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#1 Sidrat2004
Member since 2004 • 1652 Posts
Looking at the news of US and Iran relations over Iran's reasons and rights in pursuing a nuclear programme. It might be a good idea to pack in as much gaming time in 2006 and 2007 as possible, because if Bush carries out his threat and precision bombs Iranian suspected hotspots in a bid to neutralise it's nuclear capacity. We may not be here in 2008 to enjoy our pleasures if Russia and China, being seriously miffed at the cavalier way in which their economic trading buddy has been violated, and retaliates!

Would make all this gaming chatter seem kind of irrelevant.BombsAway16

Well China and America is a big trading partner too, so maybe they won't retaliate straight away.  This is really off the subject of upcoming games for 2007 but I do see your point.

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#2 Sidrat2004
Member since 2004 • 1652 Posts

Wheezal's right.  I got my current computer in 2003 it's a P4 2.53.  In that time (three years ago) I've upgraded 1.5 times.

Alright the .5 is for me adding an extra 1GB of Ram to it, bringing it to 1.5GB.  I don't count adding memory as upgrading as such.  So I've replaced two items on the board (graphics and sound) and added a second hard drive.  If you do your homework and shop around YOU can upgrade a pc without it costing you the price of the current generation of consoles (I think I bought an xbox at the time as well, but that's long gone!).

Plus the PC is good for other stuff too of course as Wheezal pointed out.  Remember don't be afraid to open up the computer once in a while.  It does it good if you take a hand held vacuum around the insides too.

PS - Thanks for creating this thread, I didn't know about 98% of those games and I'm so going to be looking into Star Trek Online.  I'll sell my grandmother to play that for a year if a) it's any good and b) she was still alive.  Lol never mind.