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I have commented on 3 different occasions on how much I am enjoying ESO and my comments keep getting deleted every time, not quite sure what's going on but it seems a little suspect.

I have played pretty much every mmo since the first Everquest, I even played a little UO back in the day.

From my own experience ESO is the most satisfying mmo I have ever played. Every other mmo I have ever played felt like I was working a second job. ESO is the first mmo I have actually had fun playing since the first year WoW was released.

I'm not sure what all the crying is about, maybe it's just this generation of kids, but the game is great and if you are put off by the monthly fee of a measly $15, then your priorities really shouldn't involve playing video games in general.

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Where are all you clueless people coming from??? DNF sold over a million copies without counting digital downloads, which probably accounts for most of it's sales. Just because a game gets bad reviews from websites does not mean it did not make any money. Any developer would love to sell over a millions copies of their game, and not very many ever do. 2k Games confirmed that DNF proved to be profitable for the company and the lawsuit was for 2 million in royalties from those profits. Anything that makes you millions of dollars in PROFITS is a good thing if you want to stay in business.

I was a big fan of Duke 3D back in 96 and use to play it online on the DWANGO and TEN networks. DNF didn't come close to living up to the expectations and legend of Duke 3D but it was far from as bad as many so called professional reviewers painted it as, and obviously many of us that are not zombies to following other peoples opinions bought the game regardless of the bad reviews. It wasn't great but I still had fun playing it.

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BF4 is looking good so far, whats with all the whiners these days, crying about everything as if it really means something, It's due time some of you lads grew a pair.

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They should have finished this game instead.

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Thanks for your hard work in bringing us some great games over the years Todd. Thanx for helping to bring us games like Wolfenstein, Doom, Hexen, Rage and Quake series, just to name a few. The First Person Shooter and Multiplayer genre would not be the same without you and id software. If it was not for id software, games like Half Life, Counter Strike, Team Fortress, Medal of Honor and Call of Duty probably would not have existed or reached the popularity they have today without id's leading edge engine tech.

The Quake Engine was the first 3D game engine that used three dimensional figures instead of two dimensional sprites. Furthermore Lightmaps and dynamic light sources were used instead of static lighting. It may not seem like much now but at the time it was a major breakthrough in the gaming industry.

Good luck in everything you do Todd.

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BF3 sold 8 million copies the first month and has sold 18 million to date, that's pretty good considering the Battlefield series wasn't that well known to mainstream gamers. Now that the Battlefield series is known and loved once again even by the mainstream and the frostbite engine is looking better than ever, I would not be surprised to see 14 million on launch.

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@Prats1993 Just thought you should know that your an Idiot, because you obviously haven't realized it yet.

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Edited By TronX

COD4 is a much more enjoyable game, better gameplay, graphics and a lot lower pc specs required, plus you dont need Vista, DX10 or 3.0 pixel shader. If you have bought a Direct X10 Video card below the 8800 mark, you just wasted your money, everything else has been crippled with a 128 bit memory path, and thats not gonna cut it for the amount of data DX10 will need for games in the near future. Nvidia and ATI crippled all but their High end expensive cards so you would end up buying one sooner then later. Funny how a 2k file can allow a shader 3.0 game only like Bioshock to run on Shader 2.0 with very small visual differences, seems like 2K games are in the business of selling video cards. Microsoft, the video card makers and a lot of the gaming companies are working together, they want you to hurry up and buy all their new products now and then wait a year for them to actually work properly (hopefully), and by that time your gonna need new equipment. At the moment the difference between dx9 and dx10 are not worthy of a major upgrade, maybe by next summer dx10 will shine(or shade:) on proper hardware and optimized drivers. Thats just my opinion, I welcome yours. -btw check out the smoke in COD4 using DX9, looks like DX10 quality smoke to me, no ghosting vertical lines.