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#1 Tjumph
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts


I was beating bothe quests of Zelda with no deaths when I was 11. I can't do that now. I beat all of the Mega Man games when I was growing up but going back and playing Mega Man Zero on the DS gave me some trouble. Most poeple I know that have been gaming for 20+ years are in the same boat. Modern games with all of the cushiness they offer have softened me. I'd like to add that half of the games I own for the PS3 are PC ports. Heavenly Sword was much more challenging than OF Dragon Rising. But again, I understand this sequel is watered down from the original, so grain of salt there.


Because the real competition which is much more than those old games is in the multiplayer now. oh and, you only cant do it now because your out of practice. when you were a kid you no doubt played it non stop to get it down that perfect, as did all of us. Im still quite good at Castlevanias but thats about it. but they offer no challenge compared to Heroes of Newerth to me now... outdated, cheap... old.

I had no trouble beating 8 bits games when I was 11, but I find modern games, many of which are also PC games, easy today. I don't that furthers your position. And yes, those old 8 bits games required gobs of practice. I find modern game design to be far less demaning. FPS got big on the PC and most of its desing elements started there. FPS is dominating the industry right now. So when you tell me that FPS games on the PC, even excluding PvPare more challenging, I just don't see it. You are still given plenty of help to keep you alive, or keep you in the game without losing much in the process.

Also, if the real challenge is in multiplayer than it shouldn't amtter if you're playing PC or console, since the skil lof your opponent(s) dicate(s) difficulty. So that brings us back to single player games.

Yes, the old skool games were as we call it hardcore, this type of gaming has shifted from single player to multiplayer quite some time ago. The sad thing is that the hardcore type of gameplay is dissapearing from multiplayer aswell due to extremely easy game mechanics. In MMO's we see a massive reduction of stats and skills In Fps we see the removal of recoil, spread and the effects on spread while walking in Strategics we see economics becoming extremely forgiving. It's kind of sad but hey, it sells
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#2 Tjumph
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
[QUOTE="Tjumph"]Yes, it is vital that this gets updated because the different genres we have are not outdated at all.dakan45
Go check some witcher 2 gameplay, its action rpg allright.

I know, i played the witcher 1 and i am following the witcher 2. My point was that we should start realizing that games have become so complex it's so hard to give it a decent genre, we shouldnt value the 'genre' label as much as is done now. It was kind off a offtopic and sarcastic post, sorry for that....
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#3 Tjumph
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i see way way way more thread hating on DLC for console than i do threads hating on Blizz expansions. but in anycase if the content that on offer appeals to you and you see value into where is the problem.


The problem is with the way the new generation just sits back and gets stomped by coorporations and just takes it like little girls. Back in the day when milli vanilli got caught lip syncing it was huge news, they had to have a big press conference to apologize and there musical carrear was over, nowadays every pop artist lip syncs and people just shrug there shoulders "oh well". Justin Beiber lip synced a performance on stage, and that same night was given the award for best new artist and it made me sick to see people just dont care that he faked the performance. The same idea applies here, back in the day if a company tried to charge for content that was already in the game it would have created a huge outrage, nowadays people seem to have your attitude about it. I have seen many a negative comment about SC2's addons, and I bet some of those people bought the "extra" characters that were already in the marvel vs capcom disk, ohwell.

im just being realistic. we all know that games cost way way more to develope these days than it did 'back in the day' but we gamer refuse to pay any more for them so we expect dev to produce better looking games but were are not prepared to pay for that extra development cost. DLC gives devs a means of creating other revenue streams to help re-coup cost and (and i know gamers hate this) make a profit on the game they have spend years developing. sure there are some cases of shameless cash in such as the horse armour, SF4 costumes and LPB costumes. but there has always been example of poor expansion packs in the past also.

It's always the same 'games are much more expensive to make' argument, it is so flawed that i can't even begin to comprehend why one would believe it. There are many more units sold these days and gaming became more profitable then the music-industry and movie-industry so where is this profit coming from? Game producers do NOT need DLC's or expansions to make a profit, it is simply a customer unfriendly way of making ALOT of money. Apart from this, most games run on the same engines and sound systems these days, furtheremore look at the recycling some game producers are using, it is outragous to protect the game industry like this.
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#4 Tjumph
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Counterstrike is a PvP game. What makes it automatically harder than playing a PvP FPS on a console? If anything, a console game should be harder because of the awkward controller, as all PC gamers attest that m/kb is much more precise.

This kind of comment makes me think PC gamers believe their games are harder simply because they are on PC. People are dismissing the difficulty of games like Gradius and Mega Man 2, and trying to convinve me that FPS games on the PC are more difficult. I have a hard time believing anyone who hasa lot of experience playing games from the 8 bit era would make a claim like this.

Take Deadly Towers. This game was a nightmare, from many perspectives, game desing being one of them. However, I beat it when I was 11. I didn't complain that the designers were lazy and stop playing for that reason alone. Despite its flaws, it is still one of the hardest, most unforgiving games ever made. I wish people would stop getting caught up in snobbery and just make fair comparisons.


