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#1 ba777-236
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

Okay guys I just casually went to the 'Check Mii Out' channel just now and it pops up an error that says "Data has been corrupt and must be deleted" and it asks me to press okay to delete it.

I immediately hit home and exited the channel as I don't want to delete my data. Any idea on what's causing this? I've made no changes or done anything out of the ordinary.

And if I do delete it, what info gets removed? Do my Mii's dissappear from the channel? I have over 40 miis on there with good rankings, so I don't want to loose all that info!


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#2 ba777-236
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

I don't call myself an unlucky person, but I've been having some MAJOR issues with the Sony PSP Slim. I am an avid fan of Sony products and have had the Ps One, PS Two and PS Two slim (all great products). So when I finally decided to purchase a PSP slim at Christmas time, I was faced with nothing but problems.

I purchased the Daxter Bundle pack as this seemed like the best deal. I had it for exactly 23 days when the system started giving me issues. I could NOT press the Home or Start buttons as the screen would go blank. There was no way to restore this short of offing the system and restarting it.

My retailer managed to take back the system but could not give me a new Daxter bundle as all were sold out. I subsequently checked ALL the major stores in Southern Ontario (Canada) but could not find any bundles ANYWHERE! So I settled on the Piano Black core system (still the slim).

All worked fine for EXACTLY TWO DAYS! This time the systems screen would simply go blank inadvertently, and the volume of the system was set at maximum (even if I tried to reduce the volume).

Again, I returned the product as it was not playable. I also had the chance to speak with a friend who works in a major electronics store, and he said that he received SEVERAL PSP Slims all with screen problems.

So I am wondering if there is an issue at mass here with the PSP or what exactly is going on? After having spent nearly $150.00 on games (that I CANNOT RETURN) and a Duo Memory stick, I am left with NO system (as I do not want something to break again). Anyone have an inside scoop?

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#3 ba777-236
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

I'd try going to the System menu and doing a Reset to Default. If this doesn't work then all I can suggest is that if it's only a month old then you should send it into the shop.fynne

After reading this, I've tried but to no avail. It can't be anything corrupted with the memory card either as I've tried it without the Sony Stick.

I'm really stumped, but I guess I'll have to take this back to the store.

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#4 ba777-236
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

Hi all,

Am new to the PSP-world here having purchased PSP slim about a month ago. I ran into an odd problem today where the system is acting funny. I cannot use the 'Start' or 'Home' buttons at all. So this means I can't exit a game without taking out the UMD (AND the battery) and I cannot pause any game. So this makes my system pretty useless!

By not working, the Start button doesn't respond at all. And the pressing the Home button results in a blank screen (the system is still on though). Only way to get out of the blank screen is to off and on the system back again.

I ran the update for the newest firmware about 4 days ago or so, and all was running fine until now.

Any help would be appreciated!