beat the Clones to complete it. You can try, won't win. >_>
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#8 booyakasha128
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Nice to see you got past the Translator, Drifter. Hopefully you didn't suffer as badly there as I did. Though I should hope that's impossible, considering the hell I went through to beat that. It was a bit like when Shin beat the Clones for me, in that it was so horribly difficult that I could hardly derive any joy out of beating it. At least that **** is over with. >_>

And yeah, there's a difference in normal OH and alt OH. Alt OH is when you hold O to whip the enemy around and toss them at another. Normal OH is just tapping O to slam the enemy.

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#9 booyakasha128
Member since 2006 • 135 Posts

You will have to do a Titan NUR/NUR+ before you deal with the GK:TM:NUR. Settings do not transfer across difficulties. Saves after credits DO effect the Treasures though.theliar

So it doesn't spread across difficulties? I figured since it affected the Treasures it would affect all BPs too, but I guess I was mistaken. You'll want the experience anyway, going straight from Titan to GK:TM:NUR is a huge leap.

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#10 booyakasha128
Member since 2006 • 135 Posts

Well it doesn't have to be a Titan NUR, any kind of NUR will work. So long as you save after the credits with no upgrades, those stats will apply to your next BP, regardless of difficulty (i.e. you could just breeze through a Mortal NUR). Those stats also apply to CotT and AotF.

As for discontinuing upgrades, I really wouldn't bother. It's best to do at least one Titan run before a TM:NUR, so you can be familiar with enemy aggressiveness and the increased collision damage. Quitting upgrades now would only bring unneeded frustration IMO.