Have you ever played CS? Your claim that every PvP game is equally hard just because it is PvP doesn't make sence. For example a avarage COD player VS someone who hasn't played COD ever, I'm pretty sure that the newbie is getting in some kills. 1/10 k/d seems a believable score since i had this situation with me against some friends a few times. Now take a avarage CS vs someone who never hasn't played CS ever, the newbie is going to get a score that is FAR worse. Furthermore to comment on that 8-bit area, those games were much more reliant on luck and knowing certain tricks to avoid sh*t hen on skill. 11 year olds finishing extremely difficult 8-bit games exist but i never heard of 11 year olds getting awsome scores in PvP games, doesn't something seem off here?

I'm not talking noob vs veteran, I;m talking how hard is it to finish a game.

Actually, your gaming skills get worse as you get older. Hotz was much younger than a lot of hackers out there and look what he did. There are elementary school kids that can o advanced calculus. Age doesn't have much to do with skill, unless you're talking toddlers.

Hotz is just an exeption to the mass, furthermore hacking is much, much different from gaming. I'm assuming here that our perception of your varies differently. I was talking about young gamers, which would be 12-16. Furthermore I gave the noob vs veteran argument because in multiplayer there is no finishing of the game, i know it's hip to claim that 8-bit games are so much harder then all other games out there but no-one should claim that they are more difficult than any PvP game. Because in theory PvP games are infinitly difficult. From a single player perspective, yes games of these days are piss easy.
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#5 Tjumph
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Um, a kill? Please dude I didn't just get yanked out of a uterus. I can actually play games. No need to be harsh.


Have you ever played counter strike? I mean it's really hard to get a kill for first timers. Sure you might get a kill, but no more than 2 or 3 for the first time. Seriously, you won't get a kill until a couple of rounds or even 2 matches.

Counterstrike is a PvP game. What makes it automatically harder than playing a PvP FPS on a console? If anything, a console game should be harder because of the awkward controller, as all PC gamers attest that m/kb is much more precise.

This kind of comment makes me think PC gamers believe their games are harder simply because they are on PC. People are dismissing the difficulty of games like Gradius and Mega Man 2, and trying to convinve me that FPS games on the PC are more difficult. I have a hard time believing anyone who hasa lot of experience playing games from the 8 bit era would make a claim like this.

Take Deadly Towers. This game was a nightmare, from many perspectives, game desing being one of them. However, I beat it when I was 11. I didn't complain that the designers were lazy and stop playing for that reason alone. Despite its flaws, it is still one of the hardest, most unforgiving games ever made. I wish people would stop getting caught up in snobbery and just make fair comparisons.

Have you ever played CS? Your claim that every PvP game is equally hard just because it is PvP doesn't make sence. For example a avarage COD player VS someone who hasn't played COD ever, I'm pretty sure that the newbie is getting in some kills. 1/10 k/d seems a believable score since i had this situation with me against some friends a few times. Now take a avarage CS vs someone who never hasn't played CS ever, the newbie is going to get a score that is FAR worse. Furthermore to comment on that 8-bit area, those games were much more reliant on luck and knowing certain tricks to avoid sh*t hen on skill. 11 year olds finishing extremely difficult 8-bit games exist but i never heard of 11 year olds getting awsome scores in PvP games, doesn't something seem off here? Anyway on the long run the PvP vs PvM question is a endless debate, the same goes for the Console vs PC. There is only one thing that we can say about this: In the past there wasn't any mulltiplayer and singleplayer was extremely difficult In the here and now there is mulityplayer and singleplayer is extremely easy
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#6 Tjumph
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
Personally i vote for Crysis 2, it may sound stupid but when i play Halo it feels like im shooting with toys and the game looks so 'round and childish'
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#7 Tjumph
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
Yes, it is vital that this gets updated because the different genres we have are not outdated at all.
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#8 Tjumph
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
Doom 2 online, which is pretty much the best multiplayer experience i had ever. Damn that rabbit sprite was NASTY...
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#9 Tjumph
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FMA original, FMA brotherhood and Code Geass are from my point of view the best animes out there, but there aren't 100 episodes plus and are not ongoing. Still worth a try though, especially if you bothered the horrible excuse for a anime Bleach after the grimmjaw episodes.
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#10 Tjumph
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
Honestly i don't care much about the 'plot' as 99% of all games thend to have a cheesy overused one already. I value a great story progression much more, a good game uses the gameplay itself to tell a story with lush environments, good dialogue and well made events. Sadly the quality of story progression in games has declined alot thanks to in-game cutscenes. Most new games feel like killing an seemingly endless wave of enemies because someone in a cutscene told me it was important in order for the storyline to progress. The same goes for character development, it's just sad how bland and stereotype most characters are nowadays. Furthermore most characters are emotionally so unrealistic, telling their horrendous life story within 2 minutes of meeting them. So in the end, story and all things that relate to that are extremely important to me, sadly story seems to be the neglected child in the gaming world. As you pointed out: Crisis story was dissapointing but the plot was actually pretty good for a FPS game, they could have done SO MUCH more with it.
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