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#1 WizardGlass
Member since 2012 • 322 Posts
until IR is no longer possible on plasma (which will never be the case) i will never recommend a plasma. im sorry, it is just to big of an issue to overlook. I know 2 people who watch a lot of ESPN and after having their plasmas for about 3 weeks they started to see burn in appear on their sets. bars on the top and bottom, and ESPN logo in the corner. This was from having ESPN on for maybe 4 or so hours a day. with the tech behind LED TVs today, the brightness and ease of use in any light condition, the lack of IR worries, the increasingly excellent black levels and color... i see no reason to buy anything but an LCD. Unless you are a HUGE AV nut, you are truely never going to notice the difference. which would you rather have.... a TV that looks excellent and has very few drawbacks, or a TV that looks just a little bit better, but has a HUGE drawback that can potentially ruin your viewing experience permanently. The risk just isnt worth it when there is an alternative with no risk. sure you can say LCDs may have edge bleed, clouding, flashlighting.... but not all panels have these issues, and almost any reputable vendor will let you return your purchase until you get one without the issue. i have owned 4 LCDs in the last 5 years.... only one has had any of these issues, and after returning it for a new one, the next had none of the issues. buy an LG M7600....and get excellent PQ, excellent 3D, an extremely attractive TV, and no IR worries. sure it is going to have some of the common LCD issues, but like i said, return until you get one without them, IF you even get one with them in the first place, and problem solved. IMO passive 3D is the best technology available for 3D, with the best picture and the fewest issues, and LG is the only one that offers it. LG M7600
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#2 WizardGlass
Member since 2012 • 322 Posts
how would anyone know if it is worth it when nobody has even played it yet? brains.... use them. or were yours eaten?
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#3 WizardGlass
Member since 2012 • 322 Posts
[QUOTE="WizardGlass"]greenmangaming is quite possibly the worst site for puchasing games on. They have constant payment processing issues for a huge number of people. when the site first came out i bought a bunch of games from them, but in the last year, i havent been able to buy anything. Always have payment processing issues when i try to check out, and their customer service never does anything about it. Last time i sent in a ticket to them, the response i got back was "We are busy processing other requests at this time and cannot assist you with this issue" it was at that point that i pretty much told that site it can go **** itself.Makari
depending on which side of the payment it's happening on, a lot of US-based banks flag/deny GMG because of 'gaming' in the title and thinking it's a gambling site, and for being in europe. i pretty much use paypal with them 99% of the time, though even i had problems with the checkout there for a week or so (though that's out of 2 years of buying stuff there off and on)

i cant check out through credit card or paypal, and havent been able to for atleast a year. i have already been through the song and dance with my bank, and they never even receive a payment process request when i try to order something, so there is nothing the bank can do. It is GMGs system that is ****ed up and horrible. They have had these issues for ages, and all their customer service reps do is apologize and tell you they are too busy to help you. sure they have great deals.... but if you cant actually buy anything, it makes it kind of pointless huh?
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#4 WizardGlass
Member since 2012 • 322 Posts

Pre-ordered Dishonored off Steam this afternoon, anxiously awaiting the unlock.

Can't believe people are falling for this speed run rumour,most games can be finished incredibly fast if you are just going for speed and not enjoying it. I don't see myself rushing a stealth game.

For refrence, some speed records:

Completing the main quest in Skyrim - 2:16:10
Deus Ex: HR on "Give me Deus Ex" - 1:16:53
Dragon Age: Origins - 35:30

So lets take a step back.

