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#1 PhilipV94
Member since 2009 • 128 Posts

let me explain this to you uneducated 360 homers. The PS3 has caught up, and last year put it ahead of the 360... All you guys say, well 360 has more excluves, and I say I dont care because those games are years old, no fun, and the PS3 has blown the 360 to bits and pieces...its time for you 360 owners to pick up the pieces of your life wasted on the 360, buy a ps3, and fulfill your life with extraordinary power, power of which you have never encountered before because your puny little 360 couldnt handle the man power the goliath ps3 cankyouk

Not a fanboy of either side, but this made me LOL. Gaming, it's serious business guyz.

Also, it's kind of true that most 360 "exclusives" are on PC, and most that aren't have a pretty high chance of going on the PC. Halo 2 went PC a year after Halo 2 was released for 360, so that's just shows you need to wait it out xD.

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#2 PhilipV94
Member since 2009 • 128 Posts



5770 has low power consumption you wouldn't even need to buy a 500watt powersupply (unless you plan on getting ati 5800 series card like I did).

If you are getting a 5770 knock off 60$ or whatever off the price. plus if you shop right and get it at NewEgg you can get it for like 150$ total.

That right there is basically half the price of a PS3, and the hardware itself is potentially at the minimum 4x faster than ps3 hardware (rsx + cell) combined.


Yeah they're pretty cheap, I was thinking of getting this one;

because it has 1GB of memory and the PowerColor brand is kind of ehr with me right now. It says it's on sale so if the sale ends I'll be getting;


Yeah that's fine too, just remember you don't need a new PSU, it's a total waste of money because gthe 5770 has lower power consumption than even a stadnard 8800gt. I had it for like 3 months before I sold one to get a new 5850 and the 5770 ran perfectly fine on my psu which is rated at 350watts!!

Well then I guess I won't get a PSU, haha.

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#3 PhilipV94
Member since 2009 • 128 Posts


Alright so my computer is pretty decent, only thing it'd need is a new graphics card and a power supply, which would cost around $250 (ATi 5770 and some 500W power supply). Now, should I spend the $250 and upgrade my PC, or put that towards a PS3? My TV is kind of **** a 19" SDTV and my monitor is a 22" LCD (which would get upgraded to a 1920 x 1200 monitor in the future if I do upgrade it). The only other console I own is a PS2, and I have a PSP and DSLite. I like racing games, fighting games (I'd buy a fight stick), shooting game (must be mouse and keyboard), RPGs, sports games (I can use a controller on my PC), action games, mmorpgs.


5770 has low power consumption you wouldn't even need to buy a 500watt powersupply (unless you plan on getting ati 5800 series card like I did).

If you are getting a 5770 knock off 60$ or whatever off the price. plus if you shop right and get it at NewEgg you can get it for like 150$ total.

That right there is basically half the price of a PS3, and the hardware itself is potentially at the minimum 4x faster than ps3 hardware (rsx + cell) combined.

Yeah they're pretty cheap, I was thinking of getting this one;

because it has 1GB of memory and the PowerColor brand is kind of ehr with me right now. It says it's on sale so if the sale ends I'll be getting;


Get a 50$ Corsair 400w PSU, a 120$ HD 5770, and spend the rest on a blu-ray drive if you want oneGTR2addict

I wanted a 500 watt just incase I decided to go crossfire in the future or something, but If it's a decent amount cheaper, I'll get the 400W. Also I might get a blu ray drive in the future.

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#4 PhilipV94
Member since 2009 • 128 Posts

I see lots of people say "only GS scores matters here", but if you scroll down and look at the bottom of the page, there's links to and It's like GameSpot is advertising those sites. So if GS matters, then they're telling people those sites matters too especially when they advertise them here on GameSpot.


They're only their because both gamerankings and metacritic are owned by CBS, which also owns gamespot and gamefaqs. But I still believe both of them are better resources than gamespot (and I generally don't agree with some of gamespots scores).

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#5 PhilipV94
Member since 2009 • 128 Posts

in your scenario id probably go with the computer upgrade

i personally found it very annoying playing 360/ps3 games on my old 32" tube tv compared to ps2 and other previous gen platforms, and it can only be worse with a crappy 19 incher

and im sure there are plenty of ps2 games that u havent played yet to keep you busy for your console gaming needs

btw, what are your current pc specs?


I agree with you that my TV is way too small for the PS3, that's what was stopping me at first, haha.

Yeah I just got the PS2 and have only boughten about 7 games (really cheap too, used at gamestop as long as they have the manuals, all for about $40).

PC Specs:

Motherboard - MSI P45 Platinum

Processor - Intel E8200 (stock, might overclock in the future)

RAM - 4GB DDR2 667

GPU - 7600 GS

Monitor - Hyundai 22" 1680 x 1050

I was thinking of also getting a quad core, but from some charts I saw, my E8200 performs on par or better than the quad in terms of gaming.

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#6 PhilipV94
Member since 2009 • 128 Posts

dose you computer have a Blu Ray player? If not get the PS3! If yes, Upgrade!SPARTAN_D7

Well, I can always buy a blu ray disk drive for my PC (it's about, what, $80?). Also, I honestly don't have a TV that will take advantage of a blu ray player (besides my computers monitor), and by the time I do, a new console could be out, or something.

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#7 PhilipV94
Member since 2009 • 128 Posts

depends on what games you want in the futurelawlessx

I edited the original post.

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#8 PhilipV94
Member since 2009 • 128 Posts

Alright so my computer is pretty decent, only thing it'd need is a new graphics card and a power supply, which would cost around $250 (ATi 5770 and some 500W power supply). Now, should I spend the $250 and upgrade my PC, or put that towards a PS3? My TV is kind of **** a 19" SDTV and my monitor is a 22" LCD (which would get upgraded to a 1920 x 1200 monitor in the future if I do upgrade it). The only other console I own is a PS2, and I have a PSP and DSLite. I like racing games, fighting games (I'd buy a fight stick), shooting game (must be mouse and keyboard), RPGs, sports games (I can use a controller on my PC), action games, mmorpgs.

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#9 PhilipV94
Member since 2009 • 128 Posts

I wasn't going to preorder either games, but now I might, definitely SoulSilver.

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#10 PhilipV94
Member since 2009 • 128 Posts

IGN and Gametrailers. They are two of the biggest sources, are very reliable, and put their reviews up on time.Rocky32189

rofl @ ign being reliable

i read forums mostly for options, or metacritic.