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Edited By alterzero

I'm having a hard time waiting for this game to be available, I can't promise to stay up until midnight because I already did that today, last night(?), anyway, I have been waiting for "A Link To The Past" remake for years, I don't know how old I was when I got it and although this is no remake I'm sure is so good that I won't be disappointed!... ^_^

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Edited By alterzero

@nini200 @alterzero

You obviously got me wrong!...

It doesn't matter which one sold the most, I'm a die hard fan of both Zelda and Pokémon games, already preordered both X and Y.

When I said WW is for kids I meant the graphics style and the design of the characters, they look like cartoons and the cell shaded style is not my favorite one, this game was rather easy to remake because of this!...

A remake doesn't necessarily has to be a copy-paste of the original with updated graphics, Nintendo could always add to the story and make it even better without ruining it, fixing what they did wrong the first time, like an expanded version but with the current graphics quality to both motivate newcomers and old fans, quality sells!...

It is said Nintendo is already working on a new main Zelda game for 2014, with the biggest team ever had, this is just for the best and even if OOT and MM were remade for the Wii U they wouldn't outshine the new main game.

I hope Nintendo will give this game a huge budget that will be reflected inside, imagine Link and Zelda finally talking, it would be much better than only reading walls of text...

Awww, there's so much that can be done but Nintendo keeps on being cheap, I hope they change their minds and that they will come up with a glorious remake + expansion of Ocarina Of Time and Majora's Mask along with the new game!...

There is no need to give up remakes for sequels and new franchises, they can coexist and not damage each other, as long as they are quality products!... ^_^

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Edited By alterzero


Mmmmmm, it depends, on many factors and the quality of the product is the most important of course, if Nintendo remade Majora's Mask with real quality I wouldn't doubt to give them my money but if they came up with crap like the Ocarina Of Time for the 3DS then I better save it for ice creams or something better, said otherwise...:

Nintendo can earn a lot of fans/money if they do quality products but not with crappy ones, it's common sense!...

I have loved 3 Zelda games only:

A Link To The Past

Ocarina Of Time

Majora's Mask

The rest I don't like or better said I never wanted to play them, in the end it's up to Nintendo, they'll get my money with A Link Between Worlds but not with Wind Waker, that thing's for little kids!... -_-

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Edited By alterzero

Oh my gosh, I'm completely sure the "prospect" which clearly refers to the almost marvelous clip made by some very talented people made Mr. Aonuma feel afraid of even trying to come up with something relatively similar, it would be great business for Nintendo to boost Wii U sales with a high quality title but I don't think he wants to do it, maybe they just can't, a real pity, Ocarina Of Time and Majora's Mask with the best modern quality would be amazing, but these guys think in some other way apparently!...

He must have laughed after watching the video proposal thinking they are not up to the challenge!... ¬_¬

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Edited By alterzero

@G4m3r0uTL4wZ @alterzero

I must give you the reason on this, sadly this game is not what I had hoped for, it doesn't mean that it will not become what I wished for but for now it is just a preview of what it could be, just not to call it a rushed game...

No word has been heard about Ultimates and Humiliations, stage knock offs, no story mode and not much that was indeed an essential part of the original Killer Instinct(s)...

I was going to buy the X One given this is an exclusive game and only for Killer Instinct but I better wait and see if this game becomes what I want which is the originals but much better, I would really feel sad if I had to give up this game but I will not conform with it if it is not what I want...

I have always thought Free-To-Play games are just crap, it makes me sad and very mad too, I guess the most we could do is reject the game if it doesn't meet our expectations!... U_U

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@FULGOREY2K @alterzero

I guess I'm just too optimistic, much has been seen and said about the game, I know about EVO and how many people hated it but I still have hope for it, there will be a review before I decide if it's worth or not!...

I don't want something like the newest Mortal Kombat which plays so bad in comparison to let's say MK Trilogy which was so ... fast, while this one feels clumsy at best, yeah there are no bugs in the combos like previous games but still it doesn't feel the same!...

My point is that this game has potential and it looks beautiful and if they make it as good as it should be then I couldn't argue about it, were they to screw it once more like they did with the Banjo-Kazooie crap they came up with for the last console then I will just have to hate them!...

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I want a full game and I don't mean the fact that this is free-to-play game which tend to be cheaper than retail ones most of the time but that I want it COMPLETE!...

That is including all the features one could expect from a fighting game, just like what we have in Super Street Fighter 4, training mode, challenges, etc. etc., and I also expect it to be like a regular game in that it will not require constant Internet access that could slow it down, like the crap of Tekken Revolution which makes me just sick...

Microsoft says they want people to fall in love with this game and I hope they prove it giving us something of quality, they would do us a favor if they just sold the whole game at full price, at least as one of many options, I know KI from the beginning so I know what I'm getting but if newcomers want to try each character first that is fine too, that would be easy to do by just playing arcade mode but for me it is just better to get everything in one go!...

I wish this game was multi-platform so I could play it on the PS4 but I love Killer Instinct and I'm being forced to get the XBox One to play, that should tell how good this game really is for those newbies arguing about it!...

In the end I just hope Microsoft won't screw up this game because that would cost them more than what they would want!... ^_^

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Bring it on!... That's what I'd tell them, it actually makes me glad that Final Fantasy games go multi-platform, there's more to choose from and Square Enix may sell much more and then do better games, I've been a Final Fantasy fan since FF VIII and if they make the game for PC as well I'll be glad to get it, of course the PC specs are no problem to me, next gen consoles might have just matched my PC and I can always upgrade it as necessary!...

I must admit it would feel weird to play the game on PC being used to PlayStation but it should be better, in regards of visual quality at least, the controller would not be a problem, there will be XBox One controllers available and I'm sure they will be fully compatible with PC as well!...

By getting this game on PC the road for future Final Fantasy games will open for so many more people and there's always hope for me at least to see older games brought back to life in glorious remakes using the latest technologies and I'm talking in particular about Final Fantasy VII, VIII and IX, just like X and X-2 but significantly better!... ^_^

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People not ready yet, read as happy if you want, the XBox One is just a new console after all, not that it matters at all, now I want a price cut since things have changed!... -_-

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It's hideous but I get the idea, as long as there a full game available at whatever price they'll tag to it I will get it, well of course the game has to be worth it and I hope it's vastly superior than the previous ones, I like Killer Instinct a lot and online fighting would be great, I still remember battling at LUDICROUS speed in Gold so long ago!...

Basically what these guys pretend is to make the games as cheap as the player wants but it's so limited it feels bad, I REALLY expect the full game with endings for each characters and everything else, maybe several costumes too, I still hate the DLC and microtransactions crap though!...

Will want Jago, Cinder, Fulgore, Glacius, and maybe Orchid too, Spinal's nice as well, here begins the hard part deciding what to buy!... -_-

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