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#1 azynkron
Member since 2008 • 36 Posts

[QUOTE="GG-raaaaiiiiiii"]As long as they don't make another Max Payne movie, I'm all for new Max Payne stuff.chandu83
You thought Max Payne movie was bad? Check out Far Cry.

Uwe Boll.. Needless to say more.

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#2 azynkron
Member since 2008 • 36 Posts

Speaking for myself, I can say that I care about developers. chandu83

Right? And since when did they care about you? This is business from their end and so should it be from yours.
Now, I do not encourage people to pirate their games/movies/music/whatever, but I do recommend
that we show our dissatisfaction by not bying. I can easily live without all these bugg ridden poor excuses
for entertainment that are showed in our faces on a regular basis.

I don't think its a coincidence that over 50% of the voted worst movies ever on IMDB is from 2000 and onforth.
People are sick and tired of getting ripped off and they have started to realise that 50$ (even more here in
europe) for a game and some €25 for a DVD is way to much for the mainstream-mass produced-crap.
Could it be that this is the reason for why the industry is crying crocodile tears over falling sales figures (which
I seriously doubt in the first place)?

I also refuse to pay money and spend man-days on Q&A which the producers/developers should have done in
the first place. "It will be patched.." is not good enough. I can buy that you can't forsee everything even with
an extensive Beta and Q&A procedure, but for the love of god, some of these games are not playable from
out of the box. They should not, and I repeat NOT, have been released without including atleast the 2 first
patches in the vanilla version. They are spitting in our faces and then they CHARGE us for the "pleasure".

The industry (gaming/movie and music) are charging us for a product and if the product is not good enough,
noone will pay for it. Compare it with a car, do you seriously think that a car company could sell a ten-year
old model for the same price as a new car? No. Would they cry tears over the "evil market"? No.
They go out of business. As simple as that. They were not good enough and pay the price and the same
should apply for the industry. If you can't take the heat, get out of the sauna and start doing something else.

They clearly show their contempt for us when we ask for help because, i.e. a game doesn't even work properly
and then at the other end they are begging for sympathy? Jesus. H. Christ.
They can all go out of business for what I care. I don't need them. It will leave space for the ones that
really deserve attention and that actually tries to do something different.

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#3 azynkron
Member since 2008 • 36 Posts

I'm struggling to remember how things like the combat worked. I know you had to make choices between technology and magicka (as Arcanum called it), with technology granting the use of crude firearms, and magicka offering the usual array of spells. As for races and attributes - a lot of that is now just regarded as standard RPG creatures. Dwarves, elves, goblins, undead, golems etc can now appear in all sorts of games, not just D&D based gamesAvenger1324

Well, combat is almost exactly as it was in Fallout. It's a turn based action-point system.
I guess the difference is that you didn't have any magick as such in Fallout.

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#4 azynkron
Member since 2008 • 36 Posts

In what format is the movies at the moment?

Virtual dub can cut parts from a movie and save. Best of all, it's free :)

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#5 azynkron
Member since 2008 • 36 Posts

True. Or atleast it's a very small amount. Even the mighty IBM Power6 "only" have 64Kb x 2.

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#6 azynkron
Member since 2008 • 36 Posts
posted before I checked.. the second image should be:

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#7 azynkron
Member since 2008 • 36 Posts

First, are you sure it doesn't have anything that looks like this on the tv?

Might be a variant, but I don't think I've encountered a newer TV set that didn't.. so that's why I'm asking.
If so, then this is kind of what you need:

The black plug goes into the computer and the other two (red - right, white - left) goes into the tv.

If you are sure that it doesn't, then you just need to find a cable with (look at the second image again..)
two black plugs.

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#8 azynkron
Member since 2008 • 36 Posts

1 and only bumb for afternoon crowdTENTHROW2

You aren't using static IP on that network connection? I mean, DHCP is more than the IP adress.

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#9 azynkron
Member since 2008 • 36 Posts

Since this morning whenever i try to start my computer it reachs the screen which says microsoft corp with the repeating loading bar and doesnt go any further. Typing this off my old computer My specs are gigabyte ep45-ud3p, q6600, 4 gb corsair 800 mhz, bfg 9800 gtx, segate 7200.11 500 gb hdd and a second one for storage, vista 64bit, antec 900(no mb speaker)

i have tried moving and using different combinations of the ram, ive check the connections, disabled SMART but no success. If i put in the vista cd to attempt a repair, it locks up on a blank screen before the first menu. Everything has power and the bios works fine.

I think the hdd has failed is there anything else it could be?

Over the past 2 days my comp has acted odd. Sometimes the hdd light was solid and the comp was quite slow for no reason. When i tried to play fallout 3 which usually runs flawlessly it froze completly more it normally does and would occasionlly lock up for a few seconds.


I would try to load in safe mode. Just to see if I could figure out what, if anything, is failing.

Repair has never done me any good, I'm afraid. If it comes to that, it's time for a reinstall anyways.

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#10 azynkron
Member since 2008 • 36 Posts

Let's just asy this dream has is pretty vivid.

In my dream I, Gordon Freeman, had to escort Alyx, Barney, and Doctor Kleiner out of City 17. Near the end of the escape we had to run through this alley way, half the alley was blocked off by a chain link fence so the game wanted me to climb over it and press a button attached on the otherside to have it crumble (PICTURE TO ILLUSTRATE WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT: .

As I got on top of the fence G-Man descended from the clowds and landed on the ground infront of me. So there I was, standing on top of the fence looking at G-Man standing in our way of us leaving the city. Without hesitation he started to shoot pipes out of the palm of his hands at me.

About three minutes into the pipe dodging G-Man either became tired or bored of throwing pipes at me, as he presented me two options: Either continue to dodge pipes until I would die or have G-man kill Doctor Kleiner and he would let me hop over the fence and destroy the fence by activating the button. Curious to see how Valve would show G-man killing Doctor Kleiner I choset he latter option.

** Immediately G-man jumped over the fence and slowly walked over to Kleiner. As G-man was slowly walked over to the group Kleiner began to shed tears then subsequently started to run away as he cried out loud. To end Kleiners futile ettempt to escape he ran towards Kleiner and pushed him to the ground then got on top and sat on his chest, grabbing his skull. At this point Kleiner started to scream in agony and cry uncontrollably as tears profusely ran down his face. After letting Kleiner beg for his life G-man shoved both his left and right thumbs into Kleiner's eye sockets. He began to drive Kleiner's skull into the cement so forecully that it was crushing his skull like a delcate fruit. Kleiner's death scene lasted for a good 30 secs - 30 secs of G-man pushing his thumbs deep into his skull as he rocked and moved Kleiner's head back and fourth and side to side until it was mangled and deatched from his body. G-Man stood up and jumped back up into the sky

Instantly everything went black and a Judi Denche-esque voiceover said the following: "How does it feel to sacraficea friend and simultaneously watch one of the most gruesome death scenes in videogame history?)

Then I woke up.



To me it sounds you logged an hour or two too much in Half life.. Maybe you should try something else? It's a rather interesting world outside your window.. heheh

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