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#2 blazingneo32089
Member since 2009 • 630 Posts
if there are many people in your area that have 360 don't sell it..... simply because having both proves you like ps3 better, not that your jealous which is what they continue to say in their heads which is why they make fun of you and blah blah blah. and since your not me, your not dramatically richer than them and probably can't knock them out before they get in some hits on you.12345678ew
I don't play multiplayer games nor do I play online. Why should I keep a console cause people around me have it? I got the 360 out of peer preasure in the first place! And I'm not jealous of anyone. They should be jealous of me cause I get TWO consoles and they get only ONE! And that ONE that they have to pay for online and also repairs for when it breaks down on them. I'll keep my 360 for now but if it breaks down on me, its over. I dont care.
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#3 blazingneo32089
Member since 2009 • 630 Posts


Guys the TC's a troll. He made an identical topic to this one about 25 minutes ago and it had more then enough answers from it.

I'm not trolliiiiiinnnnngggg!!! I'm bad at making decisions! XD!

I gave you a really good response before even though it did have some 360 fanboyish comments in it, but it's only going to come down to two things.

You will sell it, or you won't. If it's this hard to decide just keep it. I went through this whole sort of thing myself, and I regret selling my 360.

If you don't like anything about the 360, sell it. But if it keeps bringing you back, keep it and slowly save up for a PS3. Having both has benefits.

I understand but u dont seem to know how to read posts. I said I have a PS3!
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#4 blazingneo32089
Member since 2009 • 630 Posts

Guys the TC's a troll. He made an identical topic to this one about 25 minutes ago and it had more then enough answers from it.

I'm not trolliiiiiinnnnngggg!!! I'm bad at making decisions! XD!
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#5 blazingneo32089
Member since 2009 • 630 Posts
You felt a difference when the little achievement point pop-up dingedrandylestin
And personally, I find that annoying. XD!
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#6 blazingneo32089
Member since 2009 • 630 Posts
I have played many 360 games. However, now, I have only Fable 2, GTA IV, Rock Band 2, Crackdown, Naruto RoaN, Naruto BB, and Left 4 Dead. I do NOT play online. The following games I HAVE NOT played or are yet to release interests me so far: Lost Odessy, Ninja Blade, Crackdown 2, Fable 3, Left 4 Dead 2, and maybe Alan Wake and Splinter Cell Conviction. I'm not buying multiplats on 360 unless theres exclusive content like GTA IV for example. NOT for graphics or control or online multiplayer differences cause I dont play online anyways. I prefer my PS3 soooo much its not even funny. I was gonna sell the 360 and my reasons were that I thought not enough exclusives interests me, I think the 360 is mostly an online gaming console, I refuse to pay and I dont care if its worth it. I dont play online anyways. Also, I feel like my 360 is a ticking time bomb. I dont know when I might get the RROD or E74. My warrenty expired and I will not spend so much money to get it repaired or replaced and then it may happen again cause I had the RROD once. I will now mention the following games I HAVE PLAYED but I dont want to play them again: Dead or Alive 4, Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero, Mass Effect, The Orange Box, Halo 3, Gears of War, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Banjo-Kazooie N&B, Blue Dragon, N3, Knights Under Fire. I think theres more. Maybe I forgot some. Oh and most of the multiplats I played on the 360 I feel more comfortable playing on my PS3. Only Rock Band 2 and GTA IV stays.
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#7 blazingneo32089
Member since 2009 • 630 Posts

Wii and PS3 for me. Are we going through another round of helping you make a wrong decision?

No. lol
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#8 blazingneo32089
Member since 2009 • 630 Posts
[QUOTE="blazingneo32089"]I know this is the Wii thread! XD! Its that I just came from the System Wars thread and I am so annoyed that people there hate the Wii so much. Of course my family members and friends hate it too. But OMG its so annoying cause c'mon they hate it cause the graphics are not in HD! Are they telling me they would go back to play a game from the 90s despite the dated graphics!? Also for number of "As, AAs, and AAAs" in this ONE site the Wii has! OMG!!! Am I the only one who plays what interests them!?!? NOT by scores, sales, grphics, maturity, blood, or what friends have!!!! I'm going insane!!! I want to sell my 360 but I know people who would hate me for it and criticize me like always!!! Because of that I am afraid to play what I want or do what I want. I sold my Wii out of peer presure but now I want it back! I tell myself to stop coming to Gamespot but I come here everyday! I need to stop coming here!Panther023
Why worry about what everyone else thinks? I mean, opinions / advice are good an all, but you're the one who has to live with yourself. You're obviously frustrated, partially with your friends/family, and dare I say, partially for yourself for giving in to peer pressure. Hey, we all need affirmation at some point or another. Get your Wii back (maybe sell the 360 you don't want, although I don't know if I would do that because it does have a lot of good games), hang out on the Wii message boards and enjoy it the way you want to! If nothing else, none of us is going to criticize you. :)

I have a PS3 though and enjoy it more than the 360. I don't play online either and when I look at the 360 I think of it as a online gaming console.
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#9 blazingneo32089
Member since 2009 • 630 Posts



360 with PS3

That is the actually the worst combo. 90% of the games are the same.

And both systems have enough exclusives to make them a worthwhile combo, and I own all 3 of them and play the Wii the least. And most multiplats are better on 360 anyways.:P

Personally, imo I have never seen any difference between the 360/PS3 versions of many multiplats. Only exclusive content but controls and graphics seem similiar to me.
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#10 blazingneo32089
Member since 2009 • 630 Posts


well what kinds of games do you like cuz whenever someone suggest one you say that ganme does not interest you

Action, adventure, platformers, some rpgs, beat-em ups, hack-and-slashes, and fighting. MOSTLY Single-player. And it has to be literally ONLY on Xbox 360!

why do you want only exclusives for the 360. You realize that games that are multiplat are usually just as good if not better than the PS3 games

I have played more than 20 multiplats on both consoles and seen nor felt ANY difference!