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@DarthLod Please explain how lvl3 X-factor Wesker involves any amount of "rocket science".

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Edited By Rizion89

@dkidfrmdbx Haha, you've got the wrong company in mind dude. TEAM NINJA developed the Ninja Gaiden series and DoA. NINJA THEORY developed Heavenly Sword and Enslaved, both of which were excellent, yet underrated games. Despite how most people feel about Ninja Theory's aesthetic changes, I feel very confident in their ability to make a great game.

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Edited By Rizion89

Jason, for awhile now I was thinking I might be the only twenty something year old male in America that didn't play modern warfare shooters for this same reason. Now I know I'm not alone; thank you for that and thank you for considering our troops. I also grew up playing games like Medal of Honor, and when I played those games I imagined I was somehow reliving the brave fight people like my grandfather fought for. When the Modern Warfare games first came about, I didn't think much of them outside of how fun they were since I didn't have a connection to any soldiers fighting those wars at the time. Then a childhood friend of mine died fighting in Afghanistan. I hadn't spoken to him in years, but the thought of it still shook me. Now I do have friends in different branches of the military with varying views of these games. I know some guys that said they played it constantly even while deployed, and some that refuse to touch them for my same reasons. Personally, I fell out of love with the idea of games based on real life war. I find it dehumanizes our fellow members of mankind, thereby making things easier for young children to 'accept' the idea of killing each other. Though I won't make a protest against it nor will I look down on people playing these games, many do just simply view it as a game, I just can't bring myself to even watch them anymore. Killing aliens is one thing, killing a human being who's only guilty of following orders of a selfish government is another.

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Edited By Rizion89

It isn't a game, but I'm expecting some kind of announcement for the upcoming Thor movie. *SPOILERS* Since the end of Iron Man 2, I'd figure an official announcement is due soon. Why not at the biggest nerd event of the year? And Just to be a follower... Guild Wars 2 Elder Scrolls 5(?) Dragon Age 2(?) Marvel vs Capcom 3 Diablo 3 LA Noire Final Fantasy 15(?) Crysis 2 The Witcher 2 Civilization 5 Only one of these isn't a sequel of some sort...lol.