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@ bennae66. Let me guess... Uh... uh... uh... is it you PS3. LOL.

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LOL @ bassman1986. So YOU say. :D

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Edited By Strigidae

See what I mean Hoski0999, another customer buying the Xbox instead of the PS3. Check out Crystall3d's post. I bet you the choice was made more for financial reasons than aesthetics. Man I swear Sony is just commiting suicide. It really is a shame. @Soldier 1990. Very true... however their prices don't drop. The PS2 only just slightly dropped prices, where I'm from, immediately when the PS3 got in. Right now the PS2 is worth nothing, but why don't they take a hint from Microsoft. The Xbox360 was EXPENSIVE as hell when it debuted. The prices dropped emmenseley after PS3's arrival and they made affordable versions of the Xbox360. Sony however has remained with their price for the 2nd year now and won't be dropping anytime sooner.

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Edited By Strigidae

LOL. I hear you Hoski0999. But let me just do my own comparison... now down here in S.A. I bought my Xbox360 elite for R3199 and the only affordable PS3 starts at R4999. Maybe you are financially stable man... but for something that can deliver as much as the other to be worth that much... I think you would have switched sides too. Regarding the Blu-Ray factor, Blu-Ray winning over HD, it's a good factor to bring up... I do feel however that I'll atleast enjoy the remaining +-3 years of gaming rather than saving for +-3 years, only for Sony to release PS4 when I manage to get my first PS3. It's more a question of affordability than fanboyship, if there such a word. The only reason's I've heard, why this Blu-Ray technology and the PS3, is soooo expensive is that "You can store more data on it than you can on an ordinary DVD." I personally don't think that that should allow them to make prices soooooooo steep. It's not like rich executives with penthouses love gaming. Maybe they do, but they're probably doing so very rarely since they're out there making money. The people who game most, atleast what I think, are middle-class. Those prices are way too high for us.

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And oh yeah... exclusives are just a grave to everybody... PS3 Fanboys, Xbox360 Fanboys and Wii Fanboys alike. They're absolutely and utterly obliterating the gaming scene. If anyone, working for, Microsoft/Nintendo/Sony can see this... STOP RELEASING EXCLUSIVE TITLES... THEY'RE KILLING US AND YOUR COMPANIES FINANCIALLY. Sony can have the rights for MGS4 for example... releasing it for all consoles but keeping the profits for themselves. Maybe it's more complicated than I imagine it, but still... exclusive titles are just too horrible... the worst thing to happen since WWI, WWII, Aids and the current economic recession, all put together

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Edited By Strigidae

1) If you don't like this discussion/forum or the posts within, then don't post any of your comments and go somewhere else you belive is worth your time. 2) The only reason PS3 fanboys always blame the game/programmers for the poor perfomance their console of choice is delivering is because they do not want to admit that the PS3 is over priced and is just worth less than sewerage water. 3) Finally... I'm actually not against the PS3, originally I'm a Playstation fanboy at heart. I believe that both consoles perform more or less the same... I really, really, really don't understand however why the PS3 is just soooooo expensive since the Xbox's graphics look a bit crispier in most games.

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Most people say that the reason the PS3 isn't performing so great is because the games don't push it far enough. I don't buy it, that is just some lame excuse... I believe people should get what they pay for, and right now the PS3 ain't putting out. If games ain't pushing it to the limits then shouldn't that technology be reserved for the PS4, so that it can match that specific time's graphics and consumers can get their money's worth. Why is the damn thing so expensive anyway... maybe I'm just beefing because I can't afford it (LOL)... but I mean come on really.

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Edited By Strigidae

ROTFWL. Eat crap PS3 fanboys... funny thing is that you must feel pretty ripped off since the PS3 costs an arm and a leg, not forgeting the heart and a few vital organs. You gonna loose support from people like us Sony (and believe me when I say that there is a loadful more poor people than rich people) if you keep charging people sooooooo much just to enjoy life. I mean, I love games (and I used to love Playstation), but making a console that expensive, I'd rather go back to playing marbles or something. Man that is soooooo funny, I thought maybe with time the PS3 might gain up on the Xbox but no. Just goes to show you that money doesn't always give one the best quality. Just hope Konami/Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted and other PS3 exclusive titles start noticing where the money is (ironically, it's with us... the cheap/poor people) and move on over to the Xbox too. This is a business after all... they should leave loyalty to religion or tradition or something, I mean... they'd make a lot of money if they sent those titles over to the Xbox... that's the main reason I'd buy the PS3, however even after 2 years in the market, it's still expensive as hell.

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Edited By Strigidae

Regarding Monochromatic-7's comment Posted Nov 3, 2008 8:32 am EET I don't think that's fair. Most games are basically the same for all platforms, excluding perks that are offered on specific platforms like hidden bonuses or points, trophies and stuff like that. I think gamespot is also based in USA where most games are probably available on Xbox360. Finally, although I switched over to the Xbox360, I am by nature a PS3 fanboy. I only switched because for some weird reason alot of games are not available on PS3 but readily available for the Xbox360.

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