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#1 The-Magus-D
Member since 2009 • 376 Posts


Is there anyone else that would like to play yall can take turns >=D. Will this be an official match or just playing around?


You can consider it however your wittle heart desires. Though I'm not representing GUFU as a whole, so If I get my butt kicked (which I wouldn't doubt), you have to put STEVO 0 - HYPE 1. :P

We can have fun then it wont be a HYPE and GUFU match. Is there anyone else who like to play competitively on MW2 on 360? I think this proves that we can only play games that are agreed to and that everyone wants to actually play... Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2 were agreed to by everyone and both suggested by GUFU. one guy said he would guarantee GUFU victory if yall played Uncharted 2. I think his name was yoshi something. I would still liek to play with him :).

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#2 The-Magus-D
Member since 2009 • 376 Posts


Who in GUFU would like to 1V1 me in MW2 on XBOX 360 we can play right now :).


I'll play. :D

Is there anyone else that would like to play yall can take turns >=D. Will this be an official match or just playing around?

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#3 The-Magus-D
Member since 2009 • 376 Posts

Who in GUFU would like to 1V1 me in MW2 on XBOX 360 we can play right now :).

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#4 The-Magus-D
Member since 2009 • 376 Posts

There are good Wii games coming out later. I don't really care about playing most of them :(. On PS3 I want to play Littlebigplanet 2 more than anything on the wii. More than that i want to play black ops. Im not getting that game on the wii i'm getting it on 360.

I can't live without my 360 or PS3 but i can live without my Wii.

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#6 The-Magus-D
Member since 2009 • 376 Posts
On XBL.... sniper, OG, legit, ninja, and clutch lol.
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#7 The-Magus-D
Member since 2009 • 376 Posts
I think Halo Reach will get a 9.5 score. I've been playing forge with my friends alot recently, cant wait for forge 2.0 :).
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#8 The-Magus-D
Member since 2009 • 376 Posts

Doesn't Warhawk also have split-screen multiplayer..? .. I'll go check.:P I mean I have the game.:P

You don't have to check...I can tell you it does have 4 player splitscreen multiplayer. Even online :).
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#9 The-Magus-D
Member since 2009 • 376 Posts


The game is hated on because people seriously arn't that great at it. People claim you can only be good if you camp, yet a more "strategic" and highly acclaimed game like Bad Company 2 has more campers than a weekend at boyscout camp.

People say imbalance in weapons, which is present in almost every online shooter, and people will rage-type auto-aim, when it's available to EVERYONE, and in no way gives any one player a better edge than another. The real reason people hate MW2: People arn't that good at it, or need to learn to play the game differently. Don't say camping in a game is boring, and camp the whole match. Don't say run n' gun is boring, and run n' gun the whole way.With so many perks/weapons/attachments, choose the way YOU like to play, and make it work.


You know, the whole "people hate it because they aren't that good at it" argument is about as obnoxious as one can possibly get.

There are people who hate on MW2 because they aren't good at it..but it may not be fair to say that's the only reason. There are people who aren't so good and still love to play too.

What happens when players who had 2.0+ K/D ratios state that they hate it? Guess what buddy, I'm one of 'em. Or I was, as I haven't touched it in months. There is a blatant over-emphasis on killstreaks, and some of them are so woefully overpowered that it makes me weep. The chopper gunner in particular is guilty of this. You say I need to use the Stinger missile addon.

I have a 2.0+ k/d ratio and I play the game every day almost :). There is a huge emphasis on killstreak but they aren't "over-powered" (there is a new "bare bones" game play list that takes them out. Black Ops will have it too, but I think Treyarch took out perks as well)... I was playing a free-for-all match this morning and a guy took out my chopper gunner with one Stinger shot...he wasn't even using Cold Blooded. I do the same all the time. For AC-130s it takes player has to distract the flares, then another shoots right after to destroy the plane :).

Well, when one requires a WHOLE INVENTORY slot to counter a single perk, you know something is wrong.

