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#1 _ButterS_
Member since 2007 • 29 Posts
Thanks for all the helpful replies everyone! The bluray drive will be in there because he has a small collection of bluray DVDs and his PS3 kicked the bucket. Also, he will be using his PC on a 42inch LCD TV screen. I want to make sure that the video card we get will scale to full 1080p without much stuttering and shameful frame rates. I talked to him and he pretty much wants to play an assortment of games. Primarily NBA 2k, Starcraft, and the occasional FPS (Modern Warfare). He'll also be doing school work on this computer which is only word processing and browsing. Again, his requests are to play on High to Ultra settings for a good 3 years. I highly doubt this will be achieved, but I just want to know what his best options are. I'll try to talk him down on the card reader. Also, if I changed to a FX6300 CPU and MOBO combo, I can potentially save $100. Is it worth it?
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#2 _ButterS_
Member since 2007 • 29 Posts
Thinks for replying everyone. Based on speculation and rumors (which aren't ever reliable), the PS4 and Xbox720 are suppose to have an A8 core with a dGPU 7670 in a crossfire configuration. I'm assuming that these specs are less than spectacular and will run games around 30 FPS. These next gen systems won't be released until next yearish, so these specs can always change. 5SI-GonePostal, thanks for bringing up that spec on the MOBO, i'll try to look for another MOBO with OC capabilities for potential CPU OC later down the line. He also wants the bluray player and the card reader since he exchanges a lot of media between cameras. So that's something that needs to stay. He wants a lot from a small budget so i'm just trying my best to accommodate them. He's planning to use a PS3 controller as a gaming controller; therefore, the need for a gaming keyboard or mouse is not needed as of right now. He's just trying to get his feet wet entering PC gaming. So for videocard, would a 7950 be worth the money over an overclocked 7850? I just don't want to spend more money on something that he can't fully utilize.
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#3 _ButterS_
Member since 2007 • 29 Posts
Hello 04carraher, thanks for replying. I was looking up benchmarks and performance issues with AMD chips and I wanted to know if there would be a bottleneck with these CPUs when paired with a 7850/7870 or 7950. A majority of high end gamers are suggesting starting builds around the I5 quadcore, but some people are arguing that the increase in FPS are only moderately higher, 5 or so FPS. Also, it looks like the I3 outperforms AMD chips in games. http://www.techspot.com/review/586-amd-fx-8350-fx-6300/page6.html I'm more partial towards an AMD rig myself to cut costs and put the extra budget money into a GPU, i'm just worried about a bottleneck for the above listed cards and a bottleneck for an upgrade card down the line.
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#4 _ButterS_
Member since 2007 • 29 Posts

Hello everyone, I just wanted some feedback on a build i'm making for a friend of mine. He really emphasized having good graphics and he also wanted all the bells and whistles of the current PS3 (bluray drive, wifi, and a card reader). He's coming from console gaming and diving into PC gaming which is a huge jump for him. His maximum budget is $900, but this is really stretching it, The $700 range is obviously more desirable for his budget.

With that said, I was thinking about using an I5 (k series) paired with a 7850. Here is the breakdown I put together:

I5 3570k $215http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116504

ASUS P8B75-V LGA MOBO $90.00http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131835

Seagate 1tb HD $70.00http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148840

XFX DD HD7850 2gb $210.00 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150609

Corsair 600w PSU $70.00http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139028

LG Bluray Drive $55.00http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827136252

Rosewill Card Reader $15.00http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820223103

Apevia Mid Tower ATX Case $50.00http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811144259

Enermax Wireless Keyboard and Mouse $14.00http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823219009

The estimated cost for this rig is $910.00 USD. After rebates, it should be $850.00 Please note that additional SATA cables and additional case fans may be required; therefore, the price may slightly rise.

When I showed him this build and the specs, he was happy with it, but he just wanted to make sure it would keepup with future games for at least 3 years (running high and ultra). I've already told him that video cards will eventually be outdated and may not be able to play every new game at ultra settings.He just wants to make sure that whatever money he's putting into this system will be worthwhile, emphasizing "wanting to make sure I don't regret spending all this money when I could have just bought a PS4/XBOX 720."I've explained to him that he cannot save money and future proof at the same time.

I can try to cut corners to lower cost (switching the I5 to an I3) OR completely switching to an AMD CPU and MOBO combo. Any suggestions or completely new rigs will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the feedback!

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#5 _ButterS_
Member since 2007 • 29 Posts

Growing up in the 90's, I went SEGA > Nintendo...

Don't bash on a game like Sonic 2 just because it's old. It was one of the greatest games of its time, as was Mario Bros...

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#6 _ButterS_
Member since 2007 • 29 Posts

Well if delaying it makes it a better game, then I don't see a reason to complain about anything.

As for Galazy getting pushed back, I doubt it. If Nintendo plans to make a huge holdiday season, I would think they would at least have one hard hitting 1st party game to lead the way...

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#7 _ButterS_
Member since 2007 • 29 Posts

Ok first things first, i'm GOING to get the Wii, it's just a matter of where and when. I've checked all the video game retailers in my vicinity for around a week and still nothing. However, i've been told by a Best Buy rep that they will be shipping in sometime this week, so I will probably drive there every so often to check on that...

Anyways, back to the topic at hand. Can anyone here recommend a "decent" wii attachment/shell that's comfortable and adds to the games experience? I've seen numerous clips of...

the Wii Pirana http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnInI9cwJR0

the Wii Blaster http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6RJWvOA22c

the Wii Brando gun http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAfHGseEmbQ

and who can forget the Wii Zapper http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvOLed7Ovh8

To be quite honest, the Wii Zapper is the least appealing of the bunch, not mainly because of its looks, but because it seems as if there is no easy access to the face buttons. The Brando and Pirana guns looks great, but again, the ease of access to the face buttons is the downfall of these two products. As for the Wii blaster, it's the only (from what I can tell) perhipal that allows access to the face buttons. Though bulky and somewhat odd in appearance, I really question whether or not the Wii Blaster, or any of these attachments in general, really is comfortable in a gamers hand/s. The reason why i'm stressing so much about these buttons is because I plan on buying Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition. For those who don't know, in order to fire in that game, you will need to hold down a face button (forgot which one since I played it at a nephews house) and pull on the trigger under the remote. Though this "face button problem" only pertains to RE4, I wonder if any other shooters in the near future may reconsider their button layouts or at least let the player change the button mappings.

Anywayys, any feed back would be appreciated...

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