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#1 TrainerCeleste
Member since 2012 • 1633 Posts
I heard that this happens because if you try to help in that country you have to help pay their medical bills or something.
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#2 TrainerCeleste
Member since 2012 • 1633 Posts

[QUOTE="TonyDanzaFan"] If you truly believe this, and it is not a sincere troll attempt, then I feel bad for you because the "I respect women" BS is what guys who can't get a woman say. That is the biggest piece of crap ever. "I'd treat her like a princess! I'd treat her like my queen!" You know why chicks avoid you? It's because you say things like that. When you are desperate, garbage like this spews out, and women know it's garbage, and women can smell the desperation on you. Just stop...STOP!!!! Talk like a normal person, and don't act creepy in front of girls you are interested in. Just take a chill pill (oxys, vikes, xanies whatevsss) and relax. It will happen in time when you learn to act normal around women. It seems impossible to see your weiner anywhere besides your jeans or a padded toilet paper roll, but it will happen. Bee happy, bee healthy. :)


This post is full of win. Sure he put it more nicely than I did but the truth is the truth. I may be a arrogant prick but women know who the boss is and what i want. They know that if they don't do it another woman will be only to happy to take her place. Women out number us add in

1. Fat men

2. Ugly men

3. Men in jail

4. Broke men

5. Gay men

6. Crazy men

7. Little dick men

8. Men with no style

9. Men that have no game

10. Married men

Boom that is just the top ten so right there women don't have many options. So no way do you have to put up with bs from no woman. This is a man's world and dick runs it put these women in their place. No wonder women are running game on lames the lion is acting like a sheep.

Yo my dawg now dey gon thinkk dat we be tag teamin dis biiiitttchhhhhh!!!!!!!! I aint you dogggg!!!!!! And I am certainly not number 7. My big 10 inch penis says otherwise!!!!!

You're his alt or the guy that took his locker room picture :P I know it :lol:
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#3 TrainerCeleste
Member since 2012 • 1633 Posts

[QUOTE="TrainerCeleste"][QUOTE="no-scope-AK47"]Your in a friendship maybe does she even know you like her??

Is she plastic ??

I don't get how you could have a girlfriend for 3 years and not have sex with her. Something about this story does not add up no man is that lame. However with the comments I see here most of they guys are homo's,little kids or just clueless about women in general. You think I am trolling because I bang hoes wow smdh. You guys said I was a little kid,had a little dick,was a virgin ect but surprise I am not that whimpy little nerd you thought I was. Now you can make all the little jokes you can but at the end of the day I am still more of a man than you could ever dream about being.

No way would some woman dick tease me for even 3 months. She either puts out or gets out point blank. Now I could be wrong here but your ugly aint you and you put up with this bs because your scared that if she dumps you that you will be a complete failure as a man. Ringing any bells here ??

F-that b*tch find a new woman that is not going to treat you like trash and lol behind your back. Hell find a ugly woman or a fat chick at least you will not have to jerk off. Man up buddy find your balls and dump that trick.


 You don't get it because you're used to slutty women who want nothing more than a quick fvck. Notice how you're single? There's a reason for that The fact that you can't even comprehend how a relationship works without sex tells me that you have a lot of growing up to do still and no women would want to actually stay with such a childish person for an extended period now :roll: Have fun being a plaything and no we think you're trolling because you can't seem to understand that everyone on this thread is laughing their ass off at your posts. You're not more of a man than anyone here, I've met girls that are more "manly" than you. You're just a little kid who likes to wave his little thing around at random women at the club. have fun with that, and use some protection as things like The Clap and other STDs wouldn't be very fun to deal with. Don't worry one day it'll click

So let me get this right a woman that wants to have sex with her boyfriend or any other man is a slut WOW this is getting better (gets popcorn).

no it's not a matter of her boyfriend. Did I say you found a relationship? No. Any action you get if any at all is from randoms that you may or may not pay for. I highly doubt you could hold a relationship at all, if you did manage to get into one you'd be dumped quickly unless she was just in it for quick fvcks like you obviously are :roll: You're a toy and nothing more. If you're good with that more power to you :P I like to connect on a more emotional level but that just blows your mind and I find it hilarious :lol:
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#4 TrainerCeleste
Member since 2012 • 1633 Posts

[QUOTE="TrainerCeleste"][QUOTE="no-scope-AK47"]News flash men smash hoes and those that don't wish they could. Nothing wrong with a healthy sex drive. I am single and attractive women like me so you do the math. Obviously I do more that just sit on the net and play video games.


Honestly I know you're trolling now, you can't go this many pages of just you without trolling :P >Says were losers because we can't get women >Some of us are in healthy relationships not all about sex >You're single >You're "friends" take pictures of you in the bathroom, shirtless I don't know if that sounds like a normal bro thing but wellll yeah. and no you can have the sex drive, but the way you go about it is so obnoxious it seems you're trolling, if you like it good for you use protection. As for me I'd rather not I'm happy without the screwing nothing wrong with that either. I'm into my relationship for more than the sex which may seem shocking to you :o But honestly look back at the posts you're just getting laughed at. even a stupid troll would have retreated by now :P and posting pics of yourself isn't the cool thing to do with a board full of strangers :lol:

Your in a friendship maybe does she even know you like her??

Is she plastic ??

I don't get how you could have a girlfriend for 3 years and not have sex with her. Something about this story does not add up no man is that lame. However with the comments I see here most of they guys are homo's,little kids or just clueless about women in general. You think I am trolling because I bang hoes wow smdh. You guys said I was a little kid,had a little dick,was a virgin ect but surprise I am not that whimpy little nerd you thought I was. Now you can make all the little jokes you can but at the end of the day I am still more of a man than you could ever dream about being.