You get 5 custom cIass slots from the start (you get more when you prestige, I have 9 slots right now). Is it hard to dedicate one slot with the Stinger as a secondary weapon? You can still have a M16 for your primary weapon on that slot! Besides...mixing and matching different perks and equipment can be tactical in a way. Do you ever change your specs during a game in Bad Company 2? I do! You have to adjust sometimes :).

Camping in BC2 doesn't land you game-killing tacticul nukes, so it's nowhere near as much of an issue in BC2, despite it's significant presence. Don't even get me started on the lameness that is Commando and Cold Blooded. Some people hate MW2 because they genuinely think it sucks, not because they're bad at it. Speak for yourself, and not for others.

If someone is camping in MW2, you can see where they are with the killcam. And team mates can tell each other too and try to take him out. I'm gonna tell you the truth :)... no one has ever gotten a legitimate nuke while i was on the other team. I find them and take them out or their killstreaks out. I'm just one person, imagine if the whole team is aware of it, along with the objectives in the game mode!

Why is Cold Blooded lame? Its a perfect counter to the "overpowred" killstreaks (and thermal scope). It hides you from them if they're computer controlled and gives you an advantage against a chopper gunner... I already talked about how Commando is lame.

My words are in bold...and If you can.. please read my other posts in the thread :). I like having conversations about this game with people :P.

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#10 The-Magus-D
Member since 2009 • 376 Posts

What's wrong with MW2? I might say it's formulaic. Workman-like. I don't want every sequel to break borders, but with this many installments, it's a wonder how they're still operating out of square one. I played an intense point-capture game in BC2 and played a few matches of MW2 right after (Steam free weekend). Shooting guys is fun for a time, but after I came to the conclusion: I'm just shooting guys. Literally, pointing and clicking.

There's no semblance of a battlefield, very little team work, the maps are pretty much arenas. You have people spawning behind you so you never have any sense of where "the line" is, everything is so static and lifeless about the environments. In BC2, your squad is constantly trying to gain the best strategic position over the other team and you accomplish this by use of destructible environments, vehicle-play, and even flanking routes. In BC2, I'm thinking, how can I put the other team in a bad spot? Get rid of that house, keep an eye on that road, make it so they can't sneak up on us? In MW2, everyone is thinking, where can I hide and catch my enemy unawares? And the games are settled by who really has the most firepower. Whoever has a steadier hand, whoever sees the other guy first. CoD has been operating under the epic warfare guise for years, but really, multiplayer devolves into ten guys scattered all over the map in one-on-one shootouts.

You might be saying, you're wrong, CoD didn't invent arena-shooters. And CS has been doing that long before CoD. But just remember, they aren't putting a CS out every year.

A CoD-less world would be a lesser world in my eyes, but MW2 just showed that the devs could rearrange some features, half-ass a campaign mode, and charge you ten bucks more than the previous year's CoD. This is why people are hating, I'd think.


You know.. every shooting game map can be looked at as a arena since its an closed off area that you do battle in LOL. I think I would describe the maps in Halo like arenas. Not MW2 really... they're more dense and set up like real life areas. They have tons of nooks and crannies, passageways, have multiple levels, and objects on the field. And the levels arent lifeless...there's smoke blowing around, paper floating, you can shoot through a lot of walls, cars that can be destoryed and kill people, small objects that are effected by explossions too. Sound is important like footsteps and makes it more realistic. Overall its not the most realistic game of course :).

I agree that it takes strategy to play as a squad in BC2 tho :)! In MW2, I use my awareness to my advantage and try to flank enemies (like in other games too). Its not about who has the most firepower...I can kill a guy who's using a M16 with my pistol easily. MW2 does reward reflexes, map traversing, and area scanning. And I can kill a person who shoots me first. You're not doomed as soon as someone starts shooting at you :). You can use the map to your advantage, and prone even, turning around is pretty fast too. Depending on the perks you have on will help or hurt you in situations like that too.