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#1 SmuffyGT
Member since 2005 • 81 Posts

It's sad, really. They're charging more, giving less, and trying to position themselves to control what we own, and how we use it. I love gaming, and I spend a lot on it. It's getting to the point though, where I can see it being more trouble than it's worth.

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#3 SmuffyGT
Member since 2005 • 81 Posts



In the midst of Sony laying off 20,000 people, outsourcing work to 3rd world nations, and selling and closing 9 of their factories, they still maganed to offer free online. I wouldn't have a problem with any of this if MS didn't include basic online gaming with the fee. This is what politicians do when trying to get bills passed by the senate. They lump in something like Health care with a gun issue and abortion in hopes of getting the bill passed. When it gets shot down we later get to hear campaign smears about the senators that voted against healthcare or whatever.

Bah anyway, MS put all this other stuff in to make it seem appealing but really most of us justwant to play our games that we own without being extorted anymore.


Hope everybody reads what this man just wrote, especially M$ because this is what 90% of xbox owners want to do is just play games online, we don't want that other crap or "features" are what they call them. I just wanna play my game online with my friends but I guess that is too much to ask for. M$ I am happy to say that I have sold my xbox and will be a proud owner of a ps3 later on this month. Good luck in your future money extortion of gamers.

lol you do realise all those actions taken by Sony are cost cutting? thats 20,000 less wages, 3rd world nations have cheaper labour and they would have received a large lump sum of revenue for selling the factories. i am missing the correlation here...

Yeah, I wasn't quite sure if I was being agreed with or disagreed with. One way or another, I think it's fair to say these companies are making out pretty well.

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#4 SmuffyGT
Member since 2005 • 81 Posts

@chasingmaynard-The ones I have are the MS Headsets. Sorry for the confusing terminology.

To answer my Q, in case anyone finds this thread via search: The only qualifying set I've found is the 200.00 Turtle Beach X41. It doesn't appear to need to be plugged into the controller, since the base is elsewhere. The only thing is I'm not sure if it will work with PC/stereo connections and I wouldn't want to spend 200 on a headset that will be useless when the 360 expires in a few years.

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#5 SmuffyGT
Member since 2005 • 81 Posts

Well MS finally replaced most of my licenses, but missed the 3 I purchased on the Japanese console before recovering my tag on the American console. So I'm still trying to get them to replace those. Thanks again for the posts guys!

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#6 SmuffyGT
Member since 2005 • 81 Posts

I am, I have a pretty new console, and ever since the update, it seems like my cache was "shrunk". Instead of holding the individual updates for 5+ games, it now seems to hold only 2. If I play anything other than those two last played titles, I have to update again. It's pretty frustrating.

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#7 SmuffyGT
Member since 2005 • 81 Posts

I've been looking for something to replace the two Microsoft wireless mics I'm currently using(too many disconnecting issues) but I haven't been able to find any others that are truly wireless. I've been referred to turtle Beach countless times, but all their units have wires that connect to the controller. To be honest, I don't understand how they can call them wireless when it's only the controller itself that is wireless, not the headphones. I know that a lot of music setups have a base, then the headphones themselves, and MS does have their crappy units, so it's possible. I'm just hoping somebody can reference me to a decent pair. Thanks for your time guys!

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#8 SmuffyGT
Member since 2005 • 81 Posts

I currently have 2 from NA and one from Japan. Moving the HDD's is essentially moving the GT. Tho it may allow you to re-download things onto that console more easily. Thank you for your input :)

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#9 SmuffyGT
Member since 2005 • 81 Posts

They won't ignore the problem... but recovering your gamertag back and forth can have negative effects, you should transport your profile on a memory card or USB (they support that now right?) and secondly, I'm sure content licenses are specific to a console and only linked to a gamertag. They also can only be moved from one console to another once a year... I'm not 100% though.


Well it's taking a while but I'm hoping for the best. At least I have a little proof that I had purchased the items. I will be transferring the GT via memory card next time, yeah. Content licenses are tied to consoles yeah, and I transferred everything in March of this year. So even if it did randomly shuffle things around, it shouldn't have. Also ,under my GT, it only lists one single console. Not 3 like it should.

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#10 SmuffyGT
Member since 2005 • 81 Posts

I'm looking for any insight, but specifically any similar experiences would be appreciated.

Now, on to the story.

Recently I moved to a city in Japan. Upon moving there, I purchased a 360 to play and communicate with friends back in the States. After recovering my gamertag and purchasing a few new items, I had to return home for various reasons(I am here until Monday). While home, I recovered my GT again. After this, I decided to re-download the 2 games I purchased in Japan to play during my trip. When attempting to do this I discovered that it wanted me to buy the games again. I thought maybe it had to do with the games being "Japanese versions" but just to be sure I went to check another older Arcade game and discovered it wanted me to buy that as well. So I checked the list of my licenses on only to discover that they had disappeared. ALL OF THEM. We're talking over 700 licenses between games, content, videos and music. That's a LOT to lose. I was wondering if maybe a military member or a work/school exchangee(sp?) had experienced this and could offer an opinion? I've contacted MS but I'm still worried they could just ignore the problem.

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