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@billzihang: 6.2 came out in September, and there will be a pre-patch at least 1 month before Legion actually comes out, so it'll be about 10 months I suspect. At most a year.

It ain't perfect, but it's A LOT better than what happened with MoP.

Calling me a "fanboi" isn't going to sway me nor anybody else.

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@billzihang: What's ridiculous about mid 2016?

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No, the release date has not been leaked. That is not a release date.

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Edited By Kunasha

@DarkLight748 No, that's outright ridiculous. What you're talking about would be the equivalent of making a storefront that gives you the download link before you've paid for the game.

DRM is not something that happens in the store - DRM is a lasting effect after purchasing. It's pretty difficult to imagine DRM outside the area of electronics, because electronics really is the only platform on which you can pull this kind of nonsense. But I'll try.

Imagine you bought a book. Fair n' square, you paid for it with your own money down at the local bookstore. You bring it home, but it there's a lock around the cover, keeping it shut. The key to unlock is found in your pocket, but it's a special kind of key - you see this key is unique to you and the keyhole is uniquely formed to fit your key, because you bought it.

Now, every time you want to read in this book, you have to open it with the key, because the lock will automatically close after closing the book. They tell you this is to prevent you from taking a copy of the book, but you quickly realize this doesn't make sense because, if you really wanted to do that, you'd just scan all the pages into a PDF and print it out again repeatedly.

So what does it do? Well, it prevents you from reselling your book without selling your entire collection, because you'd have to give your key with it and they almost all have this lock. Furthmore, it uniquely identifies you with your books, so that somewhere somebody can keep track of exactly which books you buy and like. They can then sell this information so that you get "relevant" offers sent to your mailbox constantly.

In some cases the lock might break and get stuck, making the book unreadable. In other cases, the lock only works a certain number of times. In others, the lock has a GPS on it, and you will no longer be able to unlock it in certain places.

If, at any point, you get tired of this damnable lock and decide you want to break it open, you can probably do so - only to be sued for breaking the DMCA and having your entire fortune taken away.

Such is the justice of DRM. It's absolutely despicable, and companies using it should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

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They're obviously bad, but they're better than getting a half-finished pile of garbage.

In an ideal world games would be released on time and be finished on time, but I know that's not always feasible. In these cases, I prefer the delays.

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Edited By Kunasha

This is pretty good news. I was personally rather disappointed by Pokemon TCG Online for the PC (which looks crap, doesn't have a tutorial or a way to explain itself, and is very difficult to uninstall) but what I see on that screen looks a lot better. It looks very playable and actually resembles the game boards I remember from my youth.

Nintendo already announced that they might put a few games on non-nintendo platforms, and of course this game is already on the PC, so this isn't as big news as people make it out to be. I just hope it will be as intuitive and well produced as Pokemon Play It! which was a great attempt if it hadn't been deliberately crippled as merely a means to teach new players how to play the physical game, but had actually contained all the cards as well as online play.

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@matman01 @Kunasha

- KB/Mouse input is not needed for most games. The PC almost always lets you choose which one you want, and even when it doesn't, you can patch it in - because that's another advantage of PC.

- Incorrect. Gamespot made several articles on this. You can get a PC that's as powerful as a PS4 about $30 more (that's including WIndows. When SteamOS is mature, you can substract $100, i.e. $70 cheaper than the PS4) This, of course, completely ignores the fact that PC games are pretty much 40% off on the PC compared to console as a starting point in most countries.

- I don't care if it's negligible. There's absolutely no reason for its existence. It baffles me that anyone accepts these kinds of tariffs.

- Yes, but it's not irrelevant to the purchase of a gaming machine.

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@world4games @Kunasha The PC hardware itself is obviously not a Microsoft product, but most PC's come equipped with some form of Windows and Office, which will total $200. Around 90% of the PC gaming market uses Windows, so the platform on which most games run is a Microsoft product.

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More fun on XBox One, you say?

I can multitask! Just like on PC...

I can get back-ground voice-chat on Skype! Just like on PC...

I can use an XBox One controller! Just like on PC...

I can connect it to my nice big flat-screen TV. Just like on PC...

I can have a consistent gamer profile and earn achievements. Just like on PC...
I can issue voice commands to the OS and to games! Just lke on PC...

Hmm, this is fun! Let's try the other way around...
I can play my games at a desk with KB/Mouse. Hmm, nope.

I can play all my games at 1080p 60 FPS. Hmm, nope.

I am offered flexible pricing for hardware. Hmm, nope.

I can online and play any game I want to without paying a middle-man other than the ISP and the game dev/publisher. Hmm, nope.

I can run any program I want to! I can use it for productivity as well! Hmm, nope.

I think I can safely say that it's actually more fun on PC. Fortunately for Microsoft, both of those are Microsoft products.

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@dannyodwyer I own UT99 on 3 disks, UT2k3 on 4 disks (iirc?) and UT2k4 on 6 disks.

I played them all on Linux.

Fyeah :D