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#1 bakingman04
Member since 2009 • 114 Posts
[QUOTE="bakingman04"][QUOTE="Johnny-n-Roger"] isnt super mario bros the highest-selling video game ever?Johnny-n-Roger
Plays>>>>>>>>>sales matey

How exactly do you come up with a statistic as to how many people have played a given title?

yea exactly how do u do that? n plus if doom has the most playes wouldnt u think it would be the number one selling game all-time?(instead of mario bros.) thats like saying 50 cents album 'curtis' was the most played cd yet it didnt sell as much as michael jackson's record breaker 'thriller'
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#2 bakingman04
Member since 2009 • 114 Posts
[QUOTE="bakingman04"][QUOTE="qwertyoip"] isnt doom the most played game ever? (including the demo)qwertyoip
isnt super mario bros the highest-selling video game ever?

Plays>>>>>>>>>sales matey

true but sales define what you are and what u did as a game.
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#3 bakingman04
Member since 2009 • 114 Posts
a new face wouldnt hurt
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#4 bakingman04
Member since 2009 • 114 Posts
[QUOTE="bakingman04"][QUOTE="cobrax75"]FPS's have been hugely popular since the late 90's...if not before hardly started in 2005.qwertyoip
true but it wasnt until the release of the xbox 360 when many other companies jumped ship from mascots to FPS (i.e insomniac) and also name a great FPS from the late 90s plz i realize doom,quake and wolfenstien were hits but they werent nearly as hot as the game mascot was in the late 90s like crash,spyro,mario,sonic,rayman,nights,etc similar to saying that littlebigplanet n mario galaxy are hits but arent as popular as say a call of duty or gears of war or u get what im saying?

isnt doom the most played game ever? (including the demo)

isnt super mario bros the highest-selling video game ever?
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#5 bakingman04
Member since 2009 • 114 Posts
[QUOTE="bakingman04"][QUOTE="cobrax75"]FPS's have been hugely popular since the late 90's...if not before hardly started in 2005.Johnny-n-Roger
true but it wasnt until the release of the xbox 360 when many other companies jumped ship from mascots to FPS (i.e insomniac) and also name a great FPS from the late 90s plz i realize doom,quake and wolfenstien were hits but they werent nearly as hot as the game mascot was in the late 90s like crash,spyro,mario,sonic,rayman,nights,etc similar to saying that littlebigplanet n mario galaxy are hits but arent as popular as say a call of duty or gears of war or u get what im saying?

Half-Life Medal of Honor Goldeneye Quake II Perfect Dark These were some popular games of that generation.

good list man ur either a super geek or u did ur homework lol
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#6 bakingman04
Member since 2009 • 114 Posts
Solid platformers in the 90's were only the result of first party developers (Nintendo, Rare, Sega, etc.). Anything else was usually garbage. Alot of these franchises died either a quick and painless (Donkey Kong Country) or a slow and painful (Sonic) death in the transition to 3D. There was always very little competition in this genre, developers mostly competing with another console's first party for superiority. (Nintendo vs. Sega). There is little to no competition in this genre today, as these games are no longer regarded as "system sellers". I see today's FPS as being an overall more solid genre than the platformers of the 90's overall, being supported by both first and third party developers. First party developers are not only competing with another fist party developer of another platform, but third party multiplatform developers. While there is a decent share of garbage in the genre, there are overall more quality titles in a fewer time-span than with any other genre.Johnny-n-Roger
well-said man well-said.
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#7 bakingman04
Member since 2009 • 114 Posts

Mascots are pointless and irrelavent (to the hardcore that is). They really don't help in sales at all other than Mario is associated with Nintendo and Sonic is Sega. I wouldn't count Sackboy as Sony's mascot either as the game hasn't sold the best (which is sad becuase it is very good), I'm not even certian how many people you could go up to and say who is Sackboy assoicated with and get an answer of Sony. However in your post you said that Xbox doesn't have a mascot, which isn't ture as the Xbox has Master Chief and Marcus Fenix. Anyway back to what I was talking about earlier, mascots are pointless, buying a console should be about reliablity, future, games, and other features. Sure mascots fit into the games part but when there are over 1000 games to chose from for a console, the 2-3 (or 20 if your Mario) that you're on in the console cycle is a small compared to the other games you would base your purchase over. But I guess for newcomers and very casual players, what I just said doesn't matter and in that case I guess Mascots are somewhat important but if you even have decent knowledge about gaming and games you would not buy a console based soley on mascots.DarkGamer007

if u noticed i had "mascot" in quotations meaning that by mascot i mean that everyone(kids to adults) can play the game and also to be associated in the ranks of mario,sonic,crash and spyro of their time n represent their company as a welcoming character u cannot put master chief or marcus fenix in that category.

true hardcore may not like mascots all like that but who is to say that kids like shooters? they cant even buy the game without an id stating they are 17 or older.

n ur right not many will say they know sackboy all like that but he is welcoming. i enjoy both and would hate to see the mascots that i once loved go to the way side by the hand of FPS i just wish they could both get along lol and i never said u have to buy a console soley based on mascots bro, u did. i could care less why ppl want to buy a console im just saying consoles were founded off of the intent to aim at children and later on EVERYBODY so thats jus what i think. n sometimes i think the hardcore gamers forget and are a little too harsh on non-hardcore games. i

am not a casual gamer. i am not a hardcore gamer. i am a fan of video games as a whole. i like RPGs like Fable 2, i like platformers like littlebigplanet, i like shooters like call of duty, i like sports games as well but THAT IS JUST ME MAN i personally like to be diverse but its ok if the hardcore dont i understand.

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#8 bakingman04
Member since 2009 • 114 Posts
Rayman, Rachet & Clank, Crash - good games all. I could do with one or two less shooters and a couple good mascot-driven platformers instead. One too many exploding domes or entrail-spilling finishing moves might be bad for the brain - or that could just be the 50+ hrs of Fallout talkin'.Evilgodmonkey
Evilgodmonkey i COMPLETELY agree with u man! i dont think it would hurt to see more mascot-like games and still have great shooters (as long as they arent repetitives and clones of previous shooters)
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#9 bakingman04
Member since 2009 • 114 Posts
FPS's have been hugely popular since the late 90's...if not before hardly started in 2005.cobrax75
true but it wasnt until the release of the xbox 360 when many other companies jumped ship from mascots to FPS (i.e insomniac) and also name a great FPS from the late 90s plz i realize doom,quake and wolfenstien were hits but they werent nearly as hot as the game mascot was in the late 90s like crash,spyro,mario,sonic,rayman,nights,etc similar to saying that littlebigplanet n mario galaxy are hits but arent as popular as say a call of duty or gears of war or u get what im saying?
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#10 bakingman04
Member since 2009 • 114 Posts

since the xbox was introduced without a "mascot"and had its hit halo it then became the norm to make shooters and abandon any kind of welcoming mascot for a company or console. let me know if u guys would like to see the mascots return later in the next-gen(clearly FPS is the new hottest thing) or continue with the continuing blizzard of the FPS!

PS. i enjoy both and would love to see them both co-exist and shine within the same light and yes i do recognize that sony has a bonafide mascot in sackboy and nintendo has mario and sega still has sonic and i think ubisoft still has rayman.