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Edited By L33tn1nja

Graphic are just icing on the cake, graphic doesnt AND should make the game. I really dont care what game has the best graphic, what i do care about is if i should spend $60 dollars on a game that is fun. A game could be the most beautiful game you ever played, but if it sucks then it sucks, graphic wont help the gameplay not one bit. So does it really even matter what gaming system has the best grahpics?

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Edited By L33tn1nja

Okay if you want most of your games to look like the picture up there, you going to need alot of money. Now if you just want to play a regualr game of gta4 without all the good graphics and without sparkling water you'll use your normal pc. But come on now, why the hell do you have to pay over $1500 to get your games looking like that? Im better off using a normal pc or my ps3 or xbox 360 than that. But to tell you the truth some games do look better on the ps3 than the xbox 360, im not saying pc because it can own all of them if you have the time, patiance, and money.

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Edited By L33tn1nja

Okay Redemption80, how many of those Pc games are actually just as good as the consle games that come out? And you do know you can get arrested for emulators right uness you own the game. So unless you want to get arrested the pc wins in the gameplay area, but if you dont want to get arrested and play the regualr pc games then the consles are winning. Look im not saying the Pc is a bad gaming system, but just because it has more power than the consles and has better graphic doesnt make it the best. Just because one game has better graphics then the other doesnt make it better.

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Edited By L33tn1nja

That is true, you can upgrade your Pc, you cant upgrade a xbox 360 or ps3. like Wrecked said pc cant be beaten when it comes to graphics, but when it comes down to just plan gameplay, the consoles take the cake, but why do we care about graphics so much? ITS GAMEPLAY! and besides the only games that i actually want to have good graphics are the dead or alive series.

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Edited By L33tn1nja

I hate it when people say that the wii sucks or its a kiddie system, In all truth the wii is not only beating both systems in sales, It the most different system of them all. Now i have all three system and i enjoy all of them, each three have there own little perks and nicks, but to tell you the truth, the ps3 and the 360 are the nearly the same system. They both come out with the same games, games that was ps3 only are now out for the 360, and nearly have the same controler, I played soul caliber 4 on the 360 the same way i played it on the ps3. There basically no difference between the two except one big detail(blu-ray and HD) and more small details(Online, Different extras), but the wii is totally different from both systems. Yeah maybe the graphics dont compare to the 360 or ps3, but they are atleast GOOD. But thats not what the wii is aiming for, Its difference, They have there OWN games(hence ps3 and xbox with FINAL FANTASY 13?!?!?!), with different different gamplay and a super different controller. Now i cannot say that the wii's games has been good for the past couple of months, but the ones that have, were extremely enjoyable. Im not saying that the wii is the best system out there, but please dont say its a kiddie system if you dont even own one or dont know anything about it. You know its a problem where nearly every game that comes out for one system, comes out for another. The pc on the other hand....Thats for rich folks