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#1 anandram
Member since 2007 • 1537 Posts

I hope this is sarcasm.

EDIT: Anadram's post then quote/sig are quite a hilarious combo.


What the hell are you on about? My post was in my opinion of course...i have no idea what your getting at?

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#2 anandram
Member since 2007 • 1537 Posts

did you play yhe demo before buying it?nutcrackr

Well you got me there, no i didnt. But thatsnot really my main issue. its the games for PC dont satisfy me anymore with each new release...all graphics no substance imho.

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#3 anandram
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TO me ...gears is the best game on the 360. I just love popping heads and the animation that comes with shooting someone and exploding their bodies. WHAT OTHER game does that? Its a unique game for sure. All those complaining about lag and glitchers etc....what....that happens in EVERY GAME does it?? Gimme a break. Halo is a good game, but its a case of been there done that. Gears is gore and a great achievement in gaming. Bullets do what they should do in gears, ie: the shotty ripping apart your foe. SNIPERS actually TAKING OFF heads. When i shoot a sniper in any other game now, it bores me because their head dont come

GEARS all day for sure.

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#4 anandram
Member since 2007 • 1537 Posts

Picking up new releases for the pc that just suck. I cant remember the last time i played a pc game and was like "yea this rules", i had the most fun iv had in ages in a game last night playing friggn pebble extreme or whatever you call it that comes with the orange box!!

Its really disheartning to me tbh. I buy anew release ie: last night i got quake wars...and was like ....:? WHY the heck does a game like this not actually LEARN from Battlefield and build on THAT..not create some weird ass alternative.

PC gaming has always been close to me, but its getting on my nerves that release after release is crap after crap.

I know its personal preference obviously, but why is no game satisfying my gaming hunger!!?


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#5 anandram
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....consoles had to wait all this time for a "revolutionary game" like halo 3 to come along and the PC's done it already with Half-life released a lonnnnnnnnng time ago? To go with that....Halo 3 is not "half" the game HL was and will never will be....imho. :)

I think that says alot about PC gaming that a game released so long ago still beats the crud out of a game released today :)

Your really....really kidding yourself if you think Halo comes close to HL...hell, your kidding yourself if you think it comes close to System shock 2.

I made this thread because its about time the truth of the matter was evident...sorry if it seems a little arrogant and childish, but in my expereince, its the only waytheconsolefanboys listen....polite terminology doesnt work,so here you have it.

As i own a console, i HAVE to give Halo credit for what it has accomplished, but i just dont like peopletrying to shoove halo 3 downPCgamers mouths when they KNOW that PC gamers have about 10 games that are better than Halo 1,2 and3.

Play Halo3 for what its worth and ill giveitprops, but i want toalso express that PC games have been yelling checkmate when HL arrived a long time ago and counting.

saying all of buying halo 3 tonight :) So you can see this post is not about halo hating, more so the principle of the matter of the whole PC vs console thing.

Commence the bombardment of flamage.../...:?

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#6 anandram
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The truth is Halo is one of the best console FPS ever, but people like me who have played a plethera of FPS on both console and PC might be underwhelmed by it. I bought Halo 3 and its solid all around... Though, thats really all. It doesn't excell in any particular area(especially SP) and the multiplayer fails to impress me.

I guess one specific reason the multiplayer feels absolutely archaic is the lack of classes. You have 16 players that are all the same rushing spawn points for weapons in death match style despite the game mode, a bit old school for me.

Bottom line, Halo is the best FPS franchise on consoles, but most jaded/veteran FPS fans will most likely not be overly impressed... Then again, I could be wrong. Thats just how I feel.


I've played a fair share of PC FPS in my time and I was impressed with Halo 3. In no way was it better than Half-life, system shock 2 and many other shooters but I found it fun online and it's features entertaining. It's campaign was a bit stale, though.

Exactly, thats what i dont get about Halo 3, thats my issue also. console gamers need to be shown a PC FPS, they'll poo in their pants. I know i will prob get another defensive post about that comment also, but im afraid its true.

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#7 anandram
Member since 2007 • 1537 Posts I guess no matter HOW MUCH you ask people to not go on a defensive cry baby tangent, they will do that anyway when you ask or critisise their beloved halo 3...Even after you explain that your not trying to bash their precious game. Whoever said "why dont you play it", can you read my posts or not? Does it not say i played the BETA..yes thought it did.

