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#1 Sunsence
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts

Hey Guys/Girls,

I've been trying to remember the name of a certain game that was released quite some years ago. I don't know the platform it was on or the type of game it was genre-wise.

The stuff i do remember is that you start out as this tiny thing, and start rolling and as you roll objects start sticking to you. The more objects you gather the bigger the you(r ball) become(s). I think it was a japanese release or something or it only made it's way to EU/America by small amounts. I used to have it at one point but i lost it during moving.

Can anyone give me the name of the game? Or point me in the right direction, please.


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#2 Sunsence
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts

Hey Guys/Girls,

I've been trying to remember the name of a certain game that was released quite some years ago. I don't know the platform it was on or the type of game it was genre-wise.

The stuff i do remember is that you start out as this tiny thing, and start rolling and as you roll objects start sticking to you. The more objects you gather the bigger the you(r ball) become(s). I think it was a japanese release or something or it only made it's way to EU/America by small amounts. I used to have it at one point but i lost it during moving.

Can anyone give me the name of the game? Or point me in the right direction, please.



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#3 Sunsence
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts

omg, did I go crazy in my previous comment? :Snewown

Just a little :P

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#4 Sunsence
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Thought i heard people say they're making a ps3 version as we speak.

Love to see a FF8 too.

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#5 Sunsence
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts

I was on holiday last week in scotland with my girlfriend's parents. We we're sleeping in a room next her brother's and i looked around abit and found Parasite Eve 2 laying around his room. All of a sudden i had that urge to play it again, but also started thinking about some other games that would be totallly awesome in this generation of game consoles.

Just to name a good few:

1. Dungeon Keeper

2. Carmagedon

3. Medievil

4. Parasite Eve

5. Vagrant Story

6. Chrono Cross

7. Rollcage

8. Dino Crisis

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#6 Sunsence
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts



Girlfriends. Porn is much more affordable. If not free.


Too bad it doesn't do anything after giving you "pleasure"..i for one..find porn despicable...

The porn does not do the pleasure. I do. Porn is more of a motivation tool.

And I hope you realised that I was making a joke :P

Yet you're still going strong explaining what you meant... Which makes you a little creepy tbh...

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#7 Sunsence
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts

Wow...that's laughable...

Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) has revealed portions of a survey which finds that many parents approve of their kids video gaming habits, saying they improved their hand/eye coordination, problem solving and typing skills.

The participants, 414 parents of children between the ages of 2-17, were interviewed through the Yahoo! Shine website during the month of June 2008. Games were found to help kids think strategically, with 70 per cent of the parents saying they had seen their children's problem solving skills improve since they started playing video games.

Three quarters of participants said video games greatly improve their children's hand/eye coordination, while over 80 per cent saw improvement in their kids typing skills from playing PC and online games.

The survey also found that most participating parents (87 per cent) took time to play games with their kids, demonstrating attention towards their children's activities. More than 80 per cent of respondents also said their kids played video games in a common area of the house where they could easily be supervised.

Researchers at the University of Rochester found that young adults who regularly played videogames full of high-speed car chases and blazing gun battles showed better visual skills than those who did not. For example, they kept better track of objects appearing simultaneously and processed fast-changing visual information more efficiently.

Porn is worse then video's not an degrades the act of sex..which is supposed to be intimate and it's churning out a generation of ****** up perverted 12 year olds...of course this is all my belief..*hides behind flame shield*


*Salute* Soldier,, no need to hide behind that flame shield. :P

You couldn't be more right.

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#8 Sunsence
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[QUOTE="trialedbyfire"]tell me. what harmful effect can porn have on someone? so a 12 year old sees someone have sex. some **** and pubic area's. worst thatll happen is that they will learn something. what is the worst thing a 12 year old can learn from playing a violent video game?.. just how to kill someone in multiple ways. how to have sex vs how to kill someone. i think she has a point .trialedbyfire

i will answer this then try and call it a night.

i would feel troubled if i knew a twelve year old had been watching pornography. there is a time and place for that in life. they could learn something but in a way likely that could scar them mentally for the rest of their lives. this is true.

as for violence? i do not really know what to say except it would have the same impact.

12 year old is what. 6th grade? yeah. 18 in 12th grade.. minus 6. i and every guy i knew was looking at pron back in 6th grade. its completely normal and no one i know, including myself became scarred by seeing the female body naked, nor seeing it penetrated. people are too careful / keep the wool over their kids eyes these days. i say expose them to the world. the sooner they know the sooner you can stop fooling them, and having them fool themselves. otherwise they will grow up to believe whatever anyone tells them and be another gullible viewer of fox news or something of the sort.

I can honestly say i'm not without sympathy for you, but as far as pornography, it doesn't really learn you anything. It's more of a forced way of the "lovegame". I mean imagine your typical, to some what cliche porn scene. Girl can't pay pizza delivery guy, schoolgirl fails class does extra credit for better grade. The reality based porn is even worse van drives the street scoping women, spots target starts talking to her and persuade her to come with them. What's a kid gonna grow up like after watching several hours of this before reaching full maturity? That when you have a job that get's you in contact with people you might have a chance at sex, as a girl that you have to please your professor to easily get your grade up or that's it as simple as 1,2,3 to get a girl to come with you using the means provided in these type of scene's. Then the harsh reality starts to set in the kid might either get depressed or angry that his tactic don't work and he might snap in both ways.

Now i'm not saying that games don't have the same effect, but first of all in porn the video runs until the end, with out having to do anything for it. In games you first of all have to actually do it yourself, now alot of kids might already quit because they can't handle the controls. Another batch may end the game due to actually not liking the blood and gore.

It's a lot easier to protect your children from games to mature for their ages because kids simply don't have the money for it, or the parents come with them to the store. When they're at home most houses these days have internet access, at 12 to 16years you're probably mature enough to stay home alone, right? So what's stopping the kid from looking these things up. Oh ****, all the porn sites are blocked at this pc, next week he/she is at a friends house where it might not be blocked. It's not about emotional scarring of the kid, it's more about behavior, patience and respect when damaging a child when it is watching porn.

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#9 Sunsence
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts Ron "Pig" Jeremy Kasumi

Ok, let us think, which is worse for a fat pig telling us we can better look at his fat ass while he's abusing atleast 35 years younger girls legally, then to shoot down innocent polygonized people/animal/monster/aliens while there's an actual age limit to a game.

If this moron still thinks that Marilyn Manson was the main reason the guy from columbine, or counterstrike influenced the kid in finland to murder in cold blood, he's very shallow, but what can you expect from a pig that only knows how to eat, sleep and move his hips back and forth. On top of that it's already proven that watching porn makes you dumber, so it's actually just as good for you as drinking alcohol or smoking. As far as i know gaming, on what genre as it may be, can still stimulate the brain.

PS How do you make : Spoiler section :P

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#10 Sunsence
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts


It's reality...

and thats coming from someone with a simpson like avatar...if only science was this easy...


you judge a person's posts based on their avatar? how scientific :|

Reminds me of people insulting someone's gear on the WoW forums instead of challenging their point with their own thoughts.

Gear > skill in WoW, everyone knows that. After the release of TBC, epic hunting became easy. So yeah why wouldn't they judge you on gear if you do wanna put in the effort to tag along with them but didn't put in the time/effort.