No way would some woman dick tease me for even 3 months. She either puts out or gets out point blank. Now I could be wrong here but your ugly aint you and you put up with this bs because your scared that if she dumps you that you will be a complete failure as a man. Ringing any bells here ??

F-that b*tch find a new woman that is not going to treat you like trash and lol behind your back. Hell find a ugly woman or a fat chick at least you will not have to jerk off. Man up buddy find your balls and dump that trick.

 You don't get it because you're used to slutty women who want nothing more than a quick fvck. Notice how you're single? There's a reason for that The fact that you can't even comprehend how a relationship works without sex tells me that you have a lot of growing up to do still and no women would want to actually stay with such a childish person for an extended period now :roll: Have fun being a plaything and no we think you're trolling because you can't seem to understand that everyone on this thread is laughing their ass off at your posts. You're not more of a man than anyone here, I've met girls that are more "manly" than you. You're just a little kid who likes to wave his little thing around at random women at the club. have fun with that, and use some protection as things like The Clap and other STDs wouldn't be very fun to deal with. Don't worry one day it'll click
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#5 TrainerCeleste
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I've watched Avatar, Gravity Falls, etc. All of which are good cartoons. But MLP: FiM just has that awesome fanbase that keeps me coming back every time.


The fanbase really is the main reason why many people do still enjoy the show to this same degree.

The fanbase is also the reason why there is so much friction.

things like this but is four chan
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#6 TrainerCeleste
Member since 2012 • 1633 Posts
[QUOTE="TonyDanzaFan"][QUOTE="TrainerCeleste"][QUOTE="TonyDanzaFan"] If you truly believe this, and it is not a sincere troll attempt, then I feel bad for you because the "I respect women" BS is what guys who can't get a woman say. That is the biggest piece of crap ever. "I'd treat her like a princess! I'd treat her like my queen!" You know why chicks avoid you? It's because you say things like that. When you are desperate, garbage like this spews out, and women know it's garbage, and women can smell the desperation on you. Just stop...STOP!!!! Talk like a normal person, and don't act creepy in front of girls you are interested in. Just take a chill pill (oxys, vikes, xanies whatevsss) and relax. It will happen in time when you learn to act normal around women. It seems impossible to see your wiener anywhere besides your jeans or a padded toilet paper roll, but it will happen. Bee happy, bee healthy. :)

Is AK your alt? You two seem similar but you seem less trollish :P

I didn't even have to use my was a good day :cool:

I'm going to go with yes :3
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#7 TrainerCeleste
Member since 2012 • 1633 Posts

I'm not in a hurry. Everyone thinks that I'm less of a man because I haven't done it yet. Maybe because I respect women, and I don't want to violate them.. Does it really feel that good?

If you truly believe this, and it is not a sincere troll attempt, then I feel bad for you because the "I respect women" BS is what guys who can't get a woman say. That is the biggest piece of crap ever. "I'd treat her like a princess! I'd treat her like my queen!" You know why chicks avoid you? It's because you say things like that. When you are desperate, garbage like this spews out, and women know it's garbage, and women can smell the desperation on you. Just stop...STOP!!!! Talk like a normal person, and don't act creepy in front of girls you are interested in. Just take a chill pill (oxys, vikes, xanies whatevsss) and relax. It will happen in time when you learn to act normal around women. It seems impossible to see your wiener anywhere besides your jeans or a padded toilet paper roll, but it will happen. Bee happy, bee healthy. :)

Is AK your alt? You two seem similar but you seem less trollish :P
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#8 TrainerCeleste
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[QUOTE="no-scope-AK47"]News flash men smash hoes and those that don't wish they could. Nothing wrong with a healthy sex drive. I am single and attractive women like me so you do the math. Obviously I do more that just sit on the net and play video games.


Of course you know this because his poorly written post says so.

Hey, noscope, if you wrote your English teacher a love note, she'd send it back with corrections.

I know my english is not the best but I am hispanic and this is a not a essay for school just a video game site.

You're in too deep for help anymore Good luck pulling yourself out of this one~ Just get off a few hispanic sterotypes and you might surpass bucked or w/e his name is
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#9 TrainerCeleste
Member since 2012 • 1633 Posts

[QUOTE="meconate"][QUOTE="no-scope-AK47"]You guys are really making video gamers look bad it is guys like ya'll that make people get a f'up mental image of gamers.


>Says we're making video gamers look bad. >Posts images of himself posing in public bathrooms. >Makes sex sound like a game. >Is a womaniser.

News flash men smash hoes and those that don't wish they could. Nothing wrong with a healthy sex drive. I am single and attractive women like me so you do the math. Obviously I do more that just sit on the net and play video games.

Honestly I know you're trolling now, you can't go this many pages of just you without trolling :P >Says were losers because we can't get women >Some of us are in healthy relationships not all about sex >You're single >You're "friends" take pictures of you in the bathroom, shirtless I don't know if that sounds like a normal bro thing but wellll yeah. and no you can have the sex drive, but the way you go about it is so obnoxious it seems you're trolling, if you like it good for you use protection. As for me I'd rather not I'm happy without the screwing nothing wrong with that either. I'm into my relationship for more than the sex which may seem shocking to you :o But honestly look back at the posts you're just getting laughed at. even a stupid troll would have retreated by now :P and posting pics of yourself isn't the cool thing to do with a board full of strangers :lol:
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#10 TrainerCeleste
Member since 2012 • 1633 Posts

Yes and I don't understand why. The show isn't that good. Adventure Time, Misadventures of Flapjack, Gravity Falls, and Regular show are all good kids shows that don't have a huge fanbase of older people.

I agree, Adventure Time is much better than MLP.

It is o3o Along with that new gumball show