Why do people get so uppity about this? :lol: I dont see anywhere where i critisied the game without justifying why, so instead of going on a defensive tangent and hugging your halo 3 cd's, why not try to answer the questions? Im not playing any mental games and im not a "cow" in the slightest, im actually a pc gamer at the best of times but love my 360 also.

Quit making immature and cliche driven assumptionsand answer the questions, when your done, go back to playing halo 3. I really dont care if you like it or not, neither do i expect you defensive lot to justify why it gets hype. Its clear that those who do not wish to justify it will not post, those who are a tad open minded will give me some intellectual insight.

Finally, to those calling me a "hater", read the first frigging post will ya! Gosh, half of these defensive posts lead me to believe comprehension isnt taught in classes anymore. I said im not bashing it and im not. CRITISIM is a word that some may want to look up.

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#8 anandram
Member since 2007 • 1537 Posts

Its easy to pick up and play with very good controls and interesting weapons.The multiplayer can be very competative and there multiplayer setup is far above anything else thats on the market.Not to mension a lot of people love the story and the characters.Its hyped for a very good reason,a lot of people love the game.I understand not everyone loves the game but then again not everyone loves smash bros,metal gear,final fantasy or ninja gaided.All of those are popular games but it doesnt mean everyone will enjoy them.Im not saying those games are trash by any means im just making a point.What i dont understand is why people seem to be so frustrated as to why so many people like something.If your not interested in halo than dont buy it.Just let it go dude,play something u enjoy and let the rest of us do the same.


I was with you until the accusation of being frustrated...nooones frustrated about it buddy, my main quarm was WHY its so hyped. If you understood my post you would see that its not that im not interested, i clearly expressed i understood the SP was great etc, its the MP portion that got me...the first was great the second was its just more of the me. No game i can remember has been hyped THIS much so to compare it to ninja gaiden is a bit silly to me. Its the excessive hype i cant understand.

I already said im not trying to bash the game so those that are getting on the defensive....chill bill. Just trying to get an understanding of why so many love it. :)

It gets the hype because those gamers love the character Master Chief, love the way the enemy react to you (the AI is superb), love the scale of the game, love the way it plays, love the excitement the music brings as you are playing, love the vehicles, love the art style, love the weapons and the way you can duel wield two different types, love the sticky grenades, love messing around (warthog jumping etc), have read the books and love the story and the universe to which it's in.

Understand now?

THANK YOU...see its not that hard to explain without going on a defensive tangent is it? :) Thanks for your explanation.

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#9 anandram
Member since 2007 • 1537 Posts

Its easy to pick up and play with very good controls and interesting weapons.The multiplayer can be very competative and there multiplayer setup is far above anything else thats on the market.Not to mension a lot of people love the story and the characters.Its hyped for a very good reason,a lot of people love the game.I understand not everyone loves the game but then again not everyone loves smash bros,metal gear,final fantasy or ninja gaided.All of those are popular games but it doesnt mean everyone will enjoy them.Im not saying those games are trash by any means im just making a point.What i dont understand is why people seem to be so frustrated as to why so many people like something.If your not interested in halo than dont buy it.Just let it go dude,play something u enjoy and let the rest of us do the same.


I was with you until the accusation of being frustrated...nooones frustrated about it buddy, my main quarm was WHY its so hyped. If you understood my post you would see that its not that im not interested, i clearly expressed i understood the SP was great etc, its the MP portion that got me...the first was great the second was its just more of the me. No game i can remember has been hyped THIS much so to compare it to ninja gaiden is a bit silly to me. Its the excessive hype i cant understand.

I already said im not trying to bash the game so those that are getting on the defensive....chill bill. Just trying to get an understanding of why so many love it. :) This is a DISCUSSION forum, so please leave out the..."if you dont understand forget about it " logic....(not directed at the person i quoted, but everyone generally)

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#10 anandram
Member since 2007 • 1537 Posts

To YOU the game was average

To alot of people (casuals and hardcores alike) the game is godlike

Tis the way of the masses


All good and well saying that..but you got a reason ?