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#1 SpeedsterCards
Member since 2009 • 598 Posts


So you're saying looks and style over substance then essentially? (Not that I'm accusing you of anything, just an observation I take from that post :) ).

no man, i am trying to saying what one thing(realism) adds to a game and makes pretty much every other area improve... which means a better game!!! think about it, would you prefer a game where the main character walks and runs and moves like a robot(but he isn't a robot) or the same game with the same character moving realistic and with body weight? I personally would choose the realistic version. get my point? and all this is just gameplay!!!!!!

There was a time, long, long ago, when humans got joy out of controlling pixelated block people on a television screen. Some of these heroes were complete badasses on the screen, and people got joy out of playing them because they were fun to play, not because they were block people.

come on man, i never said that the realism would take the fun away! we are in the year 2010 and systems can have fun games while being realistic ex. uncharted 2. why would you expect a game not to be fun just because it's 2010? back then games were fun because that's all they could be! they didn't have the amazing technology we had today!!!
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#2 SpeedsterCards
Member since 2009 • 598 Posts

So you're saying looks and style over substance then essentially? (Not that I'm accusing you of anything, just an observation I take from that post :) ).

no man, i am trying to saying what one thing(realism) adds to a game and makes pretty much every other area improve... which means a better game!!! think about it, would you prefer a game where the main character walks and runs and moves like a robot(but he isn't a robot) or the same game with the same character moving realistic and with body weight? I personally would choose the realistic version. get my point? and all this is just gameplay!!!!!!
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#3 SpeedsterCards
Member since 2009 • 598 Posts
well yea after beating paralynx or something like that i felt relieved! quite easy at that! but idk just imagine demon souls with uncharted 2's quality! imagine your knight or whatever u have in demon souls moving as realistic as drake! it would be GOTY easily!!! just shows you how much one thing adds to a game like uncharted 2. without it's realism, uncharted would just be another game! think about it guys and don't bash
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#4 SpeedsterCards
Member since 2009 • 598 Posts
well i'm not even close to beating demon souls, because of (well you do the math) but it's really good and a challenge, but uncharted 2 is just so much more realistic(in a movement sense and graphics wise) and it is truly beautiful and has really fun multiplayer! there are so many more reasons!!!! and at the guy who said batman GOTY, i also own it, and if you've played both, i cannot understand how you think batman would be better than uncharted 2!!! unless you're a hardcore batman fan lol
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#5 SpeedsterCards
Member since 2009 • 598 Posts
lol thanks, but dude if you've played uncharted 2, it is amazing! it's soooo fun and has insane graphics + such realistic movement and character weight!!!! trust me hardly any game does this animation so well, and it makes a huge difference in the game!!!
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#6 SpeedsterCards
Member since 2009 • 598 Posts
I've been reading system wars and finally made an account, and just love it! BTW i o wn all 3 systems, and also demon souls and uncharted 2 for ps3!!! and i'm sorry, but uncharted 2 without a doubt deserves GOTY!!!! It is so beautiful, amazingly entertaining and has so much to offer. i don't want to sound stupid, but it got cheated! and no, i'm not a fakeboy and actually do own all 3 and both of those games.