there are legit reviewers, like Totalbiscuit, that are saying that the game can be completed in 5-6 hours. im sorry, but for a game that short, im not paying full price. theater tickets are cheaper than that per hour and movie prices are outrageous as well. 5-6 hour game @ $60= $10-12/h 2 hour movie at @ $10.50= $5.25/h general rule of thumb, that has served me very well..... if i can beat it in one afternoon... its not worth 60 dollars
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#5 WizardGlass
Member since 2012 • 322 Posts
greenmangaming is quite possibly the worst site for puchasing games on. They have constant payment processing issues for a huge number of people. when the site first came out i bought a bunch of games from them, but in the last year, i havent been able to buy anything. Always have payment processing issues when i try to check out, and their customer service never does anything about it. Last time i sent in a ticket to them, the response i got back was "We are busy processing other requests at this time and cannot assist you with this issue" it was at that point that i pretty much told that site it can go **** itself.
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#6 WizardGlass
Member since 2012 • 322 Posts
I'll be getting Chivalry Medieval Warfare on Tuesday... October 16th 2012 :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iFaQ6ipMCw&hd=1&t=6m1sZubinen
never heard of this game until now but OMFG... looks awesome
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#7 WizardGlass
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There are no official DICE servers but there are definitely a lot more than 3 which will have players. You're doing something wrong at your end.


god... you **** people really need to get off your high horse. everyone on these forums is so quick to point the finger and pull the "you clearly are a dumbass and doing it wrong" card.

battlelog happens to have the worst possible search functionality ever implemented in a game....ever. it REGULARLY omits servers from the search that fully meet your filter criteria. in fact, you can do a search, play a game, and then do another search with the same filters 15 minutes later, and get completely different servers in your list. it happens all the time.

the guy isnt doing anything wrong on his end..... you are just being an **** for no reason.

wow, way to go off on one. He never even said anything negative towards the guy and you claimed he said something like"you clearly are a dumbass and doing it wrong" :?

Also I think battlelog is incredibly easy to use now and is a great search tool. There are other games I go to play with people and wish I had the ease Battlelog has of joining games with friends etc.

But it does have serious issues at times. Like really bad ones

let me just bold this for you:

"You're doing something wrong at your end"

he is claiming the guy is at fault.... when it is much more likely that is not the case.

i see this dozens of times a day on these forums, people post some sort of issue and then the snot nosed, self entitled gamespot douches come out and start saying "you are clearly doing it wrong".... there is literally nothing to do WRONG on battlelog. you click the checkboxes for what you want... and you hit search. end of function. is it more likely that he is doing some magical thing that is causing battlelog to not work... or is it more likely that battlelog just doesnt work? considering the trackrecord of battlelog and DICE, i think it is far more likely battlelog is a piece of ****

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#8 WizardGlass
Member since 2012 • 322 Posts

[QUOTE="IxX3xil3d0n3XxI"]Ive wanted Dishonored for a long time, but if its only 4hrs completion time... I'll get it on sale. kris9031998
Apparently it was a speed run with someone who knew everything on how to complete the game, like level design, enemy types, where to find stuff, etc.

no proof? no truth....

considering a lot of devs seem to think 4-5 hours is legit for a 60 dollar game these days.... i dont doubt it. i will, however, be about as disappointed as possible if it is true. dishonored looked like an instant classic for me.

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#9 WizardGlass
Member since 2012 • 322 Posts

There are no official DICE servers but there are definitely a lot more than 3 which will have players. You're doing something wrong at your end.


god... you **** people really need to get off your high horse. everyone on these forums is so quick to point the finger and pull the "you clearly are a dumbass and doing it wrong" card.

battlelog happens to have the worst possible search functionality ever implemented in a game....ever. it REGULARLY omits servers from the search that fully meet your filter criteria. in fact, you can do a search, play a game, and then do another search with the same filters 15 minutes later, and get completely different servers in your list. it happens all the time.

the guy isnt doing anything wrong on his end..... you are just being an **** for no reason.

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#10 WizardGlass
Member since 2012 • 322 Posts
[QUOTE="WizardGlass"]bleh.... i dont understand how you guys like that game. SUPER boring to play. was only able to get about 5 hours in before i had to just stop.MonsieurX
I don't understand how you didn't like that game.

grab quest, kill 50 people.... grab quest, kill 50 people.... open 400 containers inbetween. very boring IMO